Monday, August 11, 2014

Reign Over Me (2007)

Reign Over MeMy wife wanted to see this movie so I went not expecting much. I was really suprised at how much I liked the film. For those of you who hate Sandler's comedy, he is going for a full dramatic role in this film and he is quite good. Yes there are some humurous moments and Sandler does have a funny line or two, but this is truly a drama. The story is about friendship. Even though it appears it is about how Sandler can't handle the grief over the lose of his family on 9/11, it is also just as much about Cheadle coming to grips with his own life which is not where he wants it to be. It is about them helping each other. Not a perfect story, but a tale well told and well acted all the way around.

This is probably one of the underrated movies of the year. Personally, I never liked the previews of this movie and I did not expect that Adam Sandler can deliver solid performance outside of comedy realm. Although his performance is in fact uneven at times, his co-star Don Cheadle is like a solid rock in his delivery of the decent New York dentist who in mid-life crisis seeking for his true purpose in life. There are funny and sad moments in this movie, all characters are carefully developed and one only wishes we could all have friends around us that are decent, loyal and caring, like the ones in this movie. That is what makes this feature almost fairy tale like -one does not expect people like that in NYC, so their humanity is very refreshing. Film is multilayered and it addresses the issues that we all face in our lives at one point: how do we deal with boredom, guilt, grief, marriage? What is the best escape when repressing sadness and anger atempt to reconnect with people who remind us of our youth and what we used to be, taking advanced photography lessons, or playing video games hours at the time? Marvelous casting, great music score picks, reality of NYC living with all its curiosity and drag at times. Oh and on totally unrelated note -it is almost strange how maturing Adam Sandler looks so much like young Bob Dylan! Their physical resemblance is eerie.

Buy Reign Over Me (2007) Now

While I am personally disappointed at the amount of people that require bombs and crotch jokes to keep them entertained. I have read every review to this point and I find that everyone that doesnt like the movie is upset that a story about real life drama is actually (wait for it) real. The subtle storyline of a broken man whose only hope and solice is a friend that he can't even remember shakes the very foundation of what is considered to be normal. We all wish for a great story were the guy gets the girl and everyone lives happily ever after. The truth behind this movie is that it is honest to life and shows just that. That not everyone is always happy and not every person goes through a horrible situation and comes out on the other side with a smile.

Adam Sandler does a terrific job of showing the subtle nature of just who a person can become. To go from being a well respected dentist to being a closet hermite crab. If you truely do not understand this, than please send 5 minutes and watch when Sandler finally explains his family. The emotion, the pain and the thoughts. While this scene is happening you think of how you would reply to such a travesty. How you would cope with life.

Excluding the main storyline, this movie is still a great story. A husband lost in life, scared to fully to commit to his wife of many years. Even more terrified of show his actual weakness to anyone let alone himself. So scared infact that he will not see a psychologist but, hides outside of one's office for a few minutes of conversation.

I recommend this movie to anyone and everyone. I am still not an Adam Sandler fan but, this movie shows me he can actually show emotion.

Read Best Reviews of Reign Over Me (2007) Here

I loved the fact that at the end of this movie there was no attempt to make everything end on a "happily ever after" note like most movies. I think the topic of this movie was a very heavy one and so for that this movie isnt for those who are looking for a "feel-good" movie...If you want that, look elsewhere...I love that at the end, it pretty much leaves things as some would call with no resolution...but thats life...real life cant be wrapped up in a pretty package with a nice bow and everythings peachy....Especially with a subject matter of loss of a loved one...It was a real movie with a real ending...I loved it...

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Many people I know who saw this movie think its very depressing. Yes it is. But its a great uplifting movie about communication and friendship. I cried a bunch and laughed a bunch too. For me I had to watch it at least twice. I watched the bonus features with the behind the story bit with the Director Mike Binder. Mr. Binder explains some things which helped me understand more about the story and that prompted me to watch a second time. I appreciated it more. Yep, I still cried again. And I found more parts to love too.

I guess some people expect ah, Adam Sandler then there must be laughs. There were some great Sandler moments in here. He really surprised me with his range of sanity and emotions. This is one thats going into my collection.

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