Five Stars *****See the movie BELOW, about the WW2 submarine? A sleeper right? Seeing this with low expectations reminded me of seeing that with low expectations. Especially when the ending credits came up and I realized that they made it all the way to the end without losing it.
When I first saw the trailers for Pandorum I said (as it seems a few others did), well, I gotta see it but it's probably another Event Horizon or an Aliens(1 or 2) ripoff attempt or a space zombie "bug hunt". (And I joked with my wife that Quaid must need some quick cash to re-do his basement or something, and he'd probably be killed off in the third scene when it's too late to get your ticket money back.)
Not that there's anything wrong with any of those things, Event Horizon was good for the first half till it overexplained the obvious, Aliens 1/2 were classics that deserve homage and Resident Evil (1 and 3) were great zombie fun with excellent fight dancing. (And every actor is human with human cash needs.)
I missed this in the theatre and forgot about it till I went looking for MOON on DVD and noticed this came out at the same time, MOON was out of stock so I got this.
It's good, I have to say it's really good. Like all science fiction / horror fans I pride myself on being able to guess the inevitable twist and I'm pretty good but not this time. Not for the multiple twists.
After being SOOOOOOOOOOOO INCREDIBLY DISAPPOINTED by Avatar's ripping off Every Lousy children's use-syfy-to-cover-the-stinking-preaching storyline, this Pandorum film was a refreshing fun adult Action/SF flick.
Good multiple ending twists, fun and toe-curling fight scenes with well done good-olde "bug hunting" ;-) and a final ending that while "happy" actually worked well and satisfied without feeling like it was tacked on just because it tested well.
Glad I bought it, it's a keeper. Cudos to the crew and cast. Remember guys, the good SF usually doesn't do well at the box office but eventually rises to the top in home sales.Some of these reviews are very eloquent and seem to be written by people with a great deal of entertainment expertise. All I can say about this movie is that I was on the edge of my seat from start to finish. It was a complete surprise. I thought it might be just another cheap sci-fi dud like we've all seen. Not so! If there was a negative I would say it leaned a bit toward the gory side. Not gratuitously though. And what a complete twist at the end! I think this movie deserves a solid "A".
Read Best Reviews of Pandorum (2009) Here
"Pandorum" was one of those rare films that blew me away and exceeded every expectation I had for it. From the mysterious opening to the horrific finale, this film is a work of carefully constructed perfection. Was it dark? Yes. Was it violent? Yes, but not gratuitously so. Was it tasteful? Totally! That's where this film succeeds where so many have failed. The STORY is the forefront of this film, and it really comes through.Want Pandorum (2009) Discount?
I caught this on cable and thought I'd watch a few minutes and then try and find something else. That never happened, I was on the edge of my seat for most of the movie. This film came as a complete surprise, and a good one at that. I'd never heard of this movie, and having grown tired of cheesy science fiction wanna be films that are mostly rip offs that fall short of being entertaining, was expecting this movie to be more of same. it wasn't.This film straddled a couple of film genres quite well, bringing something new to the table and had enough twists in the plot to keep the viewer guessing, and it even fooled me in the end. The story holds up well, and isn't filled with holes like so much of what you see today.
Well done.
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