Saturday, August 9, 2014

Memorial Day (2010)

Memorial DayThis movie is a poignant characterization of the conflict that combat veterans live with, during and after their experiences. Focused on a WWII U.S. Paratrooper and his grandson it gives us a sense of the emotions that many combat veterans of all eras may go through having to make a decision during a war that you know is going to end badly for someone and then having to live with your decision or in having friends be killed or injured. Anyone who has had a family member or friend who has seen combat can recognize the defensive wall that many veterans erect as their way of dealing with the experience. Hopefully this movie will encourage at least some of those veterans to allow their friends and family to try to understand.

I was lucky enough to see a screening of this film, and was blown away. To echo the reviews below, it's more than a war movie, it's a family movie. The movie crosses multiple generations, and encompasses stories from two wars. For those from the WWII generation this will bring back their own memories from a time with the war was very much part of their daily life. For those with loved ones serving now it gives a real face to what is happening. For everyone else it's a solid reminder that memories are stories that need to be shared, that burdens can't be carried alone and that all generations have something to give to one another.

Additionally, it teaches us that Memorial Day is more than a time for picnics and BBQ, more than just a free day off and a parade but that it's a day when we honor and remember.

I strongly recommend this for anyone, not just those with military ties

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As a Marine veteran and grandfather, this film touched me on both counts. As a veteran, the meaning/importance of those small "souvenirs" one acquires during their time in service can be both cherished and guarded. This film approaches that importance with reverence without the carnage usually found in "military movies".

The closeness between the grandfather and his grandson was also touching and special. I am lucky to be very close to the only grandchild I have, a boy of 5 1/2. We have, since his birth, had a special relationship that continues to grow each day. I too have things to share with him someday.

Sometimes fathers, because of their role and lack of experience/wisdom, cannot share with their son, daughter, or other family members. With the years comes a realization of the memories tucked away which those "souvenirs" represent. This film helped in my confirmation of that.

I recommend this film to all Vet's and their families, and everyone else. I hope I have/will not be the only veteran/grandfather that is touched in this way. I also hope that it helps all who view it to share, respect, and understand those "things" that may never be spoken of by the veteran.

The "story" is 5 star. Own the DVD/Blue-Ray; share it with all who will sit still long enough to watch it. Lord knows we sit and watch allot less deserving films.

Read Best Reviews of Memorial Day (2010) Here

This movie gives renewed meaning to why we celebrate Memorial Day.

This movie is realistic in its war scenes without unnecessary blood and gore.

I admit that this holiday used to be a reason to have a "3 day weekend".

Now I will remember the sacrifice that all of our soldiers have made through the years.

I hope this encourages all veterans to tell their stories so that we and future generations will understand and appreciate their experiences.

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The worst part of movies dealing with war or soldiers during a specific time period is that they often feel like recruitment videos. Either that or they shove patriotism down your throat. "Memorial Day" isn't like that at all, which is a relief. What really balances out the entire movie is the time Kyle spends with his grandfather. James Cromwell's heartfelt performance is really fantastic. His emotion gives much needed heart to a story like this. The thing about grandfathers is that they're supposed to always have a story to tell and have words of wisdom. Bud is the epitome of that, but he waits to reveal that until somebody makes him talk.

The time Kyle and Bud spend together inspires Kyle to start a collection of his own once he becomes a soldier as an adult and has a family of his own. This is the other big intriguing aspect of the war drama. Seeing Kyle collect things throughout the movie only makes you realize what he's eventually going to tell his son one day, which is kind of heartwarming. The last five minutes of the movie are also its bread and butter. It's as if the entire movie was written to give those few scenes more impact and it works so well. It's just a series of really passionate performances along with perhaps the most memorable scene to take place on that porch in the entire movie.

Many of the other performances feel uninspired. Maybe it's just the way Hollywood writes soldiers, but most of them are pretty forgettable here other than Kyle. John Cromwell is pretty exceptional in his full length feature film debut though. Everyone else outside of the main cast just feels like filler. Ho-hum is an acceptable way to describe the majority of the movie as things like the score, battlefield sequences, and lines of dialogue will be a distant memory at best. Although roaming shots of the countryside are extremely colorful on the Blu-ray edition of the movie.

"Memorial Day" is mostly watchable thanks to the performances of John and James Cromwell. The story does its best to reel you in and feel for these characters, but may feel like it's stringing you along with no pay off in sight at times. There are certainly worse war related movies you could spend your hard earned money on.

Special features include Audio Commentary with Director Sam Fischer, Writer Marc Conklin, and Actor John Cromwell and a less than two minute Behind the Scenes featurette.

"Memorial Day" is being released as a single disc DVD and a single disc Blu-ray starting tomorrow, May 29. The movie is not rated, is presented in 1.85:1 widescreen aspect ratio in 1080p High-Definition and DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 and Dolby Digital 5.1 audio. It is approximately 104 minutes in length. "Memorial Day" will be available in most retail outlets and online stores.

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