Monday, August 18, 2014

John Carter (Four-Disc Combo: Blu-ray 3D/Blu-ray/DVD + Digital Copy) (2012)

John CarterI went in to "John Carter" filled with trepidation. I often avoid these big, splashy CGI spectacles that never live up to their promises and I was sure that this film was going to be nothing more than lots of cinematic eye candy and short on substance. Added to that there was a lot of lackluster critical reviews. Well, all I can say is that this was a grand entertainment and I am so glad I caught it on the big screen!

I've heard some critics say the plot was a mess and overly convoluted. Really? My suggestion to them is "don't text while watching a movie, you might miss something". I found the plot fairly well done and actually made sense (if only the last Star Trek film had that going for it) and was interesting to boot.

I also read that the look of Barsoom (Mars to you and me) was dull and uninteresting. Hmmm, never been an admirerer of the stark and raw beauty of the American southwest I guess. Personally I found Barsoom to be beautiful, alien, exotic and familiar all at the same time. After all, the Mars rovers have confirmed that the Red Planet does indeed look like our American southwest and I for one happen to think both places very scenic.

Some critics have said the story is dull and lifeless. OK, put down the crack pipe and step away from the video game console. "John Carter" has a great fast paced plot with lots of interesting twists and turns. I also thought the characters were nicely drawn, if not overly complex, and that the alien races on Barsoom to be very interesting with fascinating customs which only made me want to learn more about them.

Other critics have complained that they have seen this stuff before in movies like Star Wars and Avatar. Wellllll, it seems as though those two directors (among other film makers and writers) have been looting the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs for quite some time so I guess there is bound to be a feeling of deja vu.

Have we really become such a culture that is so easily jaded? Can we no longer feel that sense of wonder and feeling of adventure in a film like "John Carter"? Maybe we are too use to storylines being spoon fed to us in easily digested bites and cannot follow along with a film that isn't zipping past our eyeballs at 186,000 miles per second with flashy explosions at every eye blink. If true then how sad that such a wondrous film will get pushed to the wayside in favor of something like Transformers 8.

John Carter captures the spirit of the original ERB books very well. I'm not going to give a thorough review of the movie because so many other reviewers have already done that. I will, however, say that everyone involved in the production of this movie should be commended. The film takes Burroughs' "A Princess of Mars" and combines elements of the second book "Gods of Mars" (adding a few tweaks along the way) to create what can be called a mini-masterpiece. The story is well-written, the characters are fleshed out, the FX enhance the story not overshadow it, and the acting is excellent. The stunning Lynn Collins steals the show with her performance as Princess Dejah Thoris, Taylor Kitsch is admirable as Carter, and Willem Dafoe is perfect as the Thark leader Tars Tarkas. Andrew Stanton did a great job directing, the score is memorable, and the visuals are breathtaking.

If you haven't read the original books (which are absolute classics), you'll enjoy this movie because it's a great movie. If you're already a fan of the books, you'll love the movie despite some of the changes (John Carter was never married before he went to Mars, for one), which can be overlooked (If you want an almost accurate representation of the source material, Dynamite Entertainment's "Warlord or Mars" comic series [along with the excellent spin-offs] is highly recommended. In fact, it's probably the best comic book out there right now). I'm already a huge John Carter fan, and this movie is a wonderful addition to the world of John Carter.

Do not let the critics stop you from seeing this movie. Anyone who gave this movie a bad review is an idiot and was probably on something when they saw this movie, or they based their reviews solely on the awful trailers. The marketing campaign for this movie is one of the worst I've ever seen, and there has been little or no merchandising for this movie-it's almost like Disney wanted this movie to fail. There are some fan trailers on the internet that absolutely blow away what Disney put out, and they really make you want to see the movie. I've given up hope that we'll see the sequels, but maybe people will listen to everyone that has actually seen the movie without an agenda, and the final box office and DVD/Blu-ray sales can keep the franchise going.

In closing, I cannot wait til John Carter comes out on DVD, and I give my highest recommendation to this film.

Buy John Carter (Four-Disc Combo: Blu-ray 3D/Blu-ray/DVD + Digital Copy) (2012) Now

Former Confederate Civil War soldier, Captain John Carter has nothing left to fight for when he finds himself transported to a desert planet. Suddenly among a warrior tribe of four-armed aliens and a beautiful princess, Carter ends up in the middle of another war. But when faced with the chance of returning home to Earth, Carter may have found a cause worth fighting for in Princess Dejah and the people of Barsoom.

Taylor Kitsch stars as John Carter, the bitter and destitute man who cares for nothing but his found cave of gold. Kitsch has a young face and stoic countenance, perfect for the role of the ageless John Carter. He's a believable fighter and a great straight man to plenty of humor. Princess Dejah is played by Lynn Collins, who has terrific chemistry with John Carter, and is just as strong and smart as her male counterparts (if not more). Mark Strong and Dominic West are fantastic villains, especially West as a surprisingly charming and attractive (though naïve) despot. And my favorite characters in the novel (Princess of Mars) as well as the film were the Tharks, played by Willem Dafoe, Thomas Haden Church and Samantha Morton. Though CGI, the characters still brought depth, emotion, and humor and successfully brought Burroughs' characters to life.

Based on Edgar Rice Burroughs' classic Princess of Mars (published in 1917), John Carter is a surprising and exceptional retelling. I recently read Princess of Mars in anticipation for the film. And though the film doesn't delve into the depth of the Tharks' stories as I would have liked, it still captures the spirit of the novel. And the natives of Barsoom get an impressive technology upgrade, and the science is updated for the awe-factor in the film.

I had my reservations after seeing the official trailers. But I was happy to see that the screen writers and director Andrew Stanton knew what they were doing, even if the marketing was off. This fan was captivated from beginning to end and loved every minute of this epic adventure. Full of fascinating characters, life-like aliens, and advanced technology science fiction fans will certainly enjoy John Carter. But the action-packed thrills, suspense, drama, romance, and incredible story will appeal to a wide range of new fans of all ages. It's heart-warming, inspirational, and highly entertaining. Don't miss this one.

Read Best Reviews of John Carter (Four-Disc Combo: Blu-ray 3D/Blu-ray/DVD + Digital Copy) (2012) Here

This was an Epic fail on Disney's part for not getting behind this film. I cannot say enough good about this movie. It is rare that a film grabs me and pulls me in from start to finish as thoroughly as John Carter did. I won't rehash the plot or review the actual film, but I can say without a doubt that this is a must purchase. If you missed out on this in theaters due to the shoddy/lack of marketing and/or ridiculously negative reviews from critics who hadn't actually watched the film then you owe it to yourself to buy this Blu Ray.

I truly believe this movie will become a classic despite it's "flop" beginnings. I took my 7 and 9 year old boys to this in the theater and they couldn't stop talking about it! (Neither could I for that matter.) If Disney would have done right by this it could have been their "Star Wars".

Want John Carter (Four-Disc Combo: Blu-ray 3D/Blu-ray/DVD + Digital Copy) (2012) Discount?

Kaor!!! I won't go into what the movie was about. There are plenty of reviews here that do that very well. Another won't mean that much. I have been waiting 50 years for this movie to come out and I, personally, was not disappointed one bit, despite some of the changes the writers/director made to the original story. In some instances, such as the increased fleshing out (no pun intended about the luscious Lynn Collins) of the character of Dejah Thoris from helpless princess to a more well rounded female personality, was a well founded idea and is proabably (again with the help of Ms Collins exceptional acting ability) part of the reason why everyone who raves about this movie really does so. As so many have said, she stole the movie from Taylor Kitsch. In the scene where he finally realizes he is on Mars, her superior acting ability makes him look superfluous to the scene, unfortunately for him. Don't get me wrong, I think he did a good job for his first starring role, but when placed next to a more seasoned actor such Ms. Collins or even Willem Dafoe as Tars Tarkas, he sadly loses out. I STILL LOVED this movie though, beginning to end.

Now, the marketing campaign. I have heard that marketing heads have rolled as a result of the botched effort on this movie. As they should have. From the minute they decided to change the name from John Carter of Mars to just John Carter, it has been a marketing disaster. Several fan made trailers have made their rounds on the internet that did a MUCH better job of describing the story and marketing this movie than the so called professionals ever thought of. I don't know if the people in marketing put the fear of "Prince of Persia" into Andrew Stanton's head,and this was part of his reasoning for some of the changes, but I feel he bears some of the blame himself. Not for the movie. His movie is magnificent and I really wish there would be the sequels of Gods of Mars and Warlord of Mars, but just how everyone handled the selling of the movie. It saddened me so much to see only 4-5 people in the movie theater with me when it should have been packed. The movie has it's weak points, to be sure, but it's over all strengths far outweigh any weaknesses.

None the less, I have already put in my notice with I want to be notified the minute this movie becomes available to order because I will definitely buy it.

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