Saturday, August 2, 2014

Fired Up (Unrated Edition) (2009)

Fired UpI think the best way to see this film is to know they had fun making it, producing it and to get something out of it like the commentary says: "...they will be studying this for years to come at USC film school..."

Let's get all of the hate mail out of the way. Yes the leads are all over 30, yes it is another dang cheer film, yes it has nothing new to add to the comedy plate this year, and so on. But I still got some good laughs out of it and plenty of fit people to look at. The main thing that struck me was the chemistry between the two main actors, they were actually believable and funny. The supporting cast had some great moments, especially John Michael Higgins as Coach Keith and Philip Baker Hall as Coach Byrnes they both showed awesome chops in doing their corny roles.

The film quality was excellent, the sound was a fun 5.1 and the impressive long-takes actually looked good. Whether you love or hate this film, that one take when the crew arrives at camp showcasing the 178 ladies on the steps was impressive. The unrated is only a few seconds longer and contains some nice (and natural) upper body nudity in the night swimming sequence.

The special features give this 2.5 star film the last 1.5. There is a 15 minute making-of, a 7 minute clip on the "stunting" involved, and 8 minutes of unrated outtakes which if anything are hilarious because of those damn peacocks. The quick press junket shows Eric Olsen in meltdown mode and the commentary with the director and two leads is worth it. Even if to hear little tidbits on how the main cast got each other sick from the kissing scenes or how everything was actually filmed in LA and not in Hinsdale.

Plenty of people hate this film, but I fell into the category of liking it and laughing. I suppose it will be mandatory for the cheer fans out there, but this will actually keep the guys interested also.

This one is a good one! I watched it on a plane and had to buy it so I could watch it properly. If you like 'Bring it on', this is a must-see.

Buy Fired Up (Unrated Edition) (2009) Now

Few films rival Goodfellas, On the Water Front, or Raging Bull...

Only one movie blows them out of the water. That movie is Fired Up!

Never before has a director captured the spirit of American film like writer and director Will Gluck does in this underrated tale of teenage angst, the dark side of American cheerleading, the consequences of dating pre-med students, and the hidden code of American cheer.

An instant classic that transcends time and space, Fired Up! is an emotionally charged whipsaw exploring the chaotic lives of high school sports stars Shawn Colfax and Nick Brady. Eric Christian Olson, who plays Brady, mesmerizes audiences with his thespian range, magically evolving into a hormone-charged teenager who questions not only his lot in life, but also the depths of his sexuality when he meets Downey.

The best supporting actor role of 2009 should have definitely been given to David Watson for his epic portrayal of Dr. Rick. This performance was so translucent that the manuerisms and monologues will most definitely be studied by students at Tisch School at NYU for generations.

I wish the universe were larger so that I could give this film infinite stars. Just thinking of the performances by Phillip Baker Hall and John Michael Higgins moves my soul in a way that no touch of another human being ever could. If you don't buy this film for yourself, then you are cheating yourself out of an experience that only sex on a chocolate waterfall with Zues himself could rival.

Read Best Reviews of Fired Up (Unrated Edition) (2009) Here

People over analyze everything. Its a movie about two football guys who go to cheer camp to get girls. One Boy falls for a girl but both guys learn a valuable lesson. It is funny, simple and perfect. A great movie to watch with extremely funny parts especially when they watch Bring It On. Its a fun movie, thats it.

Want Fired Up (Unrated Edition) (2009) Discount?

Believe me when I saw the commercials for this film I was like "pass", but when it came out on dvd i saw it on netflix and was surprise how good and funny it was and it didn't look like one of those stupid low budget movies,fired up is simple two guys in high school go to cheerleading camp to hook up with as many girls as possible in what results to lots of jokes and crazy cheerleading and thats about it believe this is still a good movie to watch,you'll have fun with it till the very end.

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