Sunday, August 10, 2014

Dumb and Dumber (Unrated Edition) (2008)

Dumb and DumberThe 1 star is purely for the Bluray, unrated version. I am a huge fan of the theatrical cut and it was one of the first movies I upgraded from VHS to DVD. Dumb and Dumber has near flawless pacing in it's theatrical form. The unrated version throws in bits that are completely unnecessary, extremely crude, and not very funny. It is easy to see why they were cut and a little hard to understand why the Bluray version is only offered in this version. I sent the Bluray version back and I hope the next format upgrade of this film goes back to the classic theatrical cut.

*Spoiler Alert*

For those of you who would like to know, here are the differences (info copied from wikipedia):

* In the PG-13 version, when Mental tears Petey's (Harry's parakeet) head off, it cuts after he says "I Tawt I Taw a Putty Tat!". In the unrated version, it shows him violently squeezing Petey's head with his fists.

* In the PG-13 version, Seabass is about to spit on Harry's burger, but the camera cuts to Lloyd, while the spitting sound is still heard. In the unrated version, it shows the spit coming out of his mouth onto the burger.

* In the unrated version, when Joe Mental and Shay (the female accomplice) are waiting by the side of the road for Harry and Lloyd to drive by, Shay says to Joe: "turn around, I gotta squeeze a lemon" and crouches down.

* In the unrated version, when Seabass finds Lloyd in the bathroom, Lloyd keeps repeating 'find a happy place' to which Seabass replies, 'I'll show you a happy place!' before dropping his own pants and grabbing his crotch.

* After the gas station scene a new scene occurs while driving where Harry makes fun of Lloyd about being in a bathroom with a 6 foot four man with his pants down.

* In the original PG-13 version, "The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead" by Crash Test Dummies plays during the scene where Harry, Lloyd, and Mental are in the restaurant. This song is absent in the unrated version, possibly due to copyright issues.

* The unrated version of the film features an extended dialogue scene between Lloyd and Harry in the honeymoon motel.

* The unrated version of the film features an extra scene prior to Harry's departure to the slopes with Mary, in which Lloyd comments on Harry's "revealing" ski suit.

* In the PG-13 version, when Harry is attempting to fix Mary's toilet, he shouts out that he's shaving, and we see Mary standing at the door. The unrated version shows Harry lifting the toilet to the window and dumping its contents out.

This is one of the funniest movies made in my lifetime. I had seen the movie hundreds of times and equally enjoyed each viewing, so when I heard there was going to be an unrated version, I pre-ordered it right away.

This is a great DVD edition. The deleted scenes are hilarious and some probably should have been left in the movie (like the "other peoples' money seize the day" scene). The alternate endings are also pretty cool, but they definitely chose the best ending for the actual theatrical release. The retrospective documentary is also quite interesting, as you get some insight into the production, casting, etc... of the movie, as well as the impact it has had on comedy fans over the years. If you search through the interactive menus enough, you will even find a couple of hidden features.

Dumb and Dumber lives on as a standout comedy film. It just never seems to get old... I'm just excited to finally get some bonus footage from this comedy classic!

Buy Dumb and Dumber (Unrated Edition) (2008) Now

This Unrated Version finally gives the DVD fans what they want -6 minutes of additional footage, two alternate endings, and some making-of bonus features. At least... we thought we wanted an "unrated" version. The problem is, the original was consider a classic in its day, that adding six more minutes of footage (sprinkeled around a number of scenes) really breaks up the almost-brilliant pacing that fans loved from the original film. The footage added also makes this basically an R-rated film now, with what we would call "strong sexuality" (without given away the jokes. It was nice to see the extra footage, even if it is a little more risque, but the original PG-13 rating really suits the movie better (and younger teens can watch it without hearing jokes that parents think are too strong). Missing is any kind of audio commentary, and the complete absence of Jim Carrey in the bonus material is rather strange. Swartzenegger was available for the bonus' in the first Conan movie when it got re-released on DVD, so why didn't the studio at least try to wait for Carrey to have some free time.

If you're a fan like me, and can almost recite EVERY line from memory, seeing this Uncut Version will be a nice treat, especially when it come to the extras (though everything fits on only 1 disc, so we don't get a whole lot of content). I liked seeing the extra footage, but as soon as I finished this new version, I went online and bought the original PG-13 DVD -becuase that's the film that I loved and memorized years ago. Extra footage is nice, and a few sections of the Deleated Scenes are really funny, but they really did leave the funniest stuff in the original version. Still, buy this version for the extras, but buy the original on DVD as well. That's the version that will always be a classic, no matter how much time passes.

Read Best Reviews of Dumb and Dumber (Unrated Edition) (2008) Here

If there is a film out there that has created such an rift among viewers as Dumb and Dumber, I'd like to see it. It seems that everyone I know either loves the movie or abhorrs it. It is easy to see why people love the movie. The movie is outrageously funny, and I believe most of the film's critics will concede this. However, without fail, the number one critique of the film by opponents is, "but it's so stupid." This is like saying you don't like Schindler's List because "it's too serious." Of course it's stupid! That's the point! Unfortunately, pounding the keys on the keyboard harder isn't helping to portray my sentiments here. First of all, this is not a movie you can only see once. Sure, one viewing will account for all the "big laughs", Lloyd's airport fiasco, Harry's bathroom adventure and the ski lift accident. If you base your judgement on the big laughs alone, I can see how the movie could seem innane and childish. I suggest every critic of Dumb and Dumber should watch the movie a few more times for the little laughs. There are so many jokes and they are so clever that I find myself appreciating the movie more each time I watch it. For example, in the scene with the state trooper (Harland Williams) the center of comedic attention is clearly the point at which the officer drinks the beer bottle full of urine. This "big laugh" often steals the limelight away from the smaller laughs in the same scene. While handing the bottle over to the trooper, Lloyd accidentally spills some of the urine on Harry, to Harry's obvious displeasure. When the officer realizes what it is he has swallowed, one can faintly hear Lloyd suggest, "Tic Tac sir?" It is subtle moments like these that pervade the movie and make it great every time you watch it. I think part of the problem with the movie is that there are simply too many jokes in the movie. Many of the more subtle, clever jokes get overshadowed by bigger ones, leaving some feeling like the movie is simple toilet humor. This is a grave injustice. Perhaps the most complexing issue concerning the critical reception of Dumb and Dumber is the overwhelming acclaim of the Farelly brother's follow-up film, There's Something About Mary. The two movies are eerily similar. Both involve a road trip starting in Providence. These trips are in search of a woman who is way to good for her respective suitor. In both, the protagonists encounter difficulty and comedic moments along the way. Yet everyone I know loves Mary, while Dumb and Dumber recieves mixed reviews. The only significant difference between the two films is that in Dumb and Dumber, our hero doesn't get the girl. Perhaps this is why reception of the movie is so clearly delineated along gender lines. Women, I can only assume, want Dumb and Dumber to be a romantic comedy, which it is clearly not. Mary can be seen perhaps as fitting this genre because it has the textbook 'boy gets girl' ending (although my mother wanted Brett Favre to get the girl). The fact that Dumber doesn't fall into the obligatory cliche ending is, in my opinion, a large part of it's appeal. Whether you like it or not, you should buy a copy of Dumb and Dumber and watch it fifty times like I have. Then I think you will understand that being stupid is "genius, sheer genius."

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While the transfer is fine. The fact that this is a redone unrated version and does not include the original totally kills it for me. Ruining great scenes like the diner. Hopefully there will be a rerelease with the original cut.

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