Saturday, August 16, 2014

Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2006)

Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie VernonWith every horror film I've watched recently, I've had my reservations. I wasn't quite sure what to expect but my partner warned my that it wouldn't be like anything we'd watched together thus far. I laughed through the whole thing. The documentary feel to the beginning of the movie REALLY worked for me. Our killer has a sense of humor, a personality, and seems like such a sweet guy. When he jumped out of the closet to commit the murders, my jaw just kinda hit the floor. I guess I knew he'd go through with his plans but it was still kinda shocking... I LOVED IT!

The music was well done, it was just spooky enough at the end. The juxtaposition of the two moods were perfect. It wasn't a gradual change which made it even more noticable.

Basically, I thought it was well done. Great characters, great mood, great everything on this one. I definately recommend this one with a solid two thumbs up. :-)

One evening I decided to pick out a Horror title at the store. The criteria was to pick something that I have never heard of. I picked up Behind the Mask. This resulted in finding one of my favorite movies of all time!

The movie starts as a Documentary about the next "Supernatural Serial Killer." They mention Jason, Freddy, and Michael Myers. Now...Leslie Vernon. This movie is truly made for the fans. They cover every cliche in the Slasher sub-genre. Leslie Vernon is so funny and charming. The documentary crew follows him as he sets up his own legend. They interview him about all of the tricks of the trade. It is wonderful dialogue and acting. You learn about how a supernatural serial killer makes it look like he is walking but somehow keeps up with his victims. They even talk about all of the symbolism that occurs as the lead girl becomes the heroin. Absolutely brilliant!

The movie actually changes tone drastically at a certain point. I will not spoil it for you though.

Like I said, the movie is for the fans. Someone accused this movie of being unoriginal and cliche. I must say "yes, it is." That is the point! They created a movie about the cliches in Slasher Films. Therefore it is original. Watch this movie and have fun! It is truly amazing if you watch it carefully, you find all sorts of throwbacks to Friday the 13th, Halloween, and Nightmare on Elm St.

Buy Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2006) Now

This is one of those movies I wound up watching just to try to see what all the fuss was about. I was incredibly happy that I did. "Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon" is an incredibly inventive mockumentary/slasher flick. Most of the film is from the point of view of a group of a grad student named Taylor Gentry who is filming a documentary about Leslie Vernon, an up-and-coming slasher hoping to make his name along with the greats like Krueger, Voorhees and Myers. Leslie is far from your typical slasher, though -he's clever, funny, charming and extremely pleasant. It's not until he puts on the mask that his slasher persona takes over.

In the "film within a film", Leslie details for Taylor exactly how he goes about constructing his "legend," choosing victims and even stages his murders in meticulous detail, all the while keeping that good-natured charm. The movie is funny and disturbing at the same time: funny because of how carefully the filmmakers parody the conventions of the slasher genre and disturbing because of how genuinely likable Leslie is even as he's explaining how he's going to slaughter innocent teenagers.

The few weak points come towards the end, after the film within a film is dropped and we go into the real slasher parts. While the writing is still just as smart and clever, some of the effects are a little weak. Still, this is a lot of fun and well worth it for fans of slasher movies looking for the next Freddy or Jason.

Read Best Reviews of Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2006) Here

I saw this back in January of 2007 or perhaps it was last fall in '06, and the director attended the screening and answered questions afterwards. I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, it was very well done in a self aware, wink to the audience, breaking the fourth wall kind of way. Very funny for the first half or two thirds of the movie as a film crew follows "Leslie Vernon" around, documenting why and how a serial killer/slasher does what he does. There were so many in-jokes for fans of the genre, you won't be disappointed, it's very funny.

Around two thirds of the way thru the film, the director switches gears and actually turns the movie from mockumentary into straight forward slasher flick, no more shaky camera work or wise-cracking. As the killer has set things up for the viewer in the documentary portion, you figure you know what's going to happen once the killing begins, but not so! There are still plenty of surprises left in store!

Nathan Baesel as the title character is the perfect mix of humorous, spastic, and creepy as a wanna-be killer who idolizes the likes of Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, and Michael Myers (who incidentally are all real live killers and not fictional creations in the context of this movie). Baesel reminds me a bit of Jim Carrey. My friend who attended the movie with me and who dislikes Carrey disagreed on the similarity but still found Baesel's performance enjoyable as well.

The movie has a different approach to it than other satires or homages to the slasher flick in that the movie worked better separating the serious portion of the film from the humorous element, in order to maximize both (or at least the humorous element). At least, I thought so. I'm not sure what this film would have turned out like had it been set up to mix the mockumentary portion with the "live" killing scenes I think the humor would have needed to take a back seat to the action and overall the movie would have been less enjoyable?

Bottom line, if you liked Scream for its mix of humor and horror, you'll like Behind the Mask, too. Just be prepared that you won't get humor and horror at the same time but rather one after the other. I will be buying this one on DVD (and I don't generally buy a lot of movies).

Want Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2006) Discount?

"Behind The Mask(The Rise Of Leslie Vernon)" is by far one of the most creative horror/comedies ever thought up. Even was executed beautifully! Producer/Director and co-writer Scott Glosserman has delivered a wickedly clever treat for us true horror fans. To the naked eye maybe not, but any self-respecting horror fan can clearly see that there are more layers to this flick than there are on an onion. The hints,suprises and inside jokes are a plenty throughout and the idea of starting from behind the mask when getting to know a future horror icon is nothing short of brilliant! The scares and laughs are perfectly balanced and the acting is quite good from most if not all parties especially Nathan Baesel as(Leslie Vernon) this guy down-right steals the show from the start. The end of the end is excellent and just leaves me wanting more from this psycho killer behind the mask(in a great way).

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