Saturday, July 26, 2014

WWE: Greatest Superstars of the 21st Century

WWE: Greatest Superstars of the 21st CenturyLike the previously released Greatest Stars of the 80's & 90's sets, here we get mini-biographies of 20 superstars who helped shape the first 10 years of the 21st Century and also a collection of matches featuring some of them, including some never before released on DVD. Its also neat how when each superstar is introduced they show some of their accomplishments, such as title wins, etc.

Disc 1

-Chris Jericho: We see how he evolved from early Y2J, his beoming the first Undisputed champion and how he's won more Intercontinental Titles than anyone in history. His return in '07 is talked about and his heel turn that revived his career.

-Edge: His run with Christian as multi-time tag team champions and winning many ladder matches is talked about, which also saw his comedic side come out. How he evolved into a singles wrestler, winning the first Money In The Bank match and cashing it in on John Cena and how he became the Ultimate Opprotunist, winning numerous WWE and World Championships.

-Triple H: How the McMahon/Helmsley era brought Triple H to new heights, his rehab from his potentially career ending injury, which led him to winning the Undisputed Title at Wrestlemania X8. His run with Evolution and how it helped him and new superstars get established and of course the revival of DX in '06. Also how he earned his spot as the main event in this decade.

-JBL: After the disbanding of the APA, JBL was born and the fans had a new villain to jeer. He quickly won the WWE title from Eddie Guerrero and held it for almost 10 months. Also how he had many controversial moments including even running some illegals from the border. How he had a run as a great commentator and that his attitude in character carried over into the locker room.

-Kane: From the moment he debuted in '97 he dominated and destroyed everyone in his path. His unmasking in '03, which led to many great moments in the coming years including his marriage to Lita and his ruining Edge and Lita's wedding in '05. Also how his in ring character helped him land the role in "See No Evil", which fit him perfectly.

-Kurt Angle: Despite his accomplishments I was a little stunned about him being included given his ties to TNA. In his first year in WWE he won the European, Intercontinental and WWE titles. He also had many entertaining moments, though there were a few too many of em like they were in my opinion burying him just a little bit. He had many great matches though including his classic against Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania XIX.

-The Rock: His ability to command a crowd with his persona, how he went Hollywood and became a big success. How his matches against Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania X8 and against Stone Cold Steve Austin at Wrestlemania XIX were legendary.

-Randy Orton: How he has lived up to being a third generation superstar and how he was elevated by being part of Evolution. Shockingly they showed his winning his first world title, though his Legend Killer gimmick is mentioned more as is the group Legacy. Also how he's evolved over the years as an in ring performer.

-Brock Lesnar: From his debut to winning the King of The Ring crown to becoming the youngest WWE champion in history, all within the first 5 months. How he accomplished more in his 2 yeear run than most do in their careers.

-Decade of the Divas: Footage of Lita, Trish Stratus, Torrie Wilson, Stacy Kiebler is shown along with comments from current divas like Melina, Alicia Fox, Natalia and the Bellas. A good trip down memory lane for sure.

-Jeff Hardy: His transition from being a tag team wrestler to a singles superstar and how his risk taking moves brought him respect from the fans and fellow wrestlers. How his hard work paid off with him winning multiple world championships from late '08-the summer of '09.

-Big Show: How he was able to move very well for his size and how he just commanded the attention of fans and wrestlers alike. He's the only man to win the WCW, ECW and WWE titles. How his sense of humor is very likeable for a man as big as him.

-Eddie Guerrero: His becoming the Latino Heat character shortly into his WWE run and how fans just took to him whether he was a good or bad guy. How the "Lie, Cheat & Steal" gimmick made him even more popular with fans, and his victory over Brock Lesnar at No Way Out '04 made everyone so happy for him to win his only WWE championship. How his sudden death led to him being inducted into the Hall of Fame in '06.

-Shawn Michaels: Coming back from his back injury after 4 years, he beat Triple H in his first match back and won the first ever Elimination Chamber and also the World Title. How he continued to perform at a high level and again the revival of DX in '06 is shown. Also how he proved once again that he was Mr. Wrestlemania in all his matches from this decade.

-Booker T: His debut in WWE and how the crowd did take to him right away. How the King Booker gimmick revived his career and how he captured the World Title from Rey Mysterio shortly after.

-Stone Cold Steve Austin: The age of Austin carried over from the '90's into the early 2000's as he won the Royal Rumble in '01 for the third time then beat the Rock at Wrestlemania X7 to win the WWE title and also turning heel and joining Vince McMahon, much to the shock of the fans. After he retired from the ring he became a re-occuring general manager/hell raiser. His hall of fame induction is also shown in clips.

-Undertaker: How he has continued his undefeated streak at Wrestlemania even to this day, including winning the World Title at Wrestlemania's 23 & 24 and that his character really resonates with the fans.

-Rey Mysterio: After the close of WCW, Rey debuted in July of '02 and instantly wowed all the fans with his arsenal of moves. He also accomplished many things, including the Royal Rumble in '06, along with title wins including winning the WWE Tag Team titles with 4 different partners and the World Championship at Wrestlemania 22.

-Batista: His presence was felt almost immediately after his debut and ran through many superstars including anyone in his way at the Royal Rumble in '05 as he won it and faced his former Evolution friend Triple H to win the world title. How his rivalry with the Undertaker in '07 helped cement him as a main event mainstay. He continued to win big matches and more World titles throughout the decade.

-John Cena: From his debut match against Kurt Angle, to Thuganomics to the Champ Is Here, he has been for better or worse, the main event talent since Wrestlemania 21, beating everyone in his path and winning multiple world and WWE titles. Also how his passion for the business makes him what people tune in for, whether they cheer or boo him. He is basically, this generations Hulk Hogan.

Disc 2

-8/19/01, Summerslam, WCW Championship Match: Booker T (Champion) vs. The Rock: These two had quite the rivalry from the moment Booker T debuted in WWE and this match has a good big match feel to it. There was plenty of back and forth action and also some interference by Shane McMahon, but he gets a Rock Bottom for his troubles. The crowd is also on fire throughout the whole match, Booker does the Spin-a-Roonie but Rock hits a Rock Bottom for the win to become the WCW Champion. 8/10.

-9/16/02, Raw, Intercontinental Championship Match: RVD (Champion) vs. Chris Jericho: This was when both were in their prime shape and having the I.C. title up for grabs added a little spice to this match. RVD used his unique set of kicks, while Jericho worked on RVD's back with backbreakers and a double arm superplex. RVD goes for the frog splash, Triple H runs down and gets a top rope splash to the outside for his trouble. RVD got caught in the Walls of Jericho and tapped out and Jericho becomes the I.C. champion. 8/10.

-6/23/03, Raw, World Heavyweight Championship Match: Triple H (Champion) vs. Kane: This was all about if Kane lost then he would unmask and he did come out full of aggression taking it to "The Game" early on. It was a good main event, though it never seemed like Kane would win the title. Randy Orton hits the ring and nails an RKO, Triple H nails the pedigree to retain his title. 8/10. The aftermath where Evolution beats down Kane, then RVD makes the save. We do end up seeing Kane unmask and he's so enraged he chokeslams RVD, which started one of Kane's best runs in WWE.

-9/18/03, Smackdown, Iron Man Match for the WWE Championship: Kurt Angle (Champion) vs. Brock Lesnar: This was easily one of the best TV main events in wrestling history and should've been the headline match of a PPV. Both of these men left it all in the ring and gave the fans something to remember for a long time. Lesnar used his power and amateur background while Angle used his obvious amateur abilities to counter Brock's moves. At 5-4 falls in favor of Lesnar, Angle has the ankle lock on Brock as the clock ticks down, but he doesn't tap out and becomes the new WWE Champion. 10/10.

-3/18/04, Smackdown, WWE Championship Match: Eddie Guerrero (Champion) vs. Rey Mysterio: These two have always meshed well together and know each other very well. Early on there's good counter wrestling and then things get a little aggressive as the tempers flare up. Eddie works on Rey's shoulder with armbars grounding Mysterio. Rey does take to the air and almost wins the title but Eddie hits a roll-up pin to retain his title. 9/10. General Manager Paul Heyman comes down and runs down both men, The Undertaker makes an appearance and ends up hitting the Tombstone on Heyman.

Disc 3

-12/12/04, Armageddon, Fatal Four Way Match for the WWE Championship: JBL (Champion) vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Booker T vs. The Undertaker: This was the sole reason to watch the Armageddon '04 PPV and what a match it is. These 3 men had all faced JBL in the past and his actions in those matches and leading up to this one came back to bite him as each man took a turn beating up JBL early on. The rest of the match is great back and forth action as they kept making everyone wonder who would win. The only thing that brings the match down is near the end Heidenreich makes an appreance and hits a black hold slam on Taker, and pulls him to the outside locking on a cobra clutch. JBL hits the clothesline from hell on Booker for the win to retain the title. 10/10.

-1/30/05, Royal Rumble, Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship Match: JBL (Champion) vs. Kurt Angle vs. The Big Show: This match was very well done and really gave each man a chance to shine. In the opening minutes Show beats up on JBLand Angle even hitting a couple of loud loud chops in the corner. The pace really doesn't slow down, except when Show spears JBL through the barricade. There's interference from JBL's cabinet and Angle's henchmen Mark Jindrak and Luther Reigns, JBL gets rolled back into the ring somehow hits a clothesline from hell on Angle to retain the title. 9/10.

-2/7/05, Raw, World Heavyweight Championship Match: Triple H (Champion) vs. Edge: Taking place in Japan this was quite a good match, as the very beginning was actually wrestling based as both men reversed each others moves and put on a good clinic. Edge works on Triple H's back, while Hunter worked on Edge's shoulder. While the ref is down, Batista hits the ring and nails a spinebuster on Edge, then Triple H hits the pedigree to retain. 8/10. The post match segement where Batista holds up Triple H's hand and looks at the World title and stares down Hunter is total gold.

-9/17/06, Unforgiven, WWE Women's Championship Match: Lita (Champion) vs. Trish Stratus: Trish's final match and it's a good one. Lots of "Thank You Trish" chants. The match itself is a fitting end to Trish's career, good back and forth offense, by both ladies. Trish makes Lita tap out to the Sharpshooter in about 12 minutes. Major league pop for the move and the finish. Good post match with the fans and WWE staff around the ring thanking Trish and her thanking her all of them. 9/10.

-2/5/07, Raw, Triple Threat #1 Contenders Match: Edge vs. Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels: A good solid main event that had a good feel to it as Orton and Edge try to take Shawn out early in the match. This was more about Shawn getting his chance to again be in the main event of Wrestlemania and he gets his chance when Edge hits the spear on Orton then Shawn superkicks Edge for the win to become the #1 Contender and thus facing John Cena at Wrestlemania 23. 8/10.

-2/15/07, Raw, Eight Man Tag Team Match: Batista, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker & John Cena vs. Mr. Kennedy, MVP, Edge & Randy Orton: Multi-man matches are hard to pull off but this is an exception as it flows very well and really established the main event title matches for Wrestlemania 23 even more. In the end Shawn hits Sweet Chin Music on Orton for the win. 9/10. The aftermath where Taker and Batista beat up both Shawn and Cena is quite good too.

-4/1/07, Wrestlemania 23, World Heavyweight Championship Match: Batista (Champion) vs. The Undertaker: Wow how this wasn't higher on the PPV card I'll never know but these two delivered big time in a match where the animal gave it his all to end the streak but in the end Taker hits the Tombstone to become the World Champion. 10/10.

Whats on this set is good but WWE dropped the ball big time not including more matches or moments on the first 2 discs, especially when disc 1 only had like 100 minutes of footage. But the matches on here are quite good, nice to see rare ones from Raw and Smackdown, I just wish they had filled up the discs a little more.

The 21st Century (so far) has seen a bunch of changes in the "WWE Universe" from the name "World Wrestling Federation/WWF" not longer existing to WWE not having direct competition from WCW/NWA for the first time in decades but one of the biggest thing is the arrival of new superstars along with the elevations of others which WWE put together what they see as the top superstars in the past decade here. Now this release is no different than their previous DVD sets in this format (Top 50 Superstars, Greatest Stars Of The 80's & 90's) where WWE has a list for the subject at hand with various talents from the past & present commenting on the superstar's careers while showing video packages of their career but this DVD set doesn't have a host & is only narrated by a voice over while showing a list of what their top 3 highlights of the previous decade were before their chapter. It should also be noted that all the interviews & comments on here were taken for this set with none being reused from previous projects as we hear from various people such as Josh Matthews, Santino Marella, Billy Kidman, The Miz, John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Kofi Kingson, Arn Anderson, Matt Striker, Melina, Alex Riley, Alicia Fox, The Bella Twins, Kaityln, Natayla.

Here are some highlights from the profiles on this DVD:

Chris Jericho Becoming the first Undisputed Champion, record breaking reigns as Intercontinental Champion, his heel turn in 2008, being "the best in the world at what he does."

Edge The innovator of the tag team ladder matches, his ability to entertain, the first Money In The Bank winner & becoming the "Ultimate Opportunist", WWE's own "rock star."

Triple H The McMahon/Helmsley Era, his quad injury in 2001, returning from injury to win the Royal Rumble & the Undisputed Championship, his runs in the groups Evolution & D-Generation X

John "Bradshaw" Layfield His ability to be hated as a heel, being the "Wrestling God", being the longest reigning WWE Champion in SmackDown history, becoming a color commentator

Kane His dominance after debuting, his infamous unmasking, being a monster, the "See No Evil" movie.

Kurt Angle Wrestling's first Olympic gold medalist, his successful rookie year, the ability to entertain, being a wrestling machine, his WrestleMania matches against Brock Lesnar & Shawn Michaels

The Rock His crossover appeal leading to a Hollywood career, his WrestleMania matches against Hollywood Hogan & Stone Cold, his level of charisma & ability to entertain

Randy Orton A third generation wrestler, his run in Evolution, becoming the "Legend Killer", being the youngest World Champion in history, The Legacy with Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes, becoming the new anti-hero as "The Viper"

Brock Lesnar Winning King Of The Ring & the WWE Championship, being "The Next Big Thing", his athleticism with his size & strength

Divas Various highlights & discussion of Trish Stratus, Lita, Torrie Wilson, and Stacy Keibler.

Jeff Hardy The Hardy Boyz tag team, his daredevil in-ring style, unique charisma, winning the WWE/World Championships

Big Show Being a dominate giant, his multiple singles & tag team championships, being the first to hold the WWE & WCW/World & ECW Championships, his humorous side

Eddie Guerrero His "Latino Heat" character, "Lie, Cheat, Steal", multiple championships, winning the WWE Championship, his death, WWE Hall Of Fame

Shawn Michaels His return in 2002, winning the first Elimination Chamber match & becoming World Champion, best in-ring performer, D-Generation X, "Mr. WrestleMania", WWE Hall Of Fame.

Booker T Ending WCW as World Champion, winning King Of The Ring, rebirth as King Booker

Stone Cold His dominance in the 90's, 3 time Royal Rumble winner, WrestleMania X-7 vs. The Rock, his feud with Mr. McMahon, WWE Hall Of Fame

Undertaker Resurrection at WrestleMania XX, winning his first Royal Rumble, the WrestleMania streak, ability to captivate the audience

Rey Mysterio Innovative lucha libre offense, biggest underdog, multiple title reigns including World Championships

Batista His run in Evolution, winning Royal Rumble & World Championship, "The Beast Unleashed", WrestleMania 23 vs. Undertaker

John Cena His "thuganomics" character, facing all the top stars, mixed audience response, his crossover appeal.

Matches Include:

WCW Champion Booker T vs. The Rock This was The Rock's return to PPV since his WrestleMania match months earlier. Both men traded momentum back & forth with Shane McMahon trying to get involved early on only for it to work against Booker as the fight went to to the floor & into the crowd at one point. Booker was able to gain the advantage & kept breaking the momentum whenever Rock tried to build it. Shane kept getting involved which finally caught up to him thanks to some people who's business he got involved in earlier in the night before Rock took care of Shane himself. This was a fun match to watch.

SummerSlam '01

[The Rock: The Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment]

WWE Intercontinental Champion Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho Jericho dominated early before RVD was able to catch him in mid-air with a dropkick & his "vintage" legdrop over the top rope. RVD's back was worked on by Jericho with such moves as the double arm suplex off the top while RVD kept resorting to his kicks. They've had better matches (check out Unforgiven '01) than this one was this was still a nice encounter.

"Raw" Sept. '02

World Champion Triple H vs. Kane Kane was the most dominate that we've seen on him in a very long time here as he had control over Triple H including throwing him into the steps at one point while constantly sitting up from Triple H's offense & even able to fight off interference from Ric Flair as well. This was another case where they've had better matches but this was still a nice match but what happened afterwords is what this match is remembered for more than anything else.

"Raw" June '03

Iron Man Match: WWE Champion Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar Before I get started, it should be noted that this match is completely unedited which means that we get the complete match without the commercial breaks from start to finish. Brock Lesnar made his intentions clear in the first few minutes from attacking Kurt before the bell, faking injuries to get cheap shots in, the way he lost his first fall but gained a heavy advantage throughout the rest of the match because of it that he was going to do anything to regain the championship. Kurt stuck to his gameplan of out-wrestling Brock which we saw early as he kept tossing Brock to the outside only to get him more frustrated each time while during the match & later even going out of his usual playbook with aerial offense such as a missile dropkick from the top. Both men started to get more aggressive with their various moves as the match went on such as Brock using Kurt's own anklelock & Angle Slam while Angle later executed an F-5 of his own into the ringpost, an F-5 on the floor, back to back german suplexes including one release one that flipped Brock inside out, the steel steps coming into play at various times, and Brock's impactful powerbombs & superplex. This was a wrestling clinic & one of the best ironman matches (if not THE BEST) in WWE history.

"SmackDown" Sept. '03

WWE Champion Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio It should be noted that Rey had just finished wrestling two previous matches before getting his title shot against Eddie. Rey was able to use his speed to keep an advantage over Eddie with monkeyflips & head scissors along with an aerial assault of a springboard moonsault to the outside. Eddie focused on Rey's arm with an armbar & various hammerlocks along with other impactful moves like the superplex & tilt-a-wirl backbreaker. This was definitely a great quality match for television but stay tune afterwords as the then-SmackDown General Manager Paul Heyman had some words for the entire roster that didn't set well with one "deadman."

"SmackDown" Mar. '04

[Viva La Raza: The Legacy Of Eddie Guerrero]

WWE Champion J.B.L. vs. Undertaker vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Booker T This was J.B.L.'s worst nightmare as he had to face everyone that he cheated out of the WWE Championship throughout the year as champion at the same time & knowing he was the "odd man out", he tried to avoid everyone early & sneak in when he was able to steal a pin before eventually getting caught & everyone took turns beating on him while Eddie & Booker were working together during the match before one decided to go for pin. This match had it's highlights such as Eddie bringing a ladder into play, Booker side kicking everyone in sight, all four men brawling on the outside, people being put through the announce tables, Eddie's back to back to back frog splashes with the third one being off the ladder, and the appearance of someone who had a big issue with another person in the match. This was a very fun fatal four way match.

Armageddon '04

WWE Champion J.B.L. vs. Big Show vs. Kurt Angle Angle & J.B.L. were both walking into the match sore from competing against each other in a Last Man Standing match on the previous SmackDown and knowing this, Kurt stayed outside early in the match so Show could focus on J.B.L. while Kurt would only get involved when breaking up a pin. Show would eventually get his hands on both men & dominate causing Kurt & Show to resort to other tactics like teaming together & brawling on the outside including putting Big Show through a table and later delivering the biggest angleslam ever seen. This was a good triple threat match that was full of non-stop action.

Royal Rumble '05

World Championship Triple H vs. Edge This was Edge's first World Title shot after turning heel months earlier in what was a rare "heel vs. heel" match during WWE's first RAW from Japan. Triple H worked over Edge's shoulder after throwing it into the post twice followed by an armbar takedown while Edge countered by attacking Triple H's back with a suplex on the floor, backbreaker & a unique submission called the "Edgecator." The pace picked up as the match went on with counters like Triple H countering the spear with his high knee & a chair being brought into the ring before fellow Evolution member Batista came out and taking the chair out of the ring before he became the deciding factor in the match. This was a good quality match here as it's rare that Triple H & Edge meet in a one on one match.

"Raw" Feb. '05

WWE Womens Champion Lita vs. Trish Stratus This was held in Trish's hometown of Toronto & made it clear that this was to be her final match before going into retirement causing the crowd to heavily react to chants of "Thank You Trish." Trish took the fight to Lita right away including doing her vintage Air Canada off the apron to the floor & pulling off her handstand head scissors various times on Lita. There was one point where both women were fighting on the top turnbuckle only to fall with both landing hard on the floor while Trish took another nasty bump to the floor later on with Lita was able to counter the Stratusfaction before Trish ended the match with a move that always sparks a reaction in Canada before Trish ended her career & walked out of WWE as the champion (where have I seen that before?)

Unforgiven '06

Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton vs. Edge This was to determine John Cena's challenger for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 23 while it should also be noted that Shawn & Cena defeated Edge & Orton the week earlier to win the World Tag Team Championships. Orton & Edge, also known as Rated RKO, worked together against Shawn with the only way for Shawn to survive was attempting to divide & conquer with one guy being tossed out of the ring while Shawn fought the other causing moments like Orton to keep being knocked into the announce table. Edge & Orton's alliance eventually fell apart when both men broke up the others pin attempts allowing Shawn to capitalize on it. This was a good TV match for RAW.

"Raw" Feb. '07

John Cena, Batista, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker vs. Rated RKO, Mr. Kennedy, M.V.P. This was an usual setup as the babyface team were opposing tag teams for the main event of the upcoming No Way Out teamed up here...with each member of the tag teams set for the PPV were actually the champion & challenger for the WWE/World title matches at WrestleMania. This was a fun 8 man tag match as there was non-stop action & everyone in the match having their moments to shine but the part to pay attention to was toward the end where the eventual miscommunications between the partners caused "all hell to break lose" after the match.

"Raw" Feb. '07

World Champion Batista vs. Undertaker Taker's Undefeated Streak vs. Batista's Title and I'll be point blank honest, this was the match that should have ended the show. This was Batista's best showing since he returned from his injury as he stepped up his game & didn't show any lack of effort like most of his previous performances. This was a classic "big money" WrestleMania match & the match of the night for me as you saw the crowd off the chain throughout the bout & even moments where it looked like Batista was going to end the streak & one spot to look out for would be Undertaker's big dive onto Batista. It's ironic that this was the 20 year anniversary of WrestleMania 3 but Undertaker walks out of his WM the same way he did 10 years a champion.

WrestleMania 23

(Blu-Ray) WWE Champion Randy Orton vs. John Cena vs. Triple H vs. J.B.L. A great main event as I personally like the elimination rule in triple threat/fatal four way matches more than the "first one who gets the pin/submission wins" stipulation. This match started off wild with all four men facing off against each other but after the first two eliminations in Cena & JBL, Triple H & Orton delivered a match that rivals their No Mercy encounters as their best match against each other before the King Of Kings went back on his throne. Moments to look out for here was JBL & Orton trying to "out heel" each other from the opening with Orton & the World Title to when each guy was in a submission hold while the other taunted him.

Backlash '08

(Blu-Ray) World Championship/Scramble Match: Batista vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Kane vs. J.B.L. vs. Chris Jericho This was really just an average match with everyone getting their typical spots in throughout the match with the only noteworthy performance being Batista's as he stared with J.B.L. & once again showcasing effort into adding to his wrestling style by working on J.B.L.'s knee & even using the figure four. The ending however saw Batista pinning Kane to become the "temporary" champion before he turned his back to counter an attack from Mysterio while Jericho sneaked in a pin over Kane after Batista did all the work & win the title after the time expired. Although some people would say it's stupid for Jericho to win the title right after losing a match because he was knocked out, if you actually watch how the ending all makes sense.

Unforgiven '08

(Blu-Ray) T.L.C. Match: World Champion Jeff Hardy vs. C.M. Punk This match was very similar to how Edge & Jeff Hardy had their ladder match months earlier in that this wasn't a non-stop spotfest more than a match where they used the weapons to make moves more high impact & trying to tell a story. It's a TLC match so all elements were used as expected along with various moments such as Punk slamming Hardy onto an open chair to the backrest hit his spine, Hardy missing a splash & crashing through a table on the outside, Hardy reversing Punk's running knee kick/bulldog combination into a toss to the outside table, and of course Jeff Hardy being the human highlight reel with the swanton bomb that you have to see to believe...and I still didn't believe I saw it when I was there. This was a great one on one TLC match from both men while what happened to end the show was probably just as shocking as we saw another WWE return & great way to end the show.

SummerSlam '09

[Best PPV Matches 2009-2010]

The only feedback I have on the documentary is that the "divas" chapter shouldn't have been limited to just those four girls because you can't deny that females like Victoria & Mickie James & Melina & Beth Phoenix had made their presence felt in the "21st Century" as far as the divas go but past that, it was what you would expect for this type of project & well put together. The other things I was very disappointed with the bonus extras or lack of as normally on a 3 disc set, you get around 8-9 hours total of everything but this presentation only ran for around 6.5 hours which is around the length you would get for a 2 disc set so WWE had plenty of space on this set to add stuff that they didn't do in favor of the Blu-Ray release. Normally we get either bonus footage of interviews or segments but we didn't get any of that here while there were no matches featuring two of the profiled wrestlers in Steve Austin & Jeff Hardy when, again, they had plenty of room to add them (Austin wasn't even added on the Blu-Ray). If you look up the time length for the Blu-Ray presentation, it equals the amount of time you normally get for the 3 disc set. I'm happy we got some rare unreleased matches from free TV with a small amount of repeats from other sets on here but in the end, normally you get a great presentation with the normal DVD release & get more bang for your buck with the Blu-Ray edition but this is a case where it seemed like WWE put more effort into the Blu-Ray than the regular edition so the Blu-Ray is what I would go look for as your getting your money's worth & more.

Buy WWE: Greatest Superstars of the 21st Century Now

Disc 1

Signature Open

Ground Breaking Superstars

Chris Jericho


Triple H



Kurt Angle

The Rock

Randy Orton

Brock Lesnar

Decade of the Divas

Jeff Hardy

Big Show

Eddie Guerrero

Shawn Michaels

Booker T

Stone Cold Steve Austin

The Undertaker

Rey Mysterio


John Cena

Disc 2

WCW Championship Match

Booker T vs. The Rock

SummerSlam 19th August, 2001

Intercontinental Championship Match

Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam

Raw 16th September, 2002

World Heavyweight Championship Match

Triple H vs. Kane

Raw 23rd June, 2003

60 Minute Iron Man Match for the WWE Championship

Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar

SmackDown! 18th September, 2003

WWE Championship Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio

SmackDown! 18th March, 2004

Disc 3

Fatal 4-Way Match for the WWE Championship

JBL vs. The Undertaker vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Booker T

Armageddon 12th December, 2004

Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship

JBL vs. Big Show vs. Kurt Angle

Royal Rumble 30th January, 2005

World Heavyweight Championship Match

Triple H vs. Edge

Raw 7th February, 2005

Women's Championship Match

Lita vs. Trish Stratus

Unforgiven 17th September, 2006

Triple Threat Match Winner Faces John Cena For The WWE Championship At WrestleMania 23

Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton vs. Edge

Raw 5th February, 2007

8 -Man Tag Team Match

John Cena & Batista & Shawn Michaels & The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton & Edge & Mr. Kennedy & MVP

Raw 15th February, 2007

World Heavyweight Championship Match

Batista vs. The Undertaker

WrestleMania 23 1st April, 2007Great listing! I am excited for this release!

Read Best Reviews of WWE: Greatest Superstars of the 21st Century Here

I enjoyed the 80's and 90's one. but this one is a good one to get if you grew up with the 2000's wrestlers and like to see matches from that time again.

Want WWE: Greatest Superstars of the 21st Century Discount?

This movie is great! :-)

We enjoyed watching it and there were lots of great superstars. The title says it all.

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