Saturday, July 5, 2014

V.I. Warshawski (1991)

V.I. WarshawskiV.I. Warshawski is a dated picture. It come from a time when being coarse and raw was "new." But in this case it works because the raw and coarse woman is interesting. A private eye more interested in a case than in the bucks it can bring her. A woman who lives life on her own terms. A woman who accepts her femininity without letting it limit her. Kathleen Turner is perfect for this role.

The story is nothing new, but does have its own spin. More important are the characters, the way they are revealed, and the growth they display over the course of the story.

V.I. Warshawski is one of several movies that have been released in low-priced Blu Rays where the only "feature" is the feature. Small films that otherwise might be missed. Good entertainment for the money. As such V.I. Warshawski, in the eyes of this film lover, works just fine.

This review is short and sweet and has to to do with the quality of the blu-ray treatment or lack there-of. Sadly most reviews seen at the Amazon forum are about the movie's story and rarely about the disc quality itself. Countless takes on the story with everyone having their own opinion. But lets face it, its truly in the eye of the beholder and not left to others to decide how good a movie is.

Now about the quality of this Blu-ray disc. be warned it's atrocious thus the 1 star rating. Not for the movie since I just loved Kathleen Turner in this title. In my humble opnion she was at her sexiest and at her peak in looks. Its not a great movie but totally acceptable because of Kathleen's presence. The classic film goddess comes to mind. Any way I had the first standard dvd offered and decided to upgrade for a better picture to Blu-ray. Well it appears sharper but odd that the same white specs and garbage that littered the DVD version is very much apparent here,.. and even in the same places as that earlier version. I do know a little about compression and know that it is possible to re-process the same mpeg2 files used for the first DVD release to a larger different compression scheme such as the 1080p format. The quality would not improve but you can do it. Not saying they did that but it sure appears that way from the print used here. Its identical and since it is highly unlikely for these white specs to repeat themselves exactly where they appeared before on the first issue of the standard DVD. Very sad they didn't use a much better print this time around or just use a print period intead of re-processing the earlier files. Again just my observation here on this Blu-ray treatment of this title. In my opinion not worth upgrading to, since the overall appearance of this movie will just leave you highly disappointed in how some of these companies view the buying public.

Buy V.I. Warshawski (1991) Now

This likeable, harmless Kathleen Turner vehicle is one of those films that most "name" critics have viciously attacked for no logical reasons (critics seem to be as frequently susceptible amongst themselves to "herd mentality" as the rest of us po' ignorant movin' pitcher watchin' folk). Turner's "V.I. Warshawski" is a very credible "tough broad" character,treading the fine line between sexiness and surliness with skill and style. Granted, the predictable, standard-issue plot of this detective thriller is a minus, but the appealing cast and Turner's charisma carry the day. If you are a fan of the Warshawski books (or J.A. Jance and Sue Grafton's female detective stories)you'll find the mood and atmosphere of the film quite true to the genre.If your name is Leonard Maltin, take a pill and just relax.

Read Best Reviews of V.I. Warshawski (1991) Here

I love this movie and when I saw it on Blu-ray for 4.99 I figured what the heck I'd upgrade from my DVD to the Blu-ray version. I never knew you could downgrade with a Blu-ray. My DVD offers more than this does including better sound and closed captioning. I had not read the reviews before ordering; I wish I had done so otherwise I would not have gotten this. In this day and age I would think that closed captioning would be standard.

The movie itself is great. No, it would never win an Oscar but it is great mindless fun that can be enjoyed at any time. The actors are great in it and I always enjoy Charles Durning who is perfect as the police detective.

Want V.I. Warshawski (1991) Discount?

Great movie with Kathleen Turner bringing a tough, smart-ass private detective to life protecting a young girl. I hadn't seen this in years and it was excellent in blu-ray.

Save 50% Off

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