Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Serendipity (2001)

SerendipityI am not sure how much I believe in serendipity good fortune discovered by accident also known as fate, but this movie could make a believer out of me. John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale are wonderful together as soul mates that overcome every obstacle to be together! They are successful because it was meant to be. If you can't suspend reality, and just go with the flow, then this movie probably isn't for you. It is meant for those that can have faith.

Do you believe in love? Fate? That everything happens for a reason? Astrology? Premonitions? Near misses of should-of-beens? Well, neither do I. However, this film is full of ALL of these things and come to find out the story is delightful!

John Cusack is a way-cool actor. He always plays the type of guy you want to root for to prevail in some off-the-wall struggle. Kate Beckinsale is nothing short of gorgeous and her British accent is a charming ingredient of this comical look at a love-story-gone-awry.

Cuscack & Beckinsale play a couple of New Yorkers who "accidently" meet up one night. Turns out, they REALLY hit it off. Due to a sequence of unlikely events, they are separated and go their separate ways.

A few years later both are supposed to be married almost on the same day. Only problem is (you guessed it) by now they're supposed to marry different people. At the eleventh hour both start having second thoughts and begin having reveries about their one enchanting evening together.

The balance of the story traces their attempts to get back in touch with each other while their friends believe they've gone looney. The result is what is quite possibly the funnest & sweetest Romantic Comedy since WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING.

If you have a date tonight, I would SERIOUSLY recommend this film. If you don't have a date tonight, find one & then watch it together. As a last resort, watch it by yourself. Remember: everything happens for a reason! OK, OK, maybe it doesn't but that doesn't mean you shouldn't buy this DVD!

Buy Serendipity (2001) Now

I watched this film again after seeing it in theaters several years ago, and I had forgotten how cool it was. I remember overhearing a lady in the row in front of me groaning and complaining at every seemingly contrived moment of serendipity that befalls the "soul mates" played wonderfully by John Cusack and the gorgeous Kate Beckinsale, whom I could stare at forever as well as listen to her speak without ever growing tired of it. Anyhow, I guess I understood the lady's skepticism...this movie does appear to be so outlandishly contrived that it strains credibility. Yet, what appealed to me about this movie is that I had similar moments of serendipity/coincidences with a girl I dated in 2000. Seeing this film brings back my own memories...so trust me when I say that the things in this movie can happen to people. I'm one of those people.

Romantic comedies have the poor habit of following the standard, boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy and girl reconcile, and all is happily ever after. This doesn't wander too far from that formula, but its so downright clever, watchable, and enjoyable that you can't help but fall in love with the story and characters. Romantic comedies also tend to feature interesting selections of music, and this one is no different. I actually enjoyed the song selections in this film and not one of them was familiar to me (using oldies that have appeared in countless other films). I especially got a kick out of Lars, the Yanni-esque boyfriend of Sara (Beckinsale). His new age music is poked fun at by Sara and her sidekick friend (played to comedic effect by an SNL-alum), but I actually thought that was cool about him. Eugene Levy also has a couple scene-stealing moments with his usual brand of comedic seriousness and Jeremy Piven plays the sidekick role he often plays in films.

This film throws every obstacle to keep the two apart and its an amusing development to watch. Overall though, you know the two are destined to be together and its just as well. So, for all the skeptics out there who find this film outlandishly contrived, please suspend your disbelief and realize that such romantic possibilities and coincidences are possible. I experienced it myself a few years ago, so that's why I find this film to be quite credible, not to mention funny and entertaining in its own right.

Read Best Reviews of Serendipity (2001) Here

In my opinion John Cusak's best movie.

He & Kate Beckinsale are magic together.

The storyline is fantastic, the music

alluring, and the acting first class.

I have watched it at least 20 times.

Want Serendipity (2001) Discount?

Oh Kate, of the enormous white teeth and John of raven hair, black as night! Who couldn't watch these two for a few hours, even though they rarely appear on screen together? But the pair with the greatest chemistry in this movie are real-life best friends John Cusack and Jeremy Piven. Piven gets to use his acting chops a bit more here than he did in a similar best-buddy role in Family Man, and to good advantage. He is the emotional underpinning of this movie, and the only one who seems to really learn anything. Piven deserves to be moved up from supporting actor to lead roles, and soon. Another secondary character worth watching is Northern Exposure vet John Corbett, showing good sportsmanship as a godawful new-age musician/entertainer. Corbett's character is the only truly new addition to a plot cobbled from many others mentioned by other reviewers. The scene where he is watching his own music video for the first time is the funniest in the movie.

The director spares us from bothersome breakups with the cruelly tossed aside fiances, who must do all their wailing and gnashing off camera. How un-flattering that would be to the glossy leads! And as a book collecter I had to laugh at Cusack's obsessive legwork in search of a certain copy of Love in the Time of Cholera, which he could have probably found in a few phone calls after a half-hour internet search.

Enjoy this movie for charming characters and a light romance--just don't think about it too much!

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