Monday, July 14, 2014

Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry / Race With The Devil

Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry / Race With The DevilJust gotta say, have been a fan of DIRTY MARY, CRAZY LARRY since seeing it as a kid at the drive-in. In fact, this is the movie that got me to like car chasing movies. But this isn't a movie review, this is the DVD review...and the two movies (split onto two discs-way to go Shout!) look as good as the original DVDs that were released some years fact, they look a little better in my opinion. Maybe has to do with layers being used, don't know if they are single or dual...but they each look better than the originals. Don't get me wrong, they are no Avatar quality by no means, but for their time and the low budget film stock used, they turned pretty good. And anamorphic widescreen always helps with resolution.

The special features look to be carried over from past transfers and the sound is nothing to write home about...but to get these two Peter Fonda classics in one package for around ten bucks, it's a steal!

Shout! is doing pretty good work on their releases and this is another good one! Can't wait to get the Ron Howard double featureThe Ron Howard Action Pack (Eat My Dust! / Grand Theft Auto) [Roger Corman's Cult Classics]


June 6, 2013

Here it is two years later and Shout finally releases these on blu ray! And the blu ray is cheaper than the DVD I purchased a few years ago. And the blu rays blow away the DVDs. As much as I love Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry I am glad I double dipped. If you have the chance, grab this on blu ray. The format keeps proving to me that it is MUCH better than standard DVD (no matter how old the movie).

Dirty Mary/Crazy Larry is an incredible car film, to say the least. Peter Fonda controls himself so well as Larry, the driver, racing, trying to get the hell outta Dodge after robbing a store, and trying to raise money so he can get himself, and his mechanic into NASCAR, and do the good races, like the Indy 500, and others. Mary is his unexpected love interest, who just wont stop pestering him and his mechanic, who try time and again to get rid of her, but just cant. This film is hilarious, exciting, fun, over the top, and just a real good time. Forget the fact that it isn't "art" or whatever, cuz to me, it is, in its own way. It gets its job done, and it knows what it is, and it doesn't apologize for it, and its all real, too. No CGI, no nothing, real cars, real crashes, and real stunts.

Race With The Devil is a very different, yet also incredibly cool movie. You gotta be a fan of seventies/eighties films to really "get" and enjoy these films, now I myself am sixteen, which should just go to show you dont have to be an old timer to enjoy these flicks. I really dug RWTD, it was fun, exciting, and actually WAS kinda scary, I'm a pretty big Warren Oats fan, especially after I saw Two-Lane Blacktop a couple years ago, and Peter Fonda is just wonderful. Especially as a second billed film, it was great. And the special feature documentary on RWTD is pretty cool, it's got Fonda in it talking about the production and what not. Anyway, if you dig old-school car films and horror films, check this one out, and for TEN dollars you really cant go wrong, a real treat, rich and exciting, like biting into a candy bar at the drive in, you'll feel like a kid again. :)

Buy Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry / Race With The Devil Now

Blast from the Past, these are goodies from our youth. Bought this for Race with the Devil, then we were bored one rainy afternoon and watched the Mary/Larry movie. Pleasantly surprised by this. NO computer-special effects. Who'd a thunk action movies could have real, live action?

Read Best Reviews of Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry / Race With The Devil Here

Fairly good prints. Recommended.

Number of discs: 2

Picture quality 8.5/10

Aspect ratio: 1.78:1 (orig. = 1.85:1)

Run time (NTSC 60 Hz):

Dirty Mary Crazy Larry: 1:32'27"

Race With The Devil: 1:28'12"

Chpt.: 16

Audio: Engl.

ST: -

RC 1

Bonus: Making-ofs (30'/18'); TVand radio spots; fotos

Studio: Shout/2oth Century Fox

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