Monday, July 14, 2014

Blade Runner: The Final Cut Blu-ray SteelBook

Blade Runner: The Final Cut Blu-ray SteelBookHaving seen this movie probably more times and in more different formats than most people, I thought it was time I write a few words about this masterpiece of filmmaking. Truly, I wasn't boasting with my assertion that I've seen this movie as much as I have (I watch this movie almost once a week and have done so for almost 10 years). I own several, still unopened, VHS tapes that for a large part of the nineties I did my best at collecting. I own the Japanese Laserdisc version, a rare bootleg VHS version that was distributed over the internet a handful of years ago that has the narration selectively placed back into the Director's Cut version of the film, not called the Esper Version as some would want to label it, the Director's Cut and now the HD version of the Final Cut. That makes 5, but 6 if you count the Workprint version that comes with this box set. So, I would say that's one more than most.

Blade Runner first and foremost, is probably the greatest film ever made, from beginning to end and in all of its variations. A bold statement when the film doesn't even rank in the top 10 in the American Film Institute or on IMDb. Spots #97 and #104 respectively (ahem). But as these kind of lists are subjective and truly under the control of mere mortals and their own strange whims, and I take no offense that so many so-called aficionados have over-looked this film for so long. Roger Ebert slammed Ridley Scott and the film during the first theatrical release by stating that `Scott cared more about the lush environment of the film than he did of the story', which as we all know and even Ebert now, in hindsight, has stated that he was unkind and grossly unfair to both Scott and the film.

For years, Blade Runner was divided into two different camps, or rather four and they are: Those that preferred the narration and those that did not and the other camp was those that thought Deckard was a Replicant and those that thought he was either human or felt it was left ambiguous. Ridley Scott has very gracefully over the years, given homage to these thoughts and made many statements that most readers are aware of, chiefly that Deckard was a Replicant. Unfortunately, due to the studios fingering with the film during post-production, Warner Brothers had the right to trim anything after the 120 min mark, and thus butchering the nuance of the film and leaving several things vague and forcing Scott to tack on the Happy ending and the narration because as we all know ... we're all just too stupid to get it.

The new and most refreshing part of the new argument, evinced in the 210 (wow!) min documentary `Dangerous Days' is that Scott gives equal time to those that enjoyed the film with the narration, with Guillermo del Toro (Pan's Labyrinth / Hellboy) in the forefront, with his very candid telling of how Blade Runner changed his life and launched him down the road into filmmaking. We also get to hear a very lucid and warm retelling from Harrison Ford of the nightmare that he not only endured making the movie but the further commitment of having to do the Voice Over narration months later, which ended up having its own strange story as well.

So, now with 5 versions available in this box set, you get to see Blade Runner in every single angle imaginable and it is engrossing every time. Ebert also said in the Nineties that the re-release of the movie for the Director's Cut gives you yet another version of the film, but fails to handle the main problems that were so apparent the first time around. As the film has changed Ebert has gone from student flippancy to utmost respect and enjoyment. Ebert's own site has all three versions of his reviews which are interesting to read in context to the passage of time if you're interested.

There are so many layers to Blade Runner and so many things that can be said from the brilliant look of the newly restored cut, the awesome remixed sound, the Original Score by Vangelis, and the story itself. Blade Runner is probably the high water mark of all films and will probably stay that way for quite some time. Internet voting puts the film as the 4th greatest movie of all time, according to AFI's own user polls so that really puts perspective on AFI's and IMDb's so-called Final Lists.

On a final note, when people watch this film, a lot of people come away with a strange feeling of familiarity regarding the content, the story and the character of Rick Deckard the protagonist, the Detective, the Blade Runner. You should know that Philip K. Dick was an incredibly huge fan of Raymond Chandler and absorbed every one of his stories on a personal level. Hampton Fancher, the screenwriter was privy to this when he penned the screenplay while making the adaptation for `Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' and did his best to not only pay homage to this for Dick but for Chandler as well. Movies like `The Big Sleep' really bring it home and make it evident to the viewer. The novel almost reads like the narration and in latter years I find impossible to not hear Harrison Ford's voice as I read `The Big Sleep'.

"What do you think of my Owl, Mr. Deckard?"

"Is it real?"

Due for re-release in December, this motion picture is one of the finest science fiction films of the 20th century. Part of this is because it projects a future that could be the earth as a place with a ruined environment populated by people that couldn't or wouldn't make the jump to one of the more habitable off-world colonies. The other part is because the film questions what it means to be human, and explores the possibly unsatisfactory answers you might get if you could, like the replicants, hunt down your maker and ask him Why am I here? Why must my life end? I'll pretty much let Warner's press release do the talking from this point forward. Basically you have your choice of three different sets 2-disc, 4-disc, and 5-disc. The discs are described as follows:

Disc 1 Ridley Scott's All-New "Final Cut" Version of the film Restored and remastered with added & extended scenes, added lines, new and cleaner special effects and all new 5.1 Dolby Digital Audio. Also included is commentary by Ridley Scott and a host of others that worked behind the camera.

Disc 2 Documentary Dangerous Days: Making of Blade Runner A feature-length documentary revealing all the elements that shaped this cinema landmark. Cast, crew, critics and colleagues give a behind-the-scenes, in-depth look at the film from its literary roots and inception through casting, production, visuals and special effects to its legacy.

Disc 3 1982 Theatrical Version The original that contains Deckard's narration and has Deckard and Rachel's (Sean Young) "happy ending" escape scene.

1982 International Version Also used on U.S. home video, laserdisc and cable releases up to 1992. This version is not rated, and contains some extended action scenes in contrast to the Theatrical Version.

1992 Director's Cut Omits Deckard's voiceover narration and removes the "happy ending" finale. It adds the famous "unicorn" sequence, a vision that Deckard has which suggests that he, too, may be a replicant.

Disc 4 BONUS Disc "Enhancement Archive" Eight featurettes, image galleries, radio interview with the author, and screen tests for the part of Rachel.

Disc 5 Workprint Version This rare version of the film is considered by some to be the most radically different of all the Blade Runner cuts. It includes an altered opening scene, no Deckard narration until the final scenes, no "unicorn" sequence, no Deckard/Rachel "happy ending," altered lines between Rutger Hauer and his creator Tyrell (Joe Turkell), alternate music and much more.

Also included is commentary by Paul M. Sammon, author of Future Noir: The Making of Blade Runner and a featurette "All Our Variant Futures: From Workprint to Final Cut".

2 Disc Edition : Discs 1-2

4 Disc Edition : Discs 1-4

5 Disc Edition : Discs 1-5

The downside of this 2-disc version is that you are only getting the Final Cut version of the film and the documentary disc. You won't get the bonus disc of featurettes, the disc of past releases, and the workprint version of the film. The upside is that the 5-disc version of the film has some expensive packaging and promotional material included that seems to really raise the price of the entire package.

Buy Blade Runner: The Final Cut Blu-ray SteelBook Now

Well... here's the deal...

Blade Runner stands as one of those films whose editting and final cut were always a subject for debate. As you may know there are two known cuts of this film: the original theatrical version (shunned by many who claimed it was a producer's cut who did not believe in Scott's true vision) and the director's cut (which is not really the director's cut... it is more a screenplay's cut... with some changes who merely unmade some of the things the producers did on the previous cut).

It is this second version that you will find here (while the first version is no longer available) with a face lift... a new transfer... better sound... and that's it.

In one way, this version is badly needed because all the previous Blade Runner DVD incarnations come from the first years of DVD when you didn't even have a decent menu. And since the DVD technology has evolved a lot since then... why not a new version of Blade Runner, right?


The mystique surrounding Blade Runner says that director Ridley Scott never REALLY got HIS REAL version of this film. And more... A such an important and much loved film like this should have lots of extras to bring a new light to a film that is so fundamental and trendsetting.

And it seems that after 25 years, all the legal problems preventing all this from happenning were really sorted out between the film's former producers who battled for years for the film's rights.

And now, with all problems solved, we know that in 2007, we'll have that multi-disc version all the fans always dreamt of.

SO, THE DEAL IS... IF YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT THIS VERSION, BUY THIS EDITION. The good thing is you won't even go through those stupid snap cases anymore. Even if you already have it, the better image and sound on this release will certainly make up for it.

BUT IF YOU CANNOT BE SATISFIED WITH ANYTHING LESS THAT THE WHOLE MULTI-DISC EDITION COMPRISING ALL THE VERSIONS AND TONS OF EXTRAS... forget about this version and wait a few months for the longer, bigger, more complete, celebratory, multi versioned, multi disc set that will give you the FULL BLADE RUNNER deal.

It will cost more, naturally, but we've been saving money for it since our childhood, right? ;-)

I'm a big fan. So I'll wait. This version is a quick, just and much needed repairment: a great new transfer (with no extras) for those who just want the film. An entry level I'd say. And I think it is good that Warner Home Video has this version for those who just want the film at bargain price.

But more is coming in 2007. In full!!

So, I'll wait impatiently!!!!!

Read Best Reviews of Blade Runner: The Final Cut Blu-ray SteelBook Here

I fully agree with the previous reviewers. I already have the original 1992 Director's Cut and have been waiting ages to upgrade it. However, now that the producers have finally settled their legal problems, we are being deluged with a surfeit of Blade Runner editions. This is the first and the least promising of three planned editions. The 1992 Director's Cut is a compromise cut. This barebones DVD is the same as the previous DVD except that it has been fully restored and given an anamorphic remastering.

Following this edition, there will be another entitled, "Ridley Scott's Blade Runner: The Final Cut," to be released in early 2007 to mark the 25th Annversary of the movie, which will include newly restored scenes and will be Scott's final word on the film. Then later in 2007, there will be the "Ultimate Blade Runner" which will contain all 4 versions of the film, the original U.S. theatrical cut, the expanded international theatrical cut, the 1992 Director's Cut and the 2007 Final Cut, all fully restored and in anamorphic transfers plus tonnes of extras. In addition, Blade Runner will also be released simultaneously on both Blu-ray and HD-DVD formats.

Buy this with your eyes open. It is recommended only if you're a completist or have only passing interest in the film. This edition will have a limited run of just 4 months before it is withdrawn prior to the arrival of the next edition.

Want Blade Runner: The Final Cut Blu-ray SteelBook Discount?

Finally, the version I've been waiting for and many others as well. For years Blade Runner fans have been subject to the insane number of versions of Blade Runner and even the 5 disc Blu Ray copy that really is not worth the price you pay. The Final Cut is the version to have if you truly love the Blade Runner experience and have always hated the annoying voiceover by Harrison Ford that has plagued various copies of the film. Ridley Scott himself was able to have full artistic license with this film and you will not be disappointed. What you will be greeted with is a very clean, crisp HD version of the film and just the best single copy out there without all the extra discs of fluff and crappier versions. This version has the omitted voiceover, alternate ending without the "happy resolution" and the inclusion of the Unicorn dream. Any other reviews that knock the film are most likely fans of the voiceover which spoon feeds you information and takes away the lonely rainy feeling you get when watching the film for the first time. Plus in my opinion without the added commentary you are able to judge the film for yourself and not be guided through every single little plot detail. The acting is spot on and perhaps my personal favorite Ford role to date. If you are going to have any science fiction film on your shelf please get this version you will not be disappointed. 5 stars on audio, visual effects, crisp colors and picture quality.

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