Sunday, June 29, 2014

NFL Super Bowl XLVI Champions: 2011 New York Giants (2012)

NFL Super Bowl XLVI Champions: 2011 New York GiantsI've been duped into buying each of the Giants' last two Super Bowl winning seasons DVDs. NFL Films, thanks for taking my money while delivering a pedestrian, rushed-to-market product.

My chief complaint with this (and with the Super Bowl 42 DVD) is that the narration fails to TELL THE STORY of the season. It's hard to make this Giants campaign seem flavorless, but they did. The format of the film is such that they'll go over a few highlights of each game rather journalistically, move on to the next one, and lather, rinse, repeat. There is very little commentary and they barely put anything in context. How about beginning with the fact that the team was widely criticized for making no free agent impact, for allowing Steve Smith to slip to Philadelphia, to see Plax return with the Jets? How about mentioning the fact that each of Coughlin's eight seasons in New York have begun with a 5-2 or better record, and late season declines were a pattern that was on the minds of everyone when they seemed to begin another one? How about discussing the emergence of JPP, the contract dispute with Osi, or Justin Tuck's tumultuous season -rife with personal lose and physical injury -before returning to strengthen the defense down the stretch? Or Eli Manning's bounce back year, in which he defended his pre-season remarks and reversed a nasty turnover trend to throw a record-setting 15 TD passes in the fourth quarter? No, no mention of any of this. Instead, all you get is "Bradshaw ran for a TD... then Eli threw for one... the Giants won X to Y. The next week, Cruz had two TDs, Corey Webster had an INT, the Giants won X to Y..."

In fairness, the footage is pretty spectacular. Makes you wonder where it is when the officials don't have a good view on a replay review and the announcers are telling you "all they have is what you're seeing on your screen, folks."

The bottom line is, I get these DVDs so I can remember the finer points of a miraculous season and so that in 10, 20 years time, I can pop the DVD in and bring this season back to life. I seriously doubt that this product will serve that purpose.

At about an hour and fifteen minutes, the feature program is longer than most other Super Bowl recap DVD's of recent memory. I was expecting the standard 30 minute retelling of the Super Bowl and short snippets of the season's highlights leading up to it, but what I got was a comprehensive review of every Giant game this season, win or lose, and the featured play from each game in high definition on blu-ray.

What makes this program special is the fact that NFL Films has recently elevated their high definition photography to an art form, so every play is stunning in its appearance and when the players are miked up for sound and they are hit or are hitting, the brutality of the sport is graphically spotlighted. On a good sound system, some of these hits sound as brutal as they look.

Obviously, for the Giant fan, buying this memento of another improbable run is a no-brainer, but even for the casual NFL fan, this feature-length film features some of the best behind-the-scene footage of preseason coaching, banter between officials and players, sideline discussions (including the now-infamous Bill Belichick "make 'em throw it to Manningham" plea during the Super Bowl) and other rare moments that only the NFL Films crew has access to.

The scene selections are divided by game, so if you wish to fast forward through the Giants mid-season swoon and get to the good stuff, just flick the remote and off you go! What I also liked about the program is the highlighting of all players who played an integral part in this championship, like Victor Cruz, Jason Pierre-Paul and even Chase Blackburn. Sure, this is Eli's team, but you are not beaten over the head with it, like you were with the Aaron Rogers or Drew Brees love-fest videos. This was truly a team effort, and the narrative certainly makes the most of that theme.

I also like how candid they were able to get with Tom Coughlin, particularly his heartfelt post game speeches, and especially with linebacker Michael Boley, who you can clearly see took over Michael Strahan's role as the emotional leader of this defense, and who I believe was even more emotionally invested this year than Strahan was during the 2007 run. I certainly hope they peg him for at least one spot in the America's Game film of this team's story. I vote for Boley, Cruz and either Pierre-Paul or Ahmad Bradshaw to be the narrators, as Coughlin and Manning are probably not going to repeat...all I can do is speculate of course!

The bonus material is not extensive, but it does feature the Super Bowl ceremony with everyone humorously assaulting Raymond Berry as he escorts the Lombardi Trophy through the field, as well as Super Bowl Media Day highlights, a short Super Bowl XLII retrospective (borrowed liberally from the NFL Films feature) among a half dozen or so clips and highlights. Nothing to write home about, but that's hopefully not what you bought it for.

All in all, NFL Film's ability to be EVERYWHERE during filming of these games (including in the cheap seats!) makes this a truly unique perspective on a truly unique season and team. I think the most memorable moment of this feature is the very prophetic shot of Mario Manningham's mother in deep focus in the stands at the Super Bowl, then a close up on her son and Manning, just before Eli calls the play that ultimately defines and decides Super Bowl XLVI. You'll be asking yourself, how did they know? Maybe they already knew it was destiny repeating itself...

Buy NFL Super Bowl XLVI Champions: 2011 New York Giants (2012) Now

This is an ACTUAL review of the DVD, and not a bunch of whining about Blu-Ray or Hi-def or what people think this DVD should contain. Such things are of no matter to me personally. As long as I have a lasting document of this incredible season, I am happy.

I received the DVD earlier today, in advance of the Tuesday release date. All I can say is...stunning!

The first thing I must say is that to call this a season's highlight package is to sell this production woefully short. "Cinematic" is a more appropriate term. NFL Films, as a production studio, consistently puts out a product that rivals any Hollywood studio and can easily play on the big screen. You will have a greater appreciation of how fast and violent this game is when watching this, or anything from NFL Films. When you see the camera focused on a ball in flight, that is likely from the camera of Donnie Marx. That's his signature shot. He's got to be one of the best cameramen working in any medium. His shot of Tom Brady's "Fail Mary" at the end of the Super Bowl is a thing of beauty.

About this DVD in particular, I got chills and that nervous stomach when watching, even though I knew what was going to happen. If you were already a fan of Giants' WR Victor Cruz, you will grow to love him even more. NFL Films was able to capture him in those moments, and you'll see that he plays the game with a team-first attitude and a childlike enthusiasm (on display when the Giants win the NFC Championship, and sprints across the field). I have to use the world "childlike", because when he is handed the Lombardi Trophy, his eyes open wide and he looks at the trophy as if he's reliving the moment he held his first child a few weeks earlier. I also love an exchange between Safety Deon Grant and one of the refs during the Atlanta playoff game where Grant argues the spot of the ball. The ref tells Grant to do his job and he'll do his. Grant replied that he DID his job and that why the spot is where HE said it was. Classic stuff.

I think the one tiny complaint that I have with the DVD is that it focused on Giants' WR Domenik Hixon's acrobatic TD catch against the Rams. But they don't mention that it was Victor Cruz's window into the starting lineup, since Hixon suffered a season-ending injury to his ACL on the play. I DID like that they didn't spend too much time on the shellacking that New Orleans put on the Giants on that Monday night.

The one major complaint that I had about the Giants "Road to SB XLII" set is addressed on this DVD, as the Super Bowl XLVI Post-game trophy ceremony is presented in the special features, along with Media Day highlights from the NFL Network, an interview with Eli Manning conducted by the man he supplanted as Giants QB...Kurt Warner, A interview with the Giants WR Corps, and a feature on Super Bowl XLII hero David Tyree.

Giants fans...I really can't wait for you to see this DVD!

Read Best Reviews of NFL Super Bowl XLVI Champions: 2011 New York Giants (2012) Here

First, this isn't the Super Bowl XLVI "Road to the Super Bowl" production, which contains the entire Super Bowl and Playoff Games. That DVD collection should be out some time this spring/summer. "NFL Super Bowl XLVI Champions: 2011 New York Giants" is a Giants' 2011 highlight DVD/Blu-ray. It contains highlights of every regular season game, playoff game, and of course Super Bowl XLVI. There are some very nice special features too, which include:

Super Bowl XLVI Media Day

Super Bowl XLVI Post-Game Ceremonies

Super Bowl XLII Recap

The Eli Manning Conversation

Back To The Future

The Receiving Giants

Catching Up With David Tyree

2011 NFL Shots of the Year

2011 NFL Players Wired For Sound

2011 NFL Coaches Wires For Sound

The Blu-ray transfer is superb, and is a must have for any Giants' Fan.

Want NFL Super Bowl XLVI Champions: 2011 New York Giants (2012) Discount?

One thing's for sure is that Tom Brady proved that he is no longer an elite quarterback in the game (can he regain his elite status? maybe). Regardless, his terrible rookie-like mistakes cost the NE Patriots the Superbowl and handed Eli Manning an extra ring. Could the Patriots won in spite of Brady? maybe if they got really, really lucky and had a healthy Gronkowski. I give the Pats credit for being in a semi-rebuilding year and still making the Superbowl, but I give the Giants credit for not making any big mistakes. And while I admit that Manning's not an elite quarterback, he didn't make any big mistakes. And that is what you want out of your quarterback. Period. No big mistakes for Big Blue.

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