Friday, June 20, 2014

Let the Right One In (2009)

Let the Right One InDo not buy this movie yet. Magnolia butchered the subtitles and will be releasing a version with the theatrical subtitles in the near future. Magnolia will not replace this disc with the fixed one, so hold off on your purchase. You will know the correct version when you see "subtitles: English (theatrical release)" in the specs on the back.

I was very disappointed with this DVD. So much so that I'm returning my copy of it. I saw the movie in theatres, and found it masterful. The amazing tone is part of the beauty of the film, and the subtitles on the US DVD release are a travesty. They remove most of the subtlety from the tone and characters (see for examples). The movie I saw in theatres was a masterpiece; the movie on this DVD (using subtitles) is a mediocrity. If you are going to buy this DVD, either download and use the theatrical subtitles or use the mediocre dubbing track. As for me, I'm going to look for another region's copy or wait for a re-release.

In the end, this DVD is a masterclass on why good subtitle translations are critical in foreign films.

Buy Let the Right One In (2009) Now


Magnolia/MAGNET refused to pay for the original translations and hired there own in order to cut costs. I encourage you to write Magnolia/MAGNET and demand a re-issue with the correct subtitles, and a refund for your defective DVDs and Blu-rays

Read Best Reviews of Let the Right One In (2009) Here

I too bought this film from amazon and wish that Magnolia had disclosed a change in the subtitles from original release of the film. This change completely worsens a great foreign film.

Buyers beware of this problem with the release. Hopefully we can expect Magnolia to own up to their decision and replace what i consider defective copies.

MY thoughts echo another commenter:

Unbelievable. Just read the comment saying that they WILL REISSUE the disc but that they WILL NOT HAVE AN EXCHANGE PROGRAM for those who purchased their DEFECTIVE PRODUCT. So let me get this straight; those of us who love this film, preordered it, then pointed out their mistake, thereby saving others from a mutilated film end up being PUNISHED because of it? Magnolia, you're a real class act.

Want Let the Right One In (2009) Discount?

There is no excuse for this pitiful translation regardless of whether you speak Swedish or not the dvd subtitle track is awful. Wait for the new edition.

Save 37% Off

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