Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Experiment in Terror (1962)

Experiment in TerrorTake an early, lean Blake Edwards, a tension filled script, a cast of fine actors, great San Francisco location shooting and a suspenseful score by Henry Mancini and you have "Experiment in Terror"---one of the best suspense thrillers ever made. Adapted by the story's authors, it pits innocent bank clerk Lee Remick against asthmatic madman Ross Martin who terrorizes her in an extortion plot to rob her bank. His threats include harming her kid sister Stefanie Powers. When Remick contacts the FBI, agent Glenn Ford and his associates barrel into action. The result is a bizarre cat & mouse game between Remick, Martin and Ford. Martin is slick and murderous. But he manages to finance expensive hip surgery for a 6 yr.old Asian boy whose mother he's seeing. His heavy breathing is some of the most realistic I've ever heard in a film. Edwards directs "Experiment" in a fast paced style that keeps you glued to the screen all the way to the Giants game finale. Again, his on location shooting is superb. He never goes for the cheap shot in this film. Some scenes are just down right creepy. "Experiment in Terror" gets my vote as one of the best DVD finds around and deserves collector's status. It's wonderful b&w photography is preserved in a nice crisp print and the sound is fine. This is a first rate keeper all the way. Enjoy.

The calendar year of 1962 sure was a fantastic year for movies! Just look at this impressive lineup of cinematic gems released in '62 ---

"Lawrence Of Arabia", "To Kill A Mockingbird", "The Longest Day", "The Music Man", "Mutiny On The Bounty", "The Miracle Worker", "Cape Fear", "Days Of Wine And Roses", "The Manchurian Candidate", "How The West Was Won", "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?", "Advise & Consent", "Birdman Of Alcatraz", "Requiem For A Heavyweight", "Lonely Are The Brave", "Long Day's Journey Into Night", "Knife In The Water", "Dr. No", and "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance".

Holy smoke! What a great year for moving pictures it was. (The first five films I listed above were the five nominees for "Best Picture" at the Academy Awards, with "Lawrence", starring Peter O'Toole, taking home first prize.)

And -in addition to that grand laundry list of goodies above -there is also the 1962 film contained on this exceptional DVD -"Experiment In Terror" -which is one of my top '62 favorites.

"Experiment In Terror" was produced and directed by 39-year-old Blake Edwards, who also directed one of those other memorable '62 flicks on my list above ("Days Of Wine And Roses", which co-starred Jack Lemmon and "Experiment" star Lee Remick). Both Lemmon and Remick were nominated for Oscars for "Wine And Roses". The trophies, however, were won by Gregory Peck and Anne Bancroft.

"Experiment In Terror" is a brilliant and compelling black-and-white thriller. It makes you squirm in your seat from the extraordinarily-eerie beginning right through to its climax, which takes place on the pitcher's mound at San Francisco's "Candlestick Park". (Glenn Ford was firing bullets alright, but not the kind of "bullets" you might expect to see fired from Candlestick's pitching rubber.)

This underrated gem of a flick runs for a tad more than two hours and is methodically slow-paced, which is a good thing here IMO. It gives you time to absorb each scene and think about what's coming next.

The city of San Francisco, California, has been used as a backdrop to many a motion picture over the years, and "Experiment In Terror" is one of the best for showcasing that beautiful western U.S. city. Lots of outdoor footage is used in the film -from cable car close-ups to Coit Tower to Lombard Street to Candlestick.

26-year-old Lee Remick is superb (and stunning as all get out) as the terrorized "Kelly Sherwood"; while Glenn Ford is rock-solid as the FBI agent ("John Ripley") attempting to crack the case; and Ross Martin is completely convincing as "Red Lynch", the wheezing bad guy.

And I certainly don't want to forget about the sensational Henry Mancini music score, which is fabulously creepy from beginning to end. Mr. Mancini's very fitting theme that is played as the Main Titles roll is truly chill-inducing, especially that very first elongated note, which (from its timbre) lets all viewers know right off the bat that what they're about to see isn't going to be a Walt Disney-like, laugh-a-minute cartoon-fest. It's an ominous and downright spooky-sounding opening theme that sets the tone for what's to come.

"Experiment In Terror" debuted in movie theaters on April 13, 1962, and was just Miss Remick's 8th film; but she had already appeared in some excellent movies by the time "Experiment" hit movie screens -such as her very first motion picture, 1957's "A Face In The Crowd" (opposite Andy Griffith) and 1959's "Anatomy Of A Murder", in which she couldn't have been any sexier if she tried (co-starring with the great James Stewart).

Stefanie Powers, age 19, has a very good supporting role in "Experiment", playing Remick's victimized sister, "Toby". Stefanie, like the rest of this top-notch cast, is outstanding in her part here. This was Powers' fifth film role.

Moviegoers in the United Kingdom might also recognize this film by its alternate U.K. title -"The Grip Of Fear".

This DVD version of "Experiment In Terror" became available for purchase on June 10, 2003 (from Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment), and it exhibits virtually perfect picture quality. The DVD's Anamorphically-enhanced Widescreen transfer is so clear and free of "noise" and all other video blemishes that this black-and-white film actually takes on a "multiple tone" quality from the depth of the B&W imagery that can be seen here. Excellent "PQ" indeed! You can distinctly discern between the different "shadings" of gray, black, and white throughout the movie (which is something that I've always considered to be indicative of a very well-done transfer of any B&W material to DVD).

The cinematography that can be found within "Terror" is one of the superb features of the film. It is a movie that is well-suited for black-and-white, with its nerve-racking, shadow-filled opening sequence providing a prime example of the admirable photography composed for the film.

The DVD displays the film in the originally-seen Widescreen Aspect Ratio of 1.85:1. Audio is English only (Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono).

Special Features are very minimal here (three Theatrical Trailers and three different Subtitling options for the feature film), but the movie itself is certainly "special" enough for this DVD release. And it's a treat being able to see this flick in its intended "Widescreen" format; and, as I gushed previously (but it's worth repeating) -Man, it looks good here!

The Trailers on the disc include one for "Experiment In Terror" itself (with a running time of 2:48), plus "Bonus Trailers" for two other movies, "The Big Heat" (from 1953) and 1947's "The Lady From Shanghai".

Other information about this DVD:

>> Feature Running Time -2 hours, 3 minutes.

>> Subtitles -English, Japanese, and French.

>> Scene Selections? -Yes (28 Chapter Stops included).

>> Menus -All "static"; No animations; No music.

>> Paper Insert Included? -Yes (A one-sheet / two-sided Chapter Guide).


"Experiment In Terror" has everything a great suspense thriller needs -A fine cast of characters, great actors to portray them, a first-class script which builds mounting tension and drama, superb on-location scenery, and a goose-bump-raising musical score from one of the best composers ever. And the film is made all the better via this winning DVD presentation.

Friendly warning -You might not wish to watch this movie's opening scene alone! It's very realistic .... and scary.

Buy Experiment in Terror (1962) Now

this one was very daring for it's time. the opening score is one of the most ominous music compositions i've ever heard. it's simple but terrifying. you know from the beginning that "something" is going to happen and it does. a woman is manipulated and extorted and threatened all in the first 10 minutes, inevitably compelled to involve the FBI. to divulge any more of this ominous little film would be unfair. a thriller in the most definitive form of the word. it boasts two of the best actors ever to grace the silver screen: Glenn Ford and Lee Remick. this was director Blake Edwards sole attempt at a dramatic film. this attempt proved to be sufficient. it's a cinematic masterpiece. watch it with the lights out!!!!

as for the DVD, not much in extras but the transfer and audio are very good.

Read Best Reviews of Experiment in Terror (1962) Here

Blake Edwards' "Experiment In Terror", released in 1962, is a brilliantly-effective black-and-white thriller/suspense drama. I challenge anyone to try and keep from squirming in his or her seat during the movie's first eerie scene (which takes place in Lee Remick's dark garage).

This gem of a flick, which rates as a "mini-classic" in my own personal opinion, has a running time of a little more than two hours, with the script playing out methodically and unhurriedly. The film's screenplay gives you time to absorb each scene and time to contemplate what might be coming next.

"Experiment In Terror" has everything a great suspense motion picture requires -A good cast of characters, great actors to portray them, a top-drawer script which builds the mounting tension, superb on-location scenery, and a goose-bump-inducing musical score from one of the best composers ever.

The city of San Francisco, California, has been used as a backdrop to many a motion picture over the years, and "EIT" is one of the best for showcasing that beautiful U.S. city. Quite a bit of outdoor footage is used in the film -from cable car close-ups, to Coit Tower, to Lombard Street, to Candlestick.

The Fine Cast:

The stunning Lee Remick, age 26, is perfect as terrorized bank teller "Kelly Sherwood"; while 45-year-old Glenn Ford is rock-solid (as always) as FBI agent "John 'Rip' Ripley". And Ross Martin, 42, is completely convincing and menacing as the wheezing bad guy ("Garland Humphrey 'Red' Lynch"), who wants Miss Remick to swipe $100,000 from her bank and hand it over to him.

Nineteen-year-old Stefanie Powers has a very good supporting role in "Experiment", as Remick's younger sister, "Toby". Stefanie, like the rest of the top-notch cast, is outstanding in her part too.

It's also interesting to take note of the early 1960s-era baseball stars that can be seen in the movie (via the tense Candlestick Park finale, part of which was filmed during an actual major-league game between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the hometown San Francisco Giants). Don Drysdale, Harvey Kuenn, and Mike McCormick are among the ballplayers that can be glimpsed during the course of the film's Candlestick scenes.

And then there's Henry Mancini's spectacular music score that he composed for "EIT", which is fabulously creepy from beginning to end. The Main Title theme is positively chilling, especially that very first elongated note. It's an ominous and downright spooky-sounding opening theme that sets the tone for what's to come.

The B&W cinematography in "Experiment" is another of the movie's superb features. This is a film that is well-suited for black-and-white, with its nerve-racking, shadow-filled opening sequence providing a prime example of the admirable photography that was composed for the film.


Some "Terror Trivia":

1.) The number on Lee Remick's automobile license plate is "TAH570". It's a 1961 California plate, which is attached to Lee's (Kelly's) Ford Fairlane two-door convertible.

2.) The baseball ticket that Lee Remick takes from an envelope near the end of the picture reveals some interesting things (trivia-wise). It's a genuine "Upper Stand Reserved" ticket (priced at $2.50) for the actual National League baseball game played on Friday, August 18, 1961 (a Dodgers vs. Giants night game at Candlestick Park).*

* = By the way, the Giants ended up winning that game of 8/18/61 vs. Los Angeles. Orlando Cepeda swatted a lead-off home run in the bottom of the 10th inning to give San Francisco a 2-1, extra-inning victory over the Dodgers. Don Drysdale was the starting pitcher for Los Angeles that night, and he threw a very good game too, working 7 innings, allowing just 4 hits and 1 run. Larry Sherry relieved Drysdale and took the loss by giving up the Cepeda game-winner. A Friday-night crowd of 30,145 saw their Giants pull out the sudden-death win. I'm unsure, however, if that attendance figure includes the "Upper Stand" ticket that Columbia Pictures acquired for Miss Remick's use in this motion picture. Could be, though. I'm assuming Columbia had to pay the $2.50 to get the ticket. ~wink~



"You've got a small waist -measurements: 34-22-35 -right? Oh, I know a lot about you, Miss Sherwood." -Red Lynch

"I don't like the way you're talking, Kelly. I'm giving you twenty percent of 100,000 dollars; you can afford to talk a little nicer." -Red Lynch

"Why don't you come out of your hole and get me?!!" -Kelly Sherwood

"Take off your clothes. .... The sweater too." -Red Lynch (to Toby)


This VHS videotape of "Experiment In Terror" provides a Standard/Full-Frame (1.33:1) version of the movie. But for the ultimate "Experiment Experience", I'd recommend the first-rate DVD edition of this movie. The film is presented in its intended Widescreen ratio on that Digital Disc -and it looks sensational too.

Want Experiment in Terror (1962) Discount?

Experiment in Terror is one of those now rarely seen films from the tail end of the

film noir era.

Made in 1962 by Blake Edwards, who would later go on the make the Pink Panther films and Victor/Victoria, starring his wife Julie Andrews.

This film showed what might have been, if Edwards had of kept on making detective and film noir thillers, instead of light fuffy comadies.

A real edge of your seat movie.

But I would like to know why the Marketplace Sellers want so much for this film

on dvd. 60.00 buck is an outlandish price for a film, just because it's on dvd.

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