Friday, June 20, 2014

Enchanted (2007)

Enchanted"Enchanted" (2007) has to be one of my favorite Disney movies in years; it is a return to the type of classic movies that were produced under Walt's supervision, but it also acknowledges the times we live in without being too negative. Right off the bat, I was amazed to be able to watch a film that had no profanity and other than the topic of divorce, hardly any adult situations. Of course, there is some 'wink-wink' adult humor that will go over the head of children, but even that is pretty tame. How refreshing to know that an excellent movie can be made without looking like the 10pm news or a tawdry reality show. PLENTY of fun references to vintage Disney films, and a number of cameos by some Disney favorites.

The film begins as a typical classic Disney animated film would; Julie Andrews narrates the story of Prince Edward (James Marsden) from Andalasia, who must find his true love to marry, and his evil stepmother Narissa (Susan Sarandon), who does not want to step down from her throne and will do whatever she can to thwart Edward's search. Enter Giselle (Amy Adams), a maiden of the forest with plenty of animal friends. She too is searching for her true love, and through song and fate, Edward & Giselle meet, fall in love, but are separated by Narissa, who sends Giselle out of the toon world and into the harsh reality of present day New York City. While Edward and Giselle attempt to reunite, a hardened divorce attorney, Robert (Patrick Dempsey) & his daughter attempt to help her along the way. Giselle's positive attitude and belief in true love has a profound effect on Robert, who has apparently been embittered by his own divorce (what actually happened to his first wife is somewhat nebulous, and basically left open for interpretation). Robert is already seeing someone; Nancy (Idina Menzel) is the romantic girl he has been dating for the last five years. No plot spoilers here; you will have to see how it all comes together.

This film rests on the able shoulders of Amy Adams; in the role of Princess Giselle, she could have easily done a parody of Snow White, Cinderella, and the other Disney Princesses. However, she brings warmth, charm, humor, and great emotion to her character; she is totally believeable. James Marsden again shows off his tremendous vocal talent, and as a toon Prince, he gives a letter perfect performance. Although he is a little one-dimensional at times, it works perfectly with the plot and how the movie progresses. Dempsey also does a wonderful job in his role, with just the right amount of bitterness; it is very apparent that he underneath he believes in romance but what happened with #1 has forced him to change. The only weak link in the cast is Sarandon, which is a shame. She is one of our finest actresses, and yet her characterization just misses the mark for me; she lacks the power and evil that we expect from a Disney Villain; in the climax of the film, she almost appears to be yawning through her part. It is the power and force of a Disney Villain that makes their "fall" so enjoyable; evil must be very evil for the triumph of good to be truly satisfying. Still, it hardly detracts from the overall product. The songs in this film will stay with you after you watch the a good way. Rarely have I immediately been overcome with the desire to purchase the soundtrack from a film in recent years. Overall, a definite 5 stars for this movie.

The DVD is a different story; although there are extras, it does seem like Disney skimped on them. The highlight is the behind-the-scenes look, "FANTASY COMES TO LIVE," at 3 sequences: "Happy Working Song," "That's How You Know," and the Ballroom finale sequence. Seeing the layering of the CGI effects and Amy Adams having to "act" to nothing ("Happy Working Song") gives an even greater appreciation of her talent. You will also learn that one of the dancers from "Mary Poppins" has a cameo in the "That's How You Know" number. There is also an "extra," PIP'S PREDICAMENT: A POP-UP ADVENTURE, that tells the tale of Pip's alerting Edward that Giselle was no longer in Andalasia. MAYBE very young children will find this amusing, but personally, it was a little on the lame side. There is also a "Hidden Mickey" that is basically a promotion for the Bluray version of "Enchanted." The deleted scenes are fun to watch, as is the blooper reel. Neither are very long though. The Carrie Underwood music video for "Ever Ever After" is also included.

I am sure (or at least I hope) there will be a 2-disc special edition in the near future. So, for this 2008 Widescreen edition, I give it 4 stars instead of 5 due to the lack of extras. The movie itself still packs a wallop!

This film is a delight from beginning to end. It really is a film the whole family can enjoy. My 11 year-old was "enchanted" by it, my 16 year old son was laughing hysterically, and my wife and I were never bored once.

This film falls into the "fractured fairly tale" genre much like The Princess Bride which is a difficult genre to produce successfully. To add to the difficulty level this film also tackles the switch over from cartoon world to the real one. "Enchanted" succeeds here as well. The cartoon world is a tribute in style to the old fashioned cartoons we all grew up with, but the comedy and approach of the cartoon component works and is in funny balance to the real world scenes.

Amazon and other reviewers have done a good job summarizing this film and with the traditional elements of most Disney classic cartoons, there isn't much I can add here, so here is my hits and misses approach:

The Misses:

(1) The ending goes a little over the top with effects and seems a bit out of place, although it's still fun and interesting.

(2) The songs are good, even above average in spots, but not nearly as good as prior Disney efforts.

The Hits:

(1) It's a great marriage of cartoon and real world storylines.

(2) The film nails the fractured fairy tale genre right on the head.

(3) The story is engaging no matter what your age is. My whole family truly loved this film.

(4) For the genre this film has terrific acted. Amy Adams is someone anyone one of us would want to marry (or adopt). Her role of the misplaced Princess in New York City is difficult to get a handle on without grating on one's nerve, but she manages to get us to love and adore her. Patrick Dempsey is simply perfect in his role and who would ever think that James (X-Men Trilogy Marsden could sing and act so lightheartedly. Of course, Susan Saradon as the evil witch is perfectly cast and she manages to not go over-the-top as Glenn Close did as Cruella DeVille in 101 Dalmatians. The supporting cast of both familiar and unfamiliar faces are wonderful in their roles. This film is perfectly cast and makes one wonder why there isn't an Oscar category for casting as the person who did it for this film would surely have won it.

(5) Good blend of cartoon, real world, and special effects (even if the end goes a bit wild).

(6) The humor in this film will have you on the floor laughing until your stomach hurts. I kid you not, this film is absolutely hysterical as it pokes gentle fun as Disney's more traditionally family films. Some humor is a bit contrived in a few spots, but many seem like ad libs too.

I can't speak enough good things about this film. This is one to treasure and watch with your family over and over again. I'm sure that I will always find something entertaining in this film even on my 100th viewing.

Respectfully Submitted,

Steve Hedge, May '08

Buy Enchanted (2007) Now


"Enchanted" is a fish-out-of-water tale that is also an homage to "Snow White," "Sleeping Beauty," "Mary Poppins," and countless other Disney classics that have come before it. Here, a fairy tale princess (Amy Adams) crosses over from the world of animation to the world of live-action, without losing her cheery disposition and otherworldly charm in the process.

On the day she is to be wed to her long-awaited Prince Charming, the beautiful Giselle is tossed out of the storybook kingdom of Analasia by a jealous evil queen (Susan Sarandon) who has no intention of letting some pretty little upstart usurp her throne. When Giselle finally finishes falling, she lands smack dab in the middle of a live-action Manhattan that is only a tad less immaculate and a shade less colorful than the cel-animated world she calls home. The plucky heroine is both dazzled and a bit confused by this strange looking world where the people don't seem quite as friendly or optimistic about life as the inhabitants of Analasia. Giselle is befriended by an unromantic, decidedly commitment-phobic divorce attorney (Patrick Dempsey) who doesn't know quite what to make of this odd, undoubtedly deranged creature who, when she isn't inspiring critters to help her tidy up the apartment or breaking out into full-throated, spontaneous song, is extolling the virtues of true love and declaring her undying faith in happily-ever-after endings.

Most of the fun of "Enchanted" lies in watching this almost impossibly cheerful, utterly imperturbable former cartoon character going up against the harsh realities of the real world (as harsh as the "real world" in any Disney film can be, that is), yet maintaining her sunny disposition throughout. The filmmakers have devised some spot-on parodies of the typical Disney musical number, replete with high-pitched warbling, a chorus of singing animals, and lyrics that reflect an unquenchable conviction that all is for the best in this best of all possible worlds. At times, the idea of the film is better than its execution, opting, as it often does, for silliness and strained slapstick over sophistication and wit. And sometimes, even the concept itself falls flat, as when we are left to ponder whether these creatures, with their weird behavior and exotic garb, would really be all that out of place in Times Square. And, regrettably, the filmmakers couldn't resist throwing an utterly superfluous, CGI-generated dragon into the mix at the end.

Yet, for the most part, the movie is clever, bright and beguiling, and boasts a wonderfully ditzy performance by the lovely Miss Adams that brings the whole sugarcoated confection to life. The material many be stretched a bit beyond its breaking point, but "Enchanted" casts a spell over its audience anyway.

Read Best Reviews of Enchanted (2007) Here

Leave your cynicism outside the theater and enjoy "Enchanted," starring the talented Amy Adams. She is captivating as Giselle, the lovely, wholesome, and naïve young woman who is convinced that all she needs to make her life complete is her one true love. Alas, Prince Edward, aka "Prince Charming," has a rather unpleasant stepmother, Queen Narissa, played with raucous glee by Susan Sarandon. Narissa wants to thwart the lovers so that she can keep the throne for herself. She hatches a diabolical scheme in which she sends Giselle to a far-off place where innocent people are eaten for lunch--New York City.

"Enchanted" adheres to the conventions of the "fish out of water" genre, which was used successfully in such films as "Elf" and "Splash." Giselle emerges from a manhole wearing her tiara and an ornate wedding gown. Luckily for her, she runs into a kindhearted divorce lawyer, Robert Philip (Patrick Dempsey), who is bewildered and bewitched by this strange creature. Besides having a ridiculously optimistic outlook on life and a sickeningly sweet disposition, Giselle has a way with animals (including rats, pigeons, and cockroaches--this is New York, after all) who help her clean house and run errands. Robert's daughter, Morgan, is soon smitten with Giselle; this sweet and pretty lady represents everything that a little girl dreams of in a mother. Robert's girlfriend, Nancy, who has a more down-to-earth and practical disposition than Giselle, is less than entranced by this interloper whom she senses may be a rival for Robert's affection.

The director, Kevin Lima, wisely encouraged his performers to play their parts straight, with nary a wink at the audience. Bill Kelly's witty screenplay pokes fun at such fairy tale clichés as the wicked stepmother with her arsenal of poisoned apples and the plastic, square-jawed prince gallantly wooing his fair damsel. Among the many amusing visuals: Giselle uses curtains and other fabrics that she finds in Robert's house to make cutesy, off-the-shoulder dresses; a chipmunk accompanies Giselle to New York and keeps popping up in odd locations to warn her of the danger that she's in; Giselle strolls in Central Park with Robert and everyone bursts out in merry song.

Amy Adams is adorable as she tries to adjust to an urban environment as well as the realities of modern romance. James Marsden is an appropriately vapid Prince Edward and Susan Sarandon camps it up as the vicious queen. The gorgeous Patrick Dempsey nicely evolves from a bitter realist to a man falling under the spell of a beautiful and soft-hearted woman. The music and lyrics by Alan Menken and Stephen Schwartz are charming, and the animation is effectively eye-catching. "Enchanted" is great fun. Kids, take your parents!

Want Enchanted (2007) Discount?

Whether you have kids or not, this Disney movie is a delight for people of any age. The characters are top-notch led by Amy Adams who amazes me in her portrayal of a to-be princess who's a fish out of water in NYC. Her performance is so charming, so sweet and just plain believable that it really makes you happy watching her and the story. I can't say that about a lot of films including Disney movies.

The rest of the acting is perfect with a story that is quite entertaining. The musical numbers are great too with Amy involving some cool film effects using animals in the scenes. And they don't over-do the music in this one which can drag a film down at times.

You won't be disappointed in this movie and I recommend it on blu-ray if you don't own it. Either way, you'll be happy you bought this gem of a flick.


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