A Madea Christmas: The PlayMy husband and I saw this play live and I must say that it is another one for the books! It was hilarious. Everything is not always as it seems that is for sure. Mr Perry always knows how to bring it. This is worth buying and if you haven't seen one of his plays live, you are missing out. There is nothing like it. And for the Nay sayers, keep your comments to yourself! We must uplift one another and if you do not like Mr Perry then keep it moving.
Buy A Madea Christmas: The Play (2011) Now
I am a big Tyler Perry fan, I really enjoy watching his plays and movies, but Tyler Perry is getting very redundant. This play is a great joy to watch. Me and my dad watched it and we both loved it, but it still misses some of the key characteristics he had in his first 3 or 4 plays, and has to much of stuff he doesn't need. Every play Tyler Perry brings out he starts to cuss more and more. At first he just said "hell", with a few marijuana references here and there. As he produces more and more, he say's "ass" 20 times, "damn" 4-5 times....borderlines blasphemy in my opinion in some cases, and every play there is a marijuana reference, EVERY PLAY! Like c'mon Tyler, it was funny at first, but do something different. Not every character has to have a marijuana hobby.This play is more about Tyler Perry (Madea) than anybody. Of course, we ALL LOVE MADEA! She is so awesome and funny, but lately when there is a play with Madea, its ALL ABOUT MADEA! There is so much talent on the stage, yet Madea is the only one talking 90% of the time. Telling moral stories and how to live life. Let someone else give those words of wisdom. Only time there are actually serious moments in the play, is when Tyler Perry is not on stage. The play is very funny without Madea a lot of times. Or when the characters are trying portray a serious situation, Madea is just ad-libbing the entire time, pulling you out of the story seriousness. I truly want Tyler Perry to keep doing work and making plays and movies. However, variety is key. Not the same old concept of black people doing bad. Not to mention the movies, those have really been bad lately.. Madeas Big Happy Family movie is IDENTICAL to the play, no new jokes, same EVERYTHING! I really do not understand why make a movie into a play, but not change a darn thing about it....Money maybe? But you don't want me to bootleg..? But you want to make 2 shows the exact same way to just make more money???....right.
There is another play coming out called "The haves and the have nots", it is currently on tour, yet, the title alone is basically the same story of this "Christmas" play....Cmon now...
I'm getting off track here, I just really want the old Tyler Perry to start making great stories again, with an intriguing story line. Cut out all the excess fat and garbage. This is overall a good play, it is a GREAT play if you are not familiar with Tyler Perry plays. For older fans, it's just another money maker, that will turn into a movie.
It was amazing to see this play on Blu-Ray, I wish he would go back and reformat the older plays and make them High Def. The sound and visual of the play, is VERY detailed. You can see everything on the set so smoothly, the colors are so vibrant. I was literally blown away with the video quality of this play on Blu-Ray. I'm going to have to snag "Madeas Big Happy Family The Play" on Blu-Ray after seeing this fantastic quality.
Read Best Reviews of A Madea Christmas: The Play (2011) Here
i really enjoyed this play. It simply had me laughing and crying. This is a must have for all people. Tyler P keep up the great work.Just watched this and at first was going to change it but once Madea arrived I stayed. THis show was hysterical, awesome singing and the fact that it was on stage, live Awesome!
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