Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tron/Tron Legacy

Tron/Tron LegacyThis is one of the best 3D movies I have seen to date, especially considering how dark most of the movie is (note: darker movies typically don't provide good 3D quality). This pack includes the 3D blu-ray, blu-ray, DVD, and digital copy of Tron: Legacy as well as the blu-ray of the original Tron. All of these discs seems like overkill as I only watch Tron: Legacy in 3D and have watched the 2D blu-ray once for the bonus features. Having the original Tron in blu-ray is a great improvement over my original VHS!

I pre-ordered this Collectible Set with high hopes that it would be a very nice additional to my wall of dvd Collectibles ... I must say that I am a little (if not a lot) disappointed.

I have found that over the years the quality of the collectitibles has gone down hill ... both in size and over all quality.

This sadly has suffered from the same fate.

Over all it comes with a number of DVD's and Blu-Ray's, The orginal special edition of Tron, the DVD of Tron Legacy (as well as a digital copy), the Blu-Ray version of Tron: Legacy, and lastly the Blu-Ray (3D only) version of Tron: Legacy. Which is great for the price.

But the disks (save the digital copy) are all located INSIDE and STACKED on top of each in the back of the Collectiable Idenity Disk and held in place with a very tough disk locking tab (I broke a finger nail in an effort to remove the disks). So do be careful removing the disks not only to prevent damaging them but also be careful with the Idenity Disk as well. I'm going to get some Empty DVD cases and place the disks in those for easier access.

Now the IDENITY DISK ... now I wasn't expecting a solid metal super, ultra, high quality item, but I was expecting the Idenity Disk to be about the size of a smallish frise-bee. BE AWARE that the Idenity Disk is only slightly (and I do mean Slightly) larger than a DVD. The overall construction is okay and it is cool looking, from a distance, but up close it feels and looks cheap. It does light up ... but just barely ... in a completly dark room it looks cool, but other wise ... meh. =/. The stand that the disk sets in is fairly cheapish and it feels flimsy but it does do the job of holding the Idenity Disk. Note: the batteries for the Idenity Disk are replaceable should you ever want or need to do so.

Overall I am satified with my purchase and the extras that entail this collecter edition ... but I am dissappointed as well.

As for other DVD collectors out there ... I would only buy this if you are a die hard collector or fan of the Tron movies ... otherwise ... save you money and get the DVD's or Blu-Ray's seperatly.

Buy Tron/Tron Legacy Now

I liked the movie. I read the critics (who seemed to hate it) and listoned to friends (mixed, if passionate reviews either way). As with the original Tron, this is about a man's quest to overcome obstacles in order to get home. I liked Garret Hedlund's character, Sam Flynn. Emotionally scarred after losing his father at a young age, Sam comes off as devil may care, reckless and unambitious, at least that is how he wants to come off. In reality, he is more. Sam clearly has his father's smarts, he is brave, and though he does not want to appear it, earnest, sabotaging some of the ambitions of Encon's board members who ridicule his principled mentor, Alan Bradley. Opposite Bridges, Hedlund appears sad, bewildered, a little angry but clearly still very much loves his father. Though young, he is very much a young man with some years under his belt. His face reflects a life that includes some difficult experiences. I also liked Olivia Wilde as Quarra.She is a fierce fighter, but is also very much the little girl who looks at Keven Flynn as a father figure, a man she loves and respects and is fascinated by his stories about the outside world. Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner reprise their roles and Keven Flynn and Alan Bradley/Tron respectively. Unfortunately, the part did it for me the least was where they portrayed younger selves. Where Bridges and Boxleitner played their characters with corresponding ages, it worked, but did not work quite as well with the CGI younger versions of theirselve, Bridges as Clu and Boxleitner as Tron. CGI may still have a way to go. Bridges in particular impressed me. As Kevin Flynn, he was definitely the grieving father who never lost his love for his son and the twenty years of seperation have affected him. Those who wondered how he got his "Jedi" powers forget he showed similiar powers in the original Tron. I think CGI affected Bridges' portrayal of Clu, who is relentless, cagey and an ambitious antagonist, but the CGI does not capture nearly enough nuances of his facial expressions as Bridges was able to do as the elder Flynn. I was glad to see Boxleitner brought back to his old role, but the role was too underdeveloped. He clearly respects the elder Flynn and as a result is not popular with the rest of the boars. He has also taken the effort to look after the younger Flynn. Still, I missed the presence Boxleitner brought to the earlier movie.

I liked Tron Legacy. I am no critic. The special effects were great, and as in the original Tron, they are part of what sells the movie, and complements the story. Having said that, I liked this movie. I found the story interesting. I thought the story moved along, the characters were fleshed out (that part I really liked), and as in the original Tron, there were subtle subplots and subtle cautionary themes. I enjoyed the movie. I was entertained, I was never bored, and when it was over, I felt watching this movies was a pleasant way to spend two hours

Read Best Reviews of Tron/Tron Legacy Here

I got Tron:Legacy 3D 4 Disc BluRay and Tron:Original BluRay 2 disc set with tax for $38. At Best Buy Online/Store right now until the end of the week 4/9/11 they have on sale the Tron Legacy 3D set for $24.99, i don't even have a 3D player but you never know what the future holds once they get a lot cheaper. But you get the 3D version, 2D version, DVD and digital copy. And Tron original 2 disc set gives you the blu ray and dvd for 19.99... But In the Five-Disc Combo: that includes both movies, I never read that it included the original tron on dvd, maybe I'm mistaken since I didn't purchase it.

So right now I have purchased both movies, 6 discs in all for $44.98. You can go on the disney website which is free membership and they give a free $5 coupon with a Tron legacy purchase and best buy has it that if you buy both movies together you get an additional $5 off. So all in all you get $10 off. I bought it for $44.98-$10.00=$34.98 with tax came out to be about $38.

I hope this information helps. Because I seriously debated about buying the 5 disc both movie combo for $49.99, but when i saw that you can get 6 discs for cheaper if you buy serperately then personally it was no contest. Again this is for the people who just want to save money! Enjoy the movies, because they are awesome!

Want Tron/Tron Legacy Discount?

Beware that only tron legacy contains DVD version and digital copy with the 5 disc set. The original is bluray only.

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