Wednesday, April 2, 2014

We Can't Go Home Again & Don't Expect Too Much (1976)

We Can't Go Home Again & Don't Expect Too MuchWhat a thrill it was to see these movies made available at last on video on Amazon. In fact, for the past three years, I regularly surfed Amazon in the event that "We Can't Go Home Again" would become available one day. And as a bonus, this DVD includes other short films made at this time of his career. I've seen nearly all of Nicholas Ray's films, but not these ones. Don't expect "Rebel Without a Cause" or "Johnny Guitar". The films on these discs are experimental and improvised collaborations conducted by Ray and his students, very talky but honest aand revealing. They are not easy to watch, at least in one sitting, but the conversations are compelling and even mesmerising, reflecting the political and social conditions of the times. These films are the bridge between Ray's main body of work and his collaborations with Wim Wenders. I will be watching these movies again and again as I am sure there is much more to be gained from multiple viewings of these multi-faceted rough diamonds.

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