Sunday, March 16, 2014

Parked (2010)

ParkedI watched this film because of Colin Morgan.

Parked is difficult to sum up in a sentence or a paragraph, because like every good film, it isn't about one thing or a few things. Threads run over and under each other, themes weave in and out. At the end, I find myself wondering what, really, it *was* about.

Fred Daly has recently returned to Ireland, having spent some years in England. Without a job, without a fixed address, his life is in his car. The day Cathal pulls into the same carpark, things in Fred's life begin to roll and shift. Cathal has a good heart, and the young man and the older man form an unlikely friendship that will change them both. And yet it isn't unlikely at all. Both Cathal and Fred are at a point in their lives where they are lost and drifting; part of their effect on each other is that they give each other direction, a sense of anchorage and a place to moor at the end of the day. 'Parked' turns out to be a metaphor for both Fred and Cathal's life, and the film is the story of changing, finding direction and the momentum to keep moving. The scene at the very close is a beautiful example of that circularity and momentum.

Despite the wonderful performances of the cast, especially the fantastic Colm Meaney, there was a key part towards the end where the storytelling fell down a bit. I don't want to add more for fear of spoiling it, but I felt there wasn't a proper transition from one scene to the other, explaining how we got there. It was just, 'bang, let's move onto what happened next'.

I recommend anyone watching or thinking of watching Parked to go on over to YouTube and watch some interviews with Colin Morgan (i.e. at the Mannheim Film Festival) talking about how he prepared for the role of Cathal how in portraying him, "that drugs isn't the main thing it's the person. I don't say 'I'm playing a drug addict', because that's not how anyone would describe themselves. When I went in and met those people, I did say, 'hello my name's Colin', and they didn't go, 'hello, I'm a drug addict'."

There's something about Colin Morgan he looks into the soul of his character, the story he is a part of, and gives you a piece of artistry that makes you think THIS. THIS is what acting is all about. He has an instinct for seeing what a person is made of, and the curiosity and knack for asking the right questions and in addition to all that, the wisdom to know not every question has an easily-told answer. These are some of the things that make him different I'd say that those qualities are what make him the actor that he is, rather than the reverse.

A lot of people, I'm sure, will watch or hear about this film because of Colin Morgan (best known for his role in the BBC's Merlin); he is that rare person who can sell the idea that acting is art. He's not a performer he is an *artist*, and that is a very different thing. He brings a depth and nuance to his work that few young actors do, because he is looking inward, revealing and discovering layers within layers, wheels inside wheels. It's not something done for people, for an audience we just get to witness this extraordinary interaction between person and idea that creates a kind of third space, the acting that is really being. And that is our privilege.

As a final note, I don't mean to dismiss the other actors in this film, by talking so much about Colin Morgan. Honestly speaking, I don't know too much about them, while I have been following Morgan's work. I keep saying it, but I think Colin Morgan is special even among his own kind. Watch him.

This film is not hilariously funny & I think it is a misnomer that the DVD cover describes like it. If you think homelessness & drug taking is funny then this is the film for you.

There are some funny scenes in the film don't get me wrong, but it should not be taken as a light-hearted comedy. The last half an hour or so is more hard hitting than the first hour & is very thought provoking, as Fred & Cathal's friendship starts to break down due to Cathal's drug taking. I agree that both Colm Meaney & Colin Morgan are both superbly cast, especially Colin Morgan as Cathal who is on a downward spiral to becoming a full blown junkie, which is obviously the total opposite to the loveable Merlin. This film shows that he is a very talented actor & can play various characters without being typecast.

To get the most enjoyment out of the film I suggest you put the subtitles on, because of the strong Irish accents.

Buy Parked (2010) Now

Parked took me totally by surprise. I watched it for Colm Meaney but came away a new fan of Colin Morgan. The movie itself is elegant, simple and heartbreaking with an ending filled with hope and love. The cinematography was breathtaking, the music score haunting, the dialogue real and the story couldn't be more topical. But it was the acting by the two leads that set this movie head and shoulders above anything I've seen, literally, in years. I've never seen Colm Meaney give a better performance. As Fred Daley, homeless and parked in his car with nowhere else to live, he survives in a life of quiet desperation. He finds comfort in routine, but no real joy. Colm's craggy visage gives a stolid look to our hero and his face shows all his woes. It's not until Colin Morgan's Cathal parks his own car nearby and the two become neighbors that Fred's life takes a turn for the better. Cathal is a druggie with a heart of gold, able to help others but not himself. Cathal brings the missing joy and verve back into Fred's life, and even steers him into a little romance. Colin Morgan plays Cathal in turns as jittery, intense, young, old, wise and, ultimately, heartbreaking. As Colm Meaney himself said about Colin's performance, it was simply brilliant. This movie is worth watching, more than once. And the performances are truly award worthy. Well worth seeking out.

Read Best Reviews of Parked (2010) Here

This movie was so well acted, written and so bittersweet. I completely agree with Ramses review, Colin Morgan performance was a complete 180 from his character in Merlin, he truly had my boyfriend in tears with his performance in Parked. And Colm Meaney is superb in everything he does, this movie just touched us deeply.

Want Parked (2010) Discount?

First, a warning. The region 1 dvd apparently does not have subtitles. The region 2 dvd has subtitles in English, French, and German, but to play the region 2 dvd's you will need a region 2 or all region dvd player. Some of the dialogue is heavily accented and may be difficult to understand. The dialogue is, of course, important to the story.

That said, this is an unforgettable film. I watched it on a Saturday morning two weeks ago and merely thinking about it, certain images return. They are difficult and haunting and have to do with Cathal's deterioration. Having followed Colin Morgan I know that he puts a lot of study into his portrayals because he says it is important to him to be genuine and authentic. And that is what you will see. Keep that in mind. I would not suggest a family viewing where younger children are involved.

For the adults, this is a film well worth watching. It is uplifting and sad, and beautiful in a poignant way. The entire film is excellent, but most especially the performances. They will stay with you.

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