Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (2010)

Scott Pilgrim vs. The WorldFirst things first, it was Not a cut and paste of the books.

It was as funny, as innovative, as lovable, as heartfelt, and as humble as the books.

My favorite part of the books though, was that they were just really fun. I felt a smile on my face while I read it.

The movie version doesn't lose that.

Some characters are far gayer (weird, I expected to see a red line under that word), and some characters are far less.

Some lost face time and others gained, but I can't think of a single Book-to-Movie edit that was a bad call. (considering they had to cut about 75% of all character development/back stories)

It feels inappropriate to use the same old words and phrases to praise a movie that was slathered with completely new things I've never seen in a movie or script. I owe Edgar Wright and Brian Lee O'Malley an attempt though...

-Any one scene from this movie could be viral on YouTube on its own.

-My 'Love the Movie' to 'Hate the Wait til DVD' Ratio is equal at ' : '

-If there'd been a 15 ft tall facebook "Like" button at the end of the movie, I would've thrown my full weight against it.

-There were parts were I wanted to ignore the movie just to have something new to watch when I see it again in a few days.

-I'm dude-pregnant with the movie's baby.

This movie easily makes my Top 10.

If you haven't read the books, you'll only understand about 98% of the plot and 96% of the jokes.

I'll save a spolier-laden critique of the movie for at least a week or two after the movie.

What's important now is that you understand how hard this movie does all the undefinable things it does.

Rating: Awesome

(How many reviews will have that in them? Over/Under: 249.5)

[review taken from ]

I'd never heard of this movie or the book that it was apparently based on, but watched it last night. This movies is a weirdly appealing mishmash of twenty-something angst, a comic book plot, videogame fight sequences and hard-driving punk rock. It's also one of the funniest movies I've ever seen with a huge number of laugh out loud sequences and dialog, example:

Scott, picking up a guitar: "I wrote a song about you."

(plays a tender, haunting song mostly repeating the name Ramona)

Ramona, after song ends: "That was nice, let me know when you've finished it."

Shot of Scott looking perplexed.

Ramona: "Back then I was bi-curious."

Female Evil-ex: "Now I'm BI-FURIOUS!"

I'm not going to get into the plot of the movie, which is mostly irrelevant anyway. This film is just an escapist roller coaster. Forget about anything making sense and enjoy the ride. It's a blast.

Buy Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (2010) Now

Just got my copy on 7/21/11. To let everyone know, the packaging now says NOTHING about there being a DVD inside (no +DVD on the spine, nor DVD below the Bluray square on the lower left of the back packaging. Rest assured, the DVD is inside the packaging.

Read Best Reviews of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (2010) Here

It's unlikely that there has been or will be a movie in recent years as ruggedly ambitious as `Scott Pilgrim VS. The World.' This movie is a thrilling, hyperactive spectacle from start to finish, and although some critics couldn't seem to handle the ride, it was in theaters and is now on DVD one of the most joyful movie events in several years. I would almost dare to say that not since `Rocky Horror Picture Show' was watching a movie in theaters this much sheer fun.

It's a premise many over the age of 25 might crinkle their nose at, but it made for a perfectly functional joyride of a film anyhow: Scott Pilgrim, 22 year-old bass guitarist of the self-stylized band Sex Bob-omb, begins dating 17 year-old Knives Chau, much to his friends' dismay. He soon after becomes infatuated with Ramona Flowers, however, a mysterious young woman he continues to encounter in his dreams. He eventually becomes obsessed with her and is doggedly intent on dating her.

When this finally happens to become a reality, Scott is suddenly forewarned that if he wishes to engage in a relationship with Ramona, he must fight to the death with her seven evil exes, a spunky league of men (plus one girl), each with some form of superpower and a major chip on his or her shoulder. And so the battles ensue, each tougher than the last, as Scott fights relentlessly for the prerogative to love Ramona.

`Scott Pilgrim' is chock-full of very of-the-moment pop culture references, many of them relating to video games, comics, anime and manga. The film features music from The Legend of Zelda, sound bites from the likes of Super Mario Bros. and Seinfeld, explosive visual effects clearly inspired from some of the brightest, most exciting anime scenes and manga panels, and so much more; the exes even explode into coins when they're defeated. What's particularly impressive is that none of it feels like blatant product placement or pointlessly gimmicky-every last facet somehow manages to weave itself artistically into the film's themes. Despite how crazy this all sounds, there are several key factors that make it work.

To begin with, the casting is just about completely seamless; Mary Elizabeth Winstead is deeply emotive as the wistful, bewitching Ramona; the audience is sure to become just as smitten with her as Scott is. Ellen Wong is equally irresistible as the adorably awesome Knives, a character everyone will surely empathize with. Kieran Culkin plays Scott's level-headed, quick-witted gay roommate Wallace; with his hilarious one-liners and general likeability factor, his character is truly one of the greatest pleasures the film has to offer. Other notable castmates are Chris Evans as a hellish he-man evil ex and Anna Kendrick as Scott's sassy sister.

Although the casting of Michael Cera as Scott Pilgrim doesn't come as a major surprise, one does have to wonder what could've been if the lead role had been in more capable (and less bland) hands. Michael Cera, a whopping 20 films deep into his career, doesn't seem to be particularly capable of playing anyone other than himself; thankfully, however, his character glides on the movie's momentum and nothing, not even his portrayal of Scott, is ever weighted down. You'll find yourself liking Scott despite his character defects and even his true identity as Michael Cera.

Based on the 6 comic books of the same name, `Scott Pilgrim' has to cram a lot of content into a 112-minute movie, but the general themes of the comics are sustained, and some of the dialogue is in fact direct excerpts. Book-to-movie transitions are never perfect and will always come with naysayers, but the movie stands so strong on its own that few, even devoted fans of the comics, are likely to complain.

This is a movie overflowing with action, excitement, passion, and, shockingly, a great deal of emotion-you'll care about each of these characters, despite the absurdities surrounding them. This is a type of film that strove for a lot of things and achieved all of them-it's very rare that a film can successfully mesh slapstick comedy with action, adventure, drama-and still maintain anything to be taken seriously or sympathize with. `Scott Pilgrim VS. The World' is that film; a surreal fantasy somehow grounded in the real-life hearts and emotions of we human beings. Never before has such a wild, crazy world been so believable.

Want Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (2010) Discount?

I'm sure I wasn't the only person who was disappointed by Scott Pilgrim vs The World's box-office performance. It never quite found an audience outside of gamers, comic book fans, and anyone into that sort of thing but it still managed to be a very fun movie that was also a good adaptation of the Graphic Novel series (with some changes of course). Michael Cera and Mary Elizabeth Winstead have great chemistry together and that is only the cherry on top of a great cast of both known and lesser known actors (Alison Pill stands out to me the most as Kim Pine). So, when the Blu-Ray was announced, I was more than excited to pick it up. But, how did this cult favorite transfer to Blu-Ray.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World luckily got a pretty darn good Blu-ray release. Not only do you get the movie on Blu-Ray, but you also get a DVD copy and a digital copy. So, if its a movie you'd like to share with friends, its quite easy to do so. Secondly, the Blu-Ray is filled with tons of features from deleted scenes, to multiple commentary tracks. You also get lots of documentaries about the making of the film, a blooper reel, and even a short animation taking place before the events of the film. So you'll be getting your moneys worth.

The movie also sounds very good too. I didn't find any problems with the audio of the film. The video quality is good too, but I do recall it not being as nice as the theater. That isn't to say that it doesn't look good, because it truly does...but I feel like it could have looked much better.

Overall, I was happy with this purchase. If you were a fan of the movie or the graphic novel series, you can't go wrong with this purchase. Also, if you pick it up, let your friends borrow the DVD, and spread the word of this good movie. If you haven't seen this movie, I would still check it out, even if you're not of the above demographic. Its a great movie and it should get a chance to shine.

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