Monday, February 10, 2014

Die Hard Collection (Die Hard / Die Hard 2: Die Harder / Die Hard with a Vengeance / Live Free or D

Die Hard CollectionFirst, let me start by saying I love the Die Hard movies. So when I saw this collection on BD, I just couldn't refuse!

You already know the movies, so let's get to the overall package.


+ DTS MA on every movie that really reinvigorates the films

+ Good set of extras, not a single feature from the standard DVDs is left out, making you think these are the definitive versions to have

+ Special box saves you space on shelf and keeps discs safe. It's a little bigger than the Planet Earth The Complete BBC Series [Blu-ray] boxset (without the slipcase).

+ Exactly the same discs as individual releases, so you're not getting gimped versions of the already released BD movies --they're the same.

+ Live Free or Die Hard is a total show-stopper, demo material, A+ reference disc. Both in terms of video and audio, this is one of the best movies to showcase what High Definition is all about (and the movie itself is a great ride, btw)


In the first three movies, both subtitles and dubs in spanish are CASTILLIAN, not Latin American. Why on earth did FOX included castillian dubs/subs on an AMERICAN, region locked disc, goes beyond me. They should know by now that most latin people HATE the castillian dubbing, specially when these movies have such great voice acting. Granted, I always prefer to watch movies in their original languaje w/subs, but there's always the chance to borrow or watch the movie with people that prefer to hear it in their own language. Even the regionalized castilian subtitles are distracting. This is not a problem on the 4th movie. The voice acting and subs are the way they should be for an american release.

The first 2 movies look downright awful, to the point it seems you put the SE DVD and upconverted it. Time is totally not an excuse: just look at the impressive video quality of Batman: The Movie [Blu-ray]: a 40 yo movie that looks absolutely fantastic (more than it deserves, if I may be so bold). And that flick is probably just being released to make a quick buck on the batman fever, so FOX, you're telling me you couldn't give a AAA movie such as Die Hard a proper transfer? Come on...

The 3rd movie looks way better, but still does not compare to the visual blast that is Live Free or Die Hard.

The 4th movie is the theatrical, PG-13 version, not the UNRATED one. Again, what's going on here! Simply put, FOX could have put both version on the same disc via seamless branching. This has been a reality since the days of DVD, and there are a couple BD that have this feature already, so NO excuse.

The special features on every disc are Standard Def. only to the point most of them look like VHS (this is no exaggeration). Not a single drop of remastering love (let alone HD treatment) has been poured on even the alternate endings.

Bottom line? This is looking like a future double dip. If you don't care for extras or hearing the movies in a language other than English, this will probably suit you fine, even without the unrated cut of Live Free or Die Hard.

However, this is far from being the Definitive version of the movies to have, to the point of getting me wondering if FOX actually knows the fact that this edition of the movie should be the one for all the american continent. Moreso, I'm left guessing if they care about what their public wants: both their High Definition users and their non-north american audience.

This review was for the original Die Hard Collection released in 2009, not the recent 25th Anniversary Collection released in 2013. So this review below is for the 2009 set, not the 2013 set. I do not own the 2013 set (25th Anniversary Collection). Check when other reviews were written by other members to see if they posted recent reviews for the 2013 edition.

When I think Blu-ray, I expect high quality video and sound, otherwise there is no point to buying a blu-ray version of an already existing dvd.

The first two movies, Die Hard 1 & 2 from the 80's, look terrible visually. FOX did a horrible job in re-mastering these for blu-ray, or they did not re-master them at all. It is possible they used the regular dvd's and just up-converted them without remastering/restoring them digitally. Sound is decent. The third film, Die Hard with a Vengeance is more recent from the 90's, but it doesn't look great. The fourth film does look good and sounds great, but it would be more convenient to just purchase the fourth film as a blu-ray version and get the first three on regular DVD if you don't own them already. You would save a lot more money and you would be getting the same thing as this box set here. FOX definitely messed up with this whole set.

UPDATE: If the price does drop under thirty and you don't own any of these movies, the set is worth purchasing. If you already own the movies on DVD, the upgrade isn't worth the price. Wait for a new remastered version to be released in the future. Many shots are soft in Die Hard 1 and Die Hard 2. It's hard to believe that the films were shot this way with the focus so soft.

Updated to three stars after rewatching the films multiple times again.

Buy Die Hard Collection (Die Hard / Die Hard 2: Die Harder / Die Hard with a Vengeance / Live Free or D Now

I grew up with the Die Hard movies. I really liked the 1st movie and am in the minority becuase I also enjoyed the second. The 3rd and 4th movie I liked, though not as much, because they didn't feel like Die Hard movies as much as the first two did. 1&2 consentrated mostly on John McClain. With the 3rd you had Samuel Jackson. He was a big focus during the movie, but was similar enough to Bruce Willis' character that it didn't distract too much from the movie.

With the 4th movie, it didn't feel like Die Hard so much. At times, it almost felt like a sequel to 16 blocks, that had been watered down to a PG13. Don't get me wrong though, I did enjoy the movie, but it definitely isn't the Die Hard I grew up with.

The audio was very good on all films, but I was disappointed by the earlier films video quality. After recently seeing what Warner Bros. were able to do for Blade Runner, the first two movies are pretty disappointing. BR is 25 years old and they were able to make it look like it was made almost yesterday (except for obviously dated tech). I wish they would have taken a little more time and cleaned up the films better.

While this is a good deal for all 4 movies, you might want to wait for an unrated version before purchasing these. I'm hoping the reason there wasn't an unrated blu-ray version is that they're going back to do some re-edits to make it better than the unrated version released on DVD.

Read Best Reviews of Die Hard Collection (Die Hard / Die Hard 2: Die Harder / Die Hard with a Vengeance / Live Free or D Here

Die Hard 5 has just been announced for theatrical release in 2013. And rumor is that this will be the last one Bruce Willis will do. If this is the case then wait for the inevitable 5 movie box set. I agree if this existing set goes under $30, and you cant wait for the 5th film,* then it would be a good purchase, even if it doesnt have the unrated Live Free or Die Hard cut. I hope that the box set will have all the bells and whistles and I will wait until then.

Want Die Hard Collection (Die Hard / Die Hard 2: Die Harder / Die Hard with a Vengeance / Live Free or D Discount?

Having viewed both this set and the blu-ray collection, I can honestly say this is the set to buy. The blu-ray collection is very nice and looks good but the older films (especially the first) just dont look any better in blu-ray. It actually looks more grainy on the blu-ray than the traditional dvd. However, the 4th film looks spectacular in blu-ray but that is the only one I would say is worth the extra cash. This set costs about half of the blu-ray edition and includes more extra features than any Die Hard fan could want. Each movie comes with a bonus disc chalk full of commentaries, documentaries, and behind the scenes footage. I found the audio and video of these dvds to be mastered very well considering the 1st film is 20 years old. The only issue i noticed was slight edge enhancement on certain scenes in the first 3 movies, but hardly distracting. So do yourself a favor, save the cash and buy a set that is just about as good. You wont be disappointed.

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