The film may be 35 years old but it doesn't show, they've done a good job cleaning up the video and audio quality, but the video quality could still be improved upon. One thing i really appreciate about this release is the included 30 min special feature documentary with Ralph Bakshi, which is very entertaining and informative.
I recommend that everyone buy this film to encourage future releases of classic animated movies by Bakshi and other great animated film makers.
"They've killed Fritz!!!"In the 1970's before West Coast's PIXAR and during Disney's weak period evolved an East Coast animated independent genius "Ralph Bakshi" (from Terrytoon Studio's). Also full length animated features were not respected by the film academy and weren't expected to have a complex storyline or plot. Until Bakshi arrived only Disney produced full length animated features with success. Bakshi produced at first adult only heavy graphic animated art (Fritz the Cat). But his genius and wonderful animation and storylines had a following and very interested audience. Bakshi Animators were allowed to create the story with much latitude and individual style not like Disney's cramped cookie cutter style of the 70's.
Now came "WIZARDS" Raplh Bakshi's favorite film from his pallet of creativity. This 35th Anniversary Blu-ray Book Edition now more than ever shows the artistic marvel "WIZARDS" really was/is. We can now enjoy completely and appreciate Bakshi's passion and genius.
This 35th Anniversay Blu-ray Book Edition provides us with Bakshi's full disclosure of this and all his creative genius art work. This man Writes, Directs, Draws and Produces. He has complete control of his product. Just like George Lucas did with Star Wars except Bakshi did not believe in merchandising his creative world. (Note: Both these young genius' worked for FOX and released amazing films in 1977. We all know who became the household name!! But Bakshi genius is preserved forever in this Blu-ray Disc!!!!!!!!) So WIZARDS is a story of two brothers one good the other is evil or in Bakshi's world Imagination and Magic versus Technology and Machinery. The genius is the animation is inaccordance with the brothers amazing stuff!!!
This is a must have Edition to our Blu-ray Fantasy library!!!!!!! This "WIZARDS (1977)" set includes; a 24 page illustrated/antimated hard cover book. 1 Blu-ray Disc 81 minute movie in Blu-ray (PURE EYE CANDY), the SPECIAL FEATURES include; COMMENTARY by Director Ralph Bakshi (his commentary is one of the best, most candid and informative I've ever listened to!!! Bakshi is a very entertaining and interesting character.) Also, "RAPLH BAKSHI": The Wizard of Animation (30 minutes of animation/animator history WODERFUL STUFF), a Still Gallery and Theatrical Trailers.
This is a must have movie!!! Also a special note; Bakshi Loved Tolkien so much that after "WIZARDS" he went to see Tolkiens daughter for permission to make an animated version of "THE LORD of the RINGS". With her full endorsement went ahead and made the first half (released in 1978) Also available in Blu-ray!!! Enjoy.
Buy Wizards (35th Anniversary Edition) (1977) Now
While Wizards does not enjoy the wide audience of, say, a Disney movie, this is nonetheless a really strong transfer. The source material is thirty-five years old, and while it didn't get the thorough re-mastering of an old Disney classic, it's nonetheless a fine transfer that looks leagues better than the DVD. The featurettes are interesting, and Bakshi's commentary track is worth a listen for any fan of either his or the movie. Wizards isn't really like any other film, and this set -with a book full of pictures and a sharp-looking disc -does this unique movie justice.Read Best Reviews of Wizards (35th Anniversary Edition) (1977) Here
If you remember "Wizards" from its theatrical release then you won't need reminding what a groundbreakiing film this was at the time. Happily it continues to hold up well in the digital age. For some reason, the fact that "animation" has progressed so far seems to enhance Bakshi's syle that much more. It is a joy to see the old gang in hi-def on a big flat screen...get it.Want Wizards (35th Anniversary Edition) (1977) Discount?
There isn't much anyone can say about the story and if you want a good review of the transfer and disc, http://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Wizards-Blu-ray/36536/.I've always enjoyed this film especially the ending.
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