Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Disappearance of Alice Creed (2009)

The Disappearance of Alice CreedI had heard a lot of people recommend this to me before I finally saw it, so my expectations were high. After the opening five minutes my expectations were met and the stakes even raised. I really don't want to give anything away here as the less you know about the movie going in the better, but don't go into it thinking it's on par with a "Reservoir Dogs" or a "Saw." It's very, very good and the directing makes it claustrophobic and scary, but by the end of the film it has slipped into more than a few genre cliches that let out a little steam but not TOO much.

All you need to know about the plot is that there are these two men who go through an elaborate series of preparations before kidnapping a young woman, Alice Creed, off the street. One of the most fun things about the movie is how the power shifts from one character to another to another and you're never certain who has the upperhand, who is lying or who will "win" the day. In this way, it is very similar to "Shallow Grave." Eddie Marsan plays the older of the two kidnappers and you've seen him in movies before but never this good. He is very impressive here.

A good one to check out but make sure you have enough time to watch it straight through as the pacing is relentless and you won't be able to turn it off once it begins.

There really isn't a whole lot I can tell you about THE DISAPPEARANCE OF ALICE CREED. I happened on to it, started watching it...expected to lose interest...and then kept thinking, "Oh, wow, that's different."

What got me to start watching was Gemma Arterton, a "Bond girl" from the last 007 entry, QUANTUM OF SOLACE. She's gorgeous and very watchable. At the beginning of this film, she's snatched off a street, cuffed, gagged, hooded and dragged into a sound-proof apartment. She's also stripped and redressed.

And just when you think you're going to lose interest..."Wow, that's different."

So I'm not going to discuss anymore about this interesting, twisting little film of only three characters.

Just check it out.

Buy The Disappearance of Alice Creed (2009) Now

Sometimes the less you know about a movie, the more pleasantly surprising it can be. I, for one, had no fore knowledge of "The Disappearance of Alice Creed" and, consequently, rather limited expectations. So when I sat down with friends and plugged "Disappearance" into the DVD player, I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. And for once, my pessimism about the movie's prospects were completely unfounded. After an almost wordless set-up, I was already drawn into this tight little chamber piece. Several major twists later and I was delighted to have uncovered a little known gem! With just three characters and a confined and claustrophobic set, "Disappearance" is theatrical (play-like, if you will) in its intimacy. But writer/director J. Blakeson uses this inherent staginess well to create a seamless thriller of lies, deceit, and plans gone wrong.

I will say very little about what transpires in "The Disappearance of Alice Creed." Knowing the film's twists in advance may not ruin the movie's effectiveness--but, trust me, it's best just to let this one unfold. All you get from me is this--two armed and masked men take a young, wealthy woman hostage. Keeping her strapped down and helpless, they await a ransom. But all does not go according to plan, needless to say--but you probably guessed that. That's it--I'll go no further.

Gemma Arterton plays the unwitting victim in this equation while Eddie Marsan and Martin Compston portray the kidnappers. Marsan is intense and Arterton is appealing, but Compston essays the most difficult role as a sort of a go-between. He is terrific, and all three actors pull their weight in this deadly triangle. But perhaps the biggest star of "The Disappearance of Alice Creed" is Blakeson's screenplay. Using standard thriller conventions, but tweaking them with unexpected revelations, this thriller might have lost all credibility. But Blakeson never pushes too far, maintains the suspense, and the casts brings home the show with much gusto. I really had a good time with this film and it is a definite recommendation. BUT DON'T READ THE SPOILERS! KGHarris, 12/10.

Read Best Reviews of The Disappearance of Alice Creed (2009) Here

I took a chance in buying this via video on demand and enjoyed it. From the opening scene as the kidnappers prepare their place for the captive, there really aren't any dull moments and even though all of the actors are no-name, they did a good job with the script. There were several points where you could feel the tension and you weren't sure whether the girl or the kidnappers would come out on top. Like one reviewer said already, there are a few twists (though one you will probably see coming) that keep you guessing how the movie will end. It won't win any Oscars, but it was definitely entertaining.

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This movie is a hostage plan gone wrong in spite of meticulous planning. From the beginning to the end it is exciting and completely unpredictable.

The two ex convicts Vic (Eddie Marsan's character) and Danny (Martin Compston's character) put into action a plan to take hostage a rich family's only daughter Alice (Gemma Arterton's character) for ransom. I can't give anything else because it will ruin the experience, but trust me on this, this is a good thriller. You would think that with just a few actors it will be a boring movie, but this movie is anything but boring.

There may be objectionable material for some viewers (explicit sex scenes).

Thumbs up, highly recommended.

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