Monday, January 20, 2014

Meant to Be (2012)

Meant to BeSomeone gave the movie one star and suggested that it was "not a real movie because it was religious propaganda." EVERY movie has a message this just happens to be a message THEY did not like. There are PLENTY of movies out there that propagate anti-Christian values. Are people not allowed to exercise their free speech and moral values if they believe strongly AGAINST abortion? I think this was a good balance of being pro-life AND being forgiving toward those who made the choice to abort and are now traveling a road much harder than most of us can fathom. They need our love and forgiveness. It was well written and fabulously acted. One thing I did NOT like was the overuse of background music but would still highly recommend this movie.

Many people may have different opinions on this movie. Personally, I could identify with it to a T. Many can blow off that you have a choice. But when it comes down to it, you will live with the regret, heartbreak, guilt, and always wonder, what if?

I was surprized when I began to realize what the true meaning was behind the movie and it's characters. I had lived with the knowing God and my child forgave me, but found it much harder to forgive myself. Abortion is not something to take lightly. There is a heart beat & you make that decision to stop it from beating! Plain & simple! Maybe some people should consider the fact, "What if your mother aborted you"? You would have had no say in your own life. Thank you for this movie! I miss my daughter!

Buy Meant to Be (2012) Now

Since somebody gave it a one star review without seeing it, I'm going to review the trailer, which was awesome. I can't wait to see the movie.

Read Best Reviews of Meant to Be (2012) Here

This is a touching but sad fantasy about a young man on a quest to find his birth mother. The story captures the imagination of the viewer and introduces occasional mysterious touches which are explained at the end of the film.

It has a powerful message which will likely polarize those who watch; some will heartily agree while others will strongly disagree on the validity of the message.

One might say the film is a celebration of life; all life, regardless of status has a value and a place and deserves an opportunity to express the potential contained in that life. While the film may leave some questions unanswered, it does address the major premise of the film with clarity; life deserves a chance.

The acting is generally effective and convincing and developed in me a concern for the characters; I felt involved in their hopes and fears and sympathetic to their situations.

This is not light entertainment but worthwhile viewing if one loves life.

Want Meant to Be (2012) Discount?

I must say I was truly surprised with this story, not once did I sense where this movie was going. Get it and watch it you won't be sorry.

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