Friday, January 10, 2014

Katt Williams: It's Pimpin' Pimpin' (2008)

Katt Williams: It's Pimpin' Pimpin'I thought that Katt was as amazingly clever as usual in this new release. I pre-ordered it and me and my girlfriends watched it on Saturday night. Unfortunately I live in a building in South Florida with alot of old people. We laughed so hard and loud during the entire Blu Ray disc, that one of my neighbors told the security guard to come tell us to be quiet because he was trying to sleep. Even after the security guard left we were still falling over laughing with tears down our faces. If you love Katt, or if you love humor that pokes fun at (while at the same time celebrating) race, sex, and politics, then this Blu Ray is a must have for any collection. In this DVD, Katt discusses the Olympic winner who was disqualified for running on prosthetic legs (Oscar Pistorius), the election, Obama, Mccain, Hillary Clinton, and a news story about some guys being attacked by a tiger in a California zoo in April 2008 amongst other things. I thought it was really interesting the way Katt approached each issue and spoke of the irony in each situation and made it funny even though the stories he discussed were tragic.

I was in the 5th row when this was filmed and of course I'm still looking very closely for EXTRA footage. Anyhow, the more I view it from reading from reviewer's perspective, the more I appreciate it in retrospect. I had seen various portions of it prior to the DVD on YouTube thanks to uploaders from across the 100 city tour. So by the time I purchased my ticket day of the show, I figured I would know the whole show in full. What surprised me seeing the entire routine in full start to finish was not as funny THAT day. But now seeing the promo releases, reading various commentary from all levels of perception, it's funnier than it could ever be.

The material is very relevant to what we are experiencing as people. Reading many, many Blogs, Katt is quoted almost on every line, no catch phrase from every DVD he's released. Getting in tune with your "star player" is about self esteem which a lot of folks lack badly. Making sure your team is in tune make sure those around you have your back as you should have theirs. Check your own house before stepping into someone else's. He even touches on how the Paralympics runner was mistreated. Katt tied all his thoughts together in this just like The Pimp Chronicles which will forever remain #1 in my collection. All topics were seemeless and flowed very well all in accord with his animatics. He's always been a very animated and hyper individual. This adds to the humor he's bringing forth because you can just laugh at his facial expressions and/or even leap and curl around a stool (and holding on without tilting backwards/forwards) imitating a hungry lion on a wildebeast.

GET THE DVD is my final word.

Buy Katt Williams: It's Pimpin' Pimpin' (2008) Now

Man Katt Williams was funny as always and made you think at the same time. But there is alway people out there who's going to hate. So all I'm going to do is laugh at the first reviewers post. I'm glad i didn't fall for it. Katt will explain it to you in this stand-up. The first reviewer just didn't get it. But i bet now you do! lol

He had me and my wife lol all night. And she is Vietnamese. His jokes where multi-tribal (explained everything so more then one person can relate to his jokes ) We are a big fan of Richard,Eddie,Red Fox,Robin Williams,Chappelle,George Carlin. So I'm glad I added katt to my collection. So just take some time out and watch it. You will enjoy. This is my own review. But if you already know his work you will be smiling at the end of it.

He was on point about being the star player. I dont know him personal but i know the next time he in concert i wont miss it.

Read Best Reviews of Katt Williams: It's Pimpin' Pimpin' (2008) Here

Katt's first few standup specials were classics, but this one was just not as good. I can't even remember any genius one-liners from this dvd like I do from the last few.

Want Katt Williams: It's Pimpin' Pimpin' (2008) Discount?

This was a very good comedy DVD. As far as other people on here talking about him being too preachy or all over the place. No offense but you must be a little slow on the uptake, cuz he wasnt all over the place with his jokes, juat pay attention. Katt Williams always drops knowledge in his shows, once again pay attention. Another awesome performance from Katt Williams and its entirely new material from him, unlike Pimp Chronicles and American Hustle which were good performances but basically a re-hash of the material with slight differences that can be found in the Katt Williams Live DVD. I do own all of his stand up DVDs so far as well. Anyways this DVD is definately 5 stars in the perfomance and production. A definate solid buy and well worth the money.

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