Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Dragon Tattoo Trilogy: Extended Edition (2011)

Dragon Tattoo Trilogy: Extended EditionPaul Pritchard, DVD Verdict --Now this is certainly different. When one hears that a film clocking in at 152 minutes is getting an additional 30 minutes added to its runtime, it can be off-putting, no matter how good the original may have been. When that same extension is applied to an entire trilogy, it can become a somewhat daunting task. The simple fact is that most people just don't have three hours to sit and watch a movie all that often. So with that in mind, it is both refreshing and reassuring to find The Dragon Tattoo Trilogy reconfigured as a TV miniseries, with each film broken into two 90-minute episodes.

First of all, this change of format not only doesn't harm the material, it actually enhances it. Given the extra room to breathe, the films are both richer and a much more palatable proposition. Whether by chance or design, each of the films also has a natural break-off point, where each episode can draw to a close; this allows the viewer to take in each story in easily digestible chunks whilst ensuring they are left desperate to find out what happens next. It's also important to stress that the story still maintains its cinematic feel.

Presented as one long six-part series, the Dragon Tattoo Trilogy: Extended Edition is broken down into three distinct sections, thus allowing the viewer to watch each film independently of the rest.

Each film in the trilogy is presented in a 1.78:1 anamorphic transfer, which obviously means the The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo has been cropped to fit with the aspect ratio of its sequels. This really makes little difference, however, and still delivers a fine-looking picture, with natural colors, high levels of detail, and solid blacks. The viewer has the choice of playing the movie in either its native Swedish, or, for those with an aversion to subtitles, English. Both options provide a clean, nicely balanced 5.1 mix.

This four-DVD set contains each film on separate discs, with the fourth disc reserved for supplemental materials. The bonus disc delivers two hours of features, and begins with "Millennium: The Story." Clocking in at 48 minutes, this documentary actually focuses on author Steig Larsson, and is an excellent insight into his work. Both Noomi Rapace, and her co-star Michael Nyqvist are each interviewed in separate featurettes, whilst notable members of the cast and crew also get to discuss the film in a further set of interviews. "Nidermann vs. Roberto" focuses on a fight scene from The Girl who Played with Fire. Finally there is a selection of trailers for each of the films.

Full review at

Music Box Films responded to my email query by confirming that this Extended Edition includes both English-dubbed and subtitled versions, so it is indeed the definitive set that every fan has been waiting for.

Buy Dragon Tattoo Trilogy: Extended Edition (2011) Now

Received the blu-ray extended edition from (Canada) on Nov. 25th. Pre ordered in September. This is likely the same product that will be shipped in the States as the sticker on the front mentions over 2 hours of additional footage not seen in the US. The back of the box states that "this complete version of the international hit series restores notable characters and subplots, most significantly in the portrayal of Erika Berger".

Each movie is on its own disc, and split between Part 1 and 2 for each movie. I assume that is how it was shown on Swedish TV. I've never seen the movie versions so I can't tell what the differences are in content.

All 3 features are available with the original Swedish language with English subtitles or an English language version.

The fourth disc has the special features and is 2 hrs, 2 minutes long. It includes a 53 minute documentary detailing the phenomenon of the Dragon Tattoo trilogy and the personal history of Stieg Larsson.

I've only watched the first disc and enjoyed it very much. Can't wait to watch the rest!

Read Best Reviews of Dragon Tattoo Trilogy: Extended Edition (2011) Here

OMG I dont know how I missed these books or these movies....but I am so glad I found them now!!! I bought the books, the dvd set and headed for the theater to see the new movie with Daniel Craig. While the new movie was good, there just is no way anything will ever do justice to these amazing books like this 9 hour mini series did. Steig would be proud. American media may be a little too tight ass to make such an amazing mini series but the Swede knew what they were doing. I was electrified! Couldnt stop watching it. Love that this dvd set is so complete. It has horus of additional footage which I would never have known was missing if they hadnt told me but I like watching it all within the movie. I dont like the deleted scene section. This also has the option to either watch it with subtitles or with an English voiceover....awesome both ways!!!! So in love with this trilogy!! I even bought the books. Should keep me busy all winter!

Want Dragon Tattoo Trilogy: Extended Edition (2011) Discount?

Glad I took the risk in getting these "extended editions" on blu ray. What a show it is!! This set blows away the shorter "theatrical" cuts released here in the states. There are no words to describe this Swedish mini-series. Why weren't these available to begin with!? Each film is divided into two parts on the three blu rays. I wouldn't want to try to watch this on DVD with the compressing of over three hours of material on one DVD (over nine hours for all three movies). Blu ray is made for these longer series. The video quality is amazing! Cannot get over the detail in the picture. Yeah, there is some grain. But this is evident in the film itself and the high resolution of blu ray format just brings it out. Glad they didn't try removing the grain, it adds to the atmosphere. And boy howdy, does this show have atmosphere! This is a four disc set (three for the series and one for special features) and the video is presented in a 1.78 format filling the 16:9 screen of your television. The audio is presented in Swedish 5.1 DTS-HD and the old Dolby Digital (from DVD years) for the English dubbed. Either one sounds really good and adds to the excitement in surround sound!

My only complaint is there should have been more special features. I know there were still scenes not added into this extended edition. They could have put more deleted scenes on each disc. Maybe a commentary of some sort from the stars or the director. This is one fascinating show, would like to know and see more...

Even if you have the older theatrical cuts, get this newer version. If you are a fan of the series do yourself the favor. It is a blast!!

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