Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 is cute, but the plot is not nearly as good as Beverly Hills Chihuahua. Also, #2 would have been better if the original actors were in this movie too.
Overall, cute, but not great. Beverly Hills Chihuahua was much better. You should rent it before you buy it. Even my kids didn't want me to buy it, after watching it.This one is 'For the Dogs' folks. It's a Disney 'Direct to DVD' attempt to cash in on it's successful 'Beverly Hills Chihuahua'. Didn't Disney announce that they wouldn't do 'Direct to DVD' anymore...you know, quality, not quantity? Think 'Mulan 2' and 'Stitch: The Movie'. Get the (insert gagging sounds here) picture? Only George Lopez returns as the voice of 'Papi', probably because of a contractual agreement? I hope he didn't need the cash that bad. Anyways, if you must see this franchise killer, rent it, don't buy it. I wish I would have. I've already tried hitting the DVD with a rolled up newspaper, and that didn't help it any. Now I'll probably have to pawn this 'Dog' off on my in-laws as a birthday or Christmas gift.
Buy Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo) (2011) Now
If you saw the first Beverly Hills Chihuahua movie, you'll have a good idea what to expect in this straight to DVD sequel. Cute dogs, silly antics, an outrageous plot, and did we mention cute dogs? Lead pooches Papi and Chloe have just gotten married and soon have a brood of five little pups to keep them on their toenails. Dad Papi (voiced perfectly once again by George Lopez) takes it all in stride and every night, with the best of intentions, tells his little ones stories of the Chihuahua warriors of long ago. The only problem is the puppies take the stories literally and get into all sorts of mischief. Poor Papi ends up in the dog house more than once for filling the puppies' heads with grand ideas.But it's not the dogs that need saving this time around. The parents of Papi's owner Sam are about to be evicted from their beloved home. After several attempts to make things right with the bank, it's not looking good. But when a pack of determined Chihuahuas is on your side, how can you lose?
With the original grossing almost 95 million in 2008, it was at first surprising to see the sequel going straight to DVD. But with little of the same star power attached, it makes sense. At least Papi kept his original voice. Chloe and Delgado did not, though it's not too distracting as their new voices are similar enough. However, it was disappointing to see no human actors reprise their roles from the first film. Susan Blakely takes over for Jamie Lee Curtis as Aunt Viv, but she only appears briefly in one or two scenes. Most of the human acting was actually rather wooden, but there were a few supporting characters who made things interesting, namely Elaine Hendrix as the owner of a snotty French Poodle and the cat loving bank clerk. Also, Morgan Fairchild does justice to a dog show commentator alongside French Stewart.
The best part of the movie was seeing cool German Shepherd Delgado again. The subplot involving his two estranged police dog sons was a nod to every melodramatic father/son movie ever made, but it actually worked here and was a touching addition.
All in all, if you enjoyed the first installment you'll probably enjoy Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2, especially if you're a dog lover or a kid. It's clean entertainment with a good message about love and family. Just don't expect too much, and you'll have an enjoyable family movie night.
--Reviewed by C.J. Darlington for TitleTrakk
Read Best Reviews of Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo) (2011) Here
If you're like me, you want to have as little interaction with your children as possible and mostly just want them to be quiet and not bother you so you can drink wine and book vacations without them and eat dinner in peace. This movie will definitely help you!!In reality, my kids LOVE this movie! We have probably 100 or so kids movies, and they have about 5 "go-to" movies; "Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2" or "Cats vs. Dogs 2:The Revenge of Kitty Galore." They don't watch part one as much as this one for whatever reason. The dogs in this movie ARE cute and I'm not sure if there is a story or plot, but talking cute dogs are a HUGE attraction to children. It's not too annoying either to have on in the background as the kids watch it. The 6 year old boy loves it the most. Always gets a laugh at the cute talking chihuahuas!
In summary, if you would like a movie that your kids will watch endless ammounts of times over and over and over and over, "Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2" is a great one! Highly recommended for kids who like animals. And regular kids too. And parents who want to slip off while their kids are watching talking chihuahuas.
Want Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo) (2011) Discount?
I bought this after buying Beverly Hills Chihuahua and was so disappointed. The film was really bad, the acting and screenplay was awful and they completely rewrote the characters! The charm of the first movie is gone, because Chloe and Papi got hitched (a big mistake in my opinion). Chloe is now a nagging mommy and Papi is a doting irresponsible husband. The children just add to the bad quality of the film because they have a scrappy-do annoying quality that hogs the screen during key moments.What I enjoyed about the first film was Chloe. (Sorry, never a Papi fan). Chloe was the star, and her `fish out of water' antics in Mexico were cute. She was a spoiled little dog, but fun to watch. All that has changed now. Chloe is the `bad guy' in the relationship playing the responsible one, to Papi's befuddled dad routine.. That has been done to death in Hollywood. Think Homer simpson.
The acting was very flat as well. The actors just seemed to `go through the motions,' with very little convincing emotional realism. Terrible. I miss the old Chloe, who didn't have a passel of bratty Chihuahua kids and Papi to ride herd on.
Worse, the message was pretty bad. I'm sorry, but when you are a parent, you don't get to do what your heart tells you to do, and `love' doesn't solve all you problems. Parenting is a job, as is marriage and LOVE is wonderful and necessary, but there is more to it than that. There is hard work involved, planning, and mutual commitment. I get it is a film for kids, but the adults in the room were rolling their eyes during the discussion of parenting, and how all you need is love to make a marriage work. Sorry.
I lost interest during the slapstick moments where Chloe and Papi were terrorizing the poor bank people who were just trying to do their job. I just don't see Chloe and Papi tripping people, and making them fall off ladders. Not funny and not safe.
I liked the film to be more about dogs, than people. Having so much people interaction, changes into the casting, and the poor screenwriting ruined this film. Too bad. The first was adorable. This was a made for tv quality dud.
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