Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Room Blu-ray

The Room Blu-rayFinally! I thought everybody betray me when it didn't come out years ago when it was supposed to. We are expecting!

The Room is a timeless classic, and easily one of the most fascinating movies of all time. Visionary director/writer/producer/actor Tommy Wiseau stars as tragic hero, Johnny, in this unique tale of a man's world falling apart within "a special place, a private place, a place where you can be safe". It's not just a room, but THE ROOM!! . It begs the questions: "Can you really trust anyone?" and of course, "How is your sex life?"

Having met, acted, and even tossed a football around with Tommy, I can attest that he is a truly wonderful man, worthy of your support. The Room was meant to be seen in high definition, as it was one of the earliest films to be shot with an HD camera. The difference is clear on blu-ray, and considering that certain segments were shot with a 35mm camera the comparison is now noticeable. The sound quality is also improved, and certain lines are given more clarity, some can be heard for the first time. The soundtrack, with its unforgettable theme and original R&B love songs ("You Are My Rose"), sounds better than ever!! As the ultimate (and long-awaited) edition of the film, this is a must buy for diehard Wiseau Film fans as well as newcomers to The Room.

The most controversial aspect of this release is its cover art. I'll admit that the new case is a slight disappointment (the simple black and white photo was iconic). However, the new art highlights an important part of the film's legacy. The setting of San Francisco is a critical element of The Room, as it is the beloved home the characters we all know and love. The Room is mostly praised for its characters, making fans forget that the cinematography was also handled beautifully. To me, the new cover art reflects the classic scene transitions.

As an American, I recommend that all Americans (and people around the world) see The Room. This film may not please everyone, but those who enter the room, will leave forever changed. To enthusiasts, the question of purchasing this blu-ray should be non-existent. To newcomers, I urge you to give this movie at least two chances, because the first time may be too much to handle. The Room boasts some of the most wacky characters, over-the-top acting, and insanely quotable lines to ever grace American cinema. Most people fail to see the brilliance of Wiseau's direction until their second or third viewing. You'll laugh, you may even cry, but no matter what you will gain a new perspective on filmmaking. Tommy poured his heart into this masterpiece, and his devout fans love him for it. "If a lot of people love each other, the world would be a better place to live"

Buy The Room Blu-ray Now

Haha! It really is a good blu-ray. Will you marry me? Hahaha! I thought I would take her up on it! Hahaha!

Read Best Reviews of The Room Blu-ray Here

I immediately started laughing at the first sight of the menu screen, this is a must buy for every human on the planet. New interviews, new extras. Oh, and yes, you really can tell a difference between this and the normal DVD version. The video really does look quite a bit better. If a lot of people buy this Blu-ray the world would be a better place.

Want The Room Blu-ray Discount?

This movie will change your life, pure and simple.

The story, the direction, the pacing, the acting, the sound track, the special effects, the lovemaking, betrayal, and human drama playing out on the big or small screen truly has not been seen like this ever before. Nor will it ever again.

Though in some ways Birdemic rivals The Room in the special effects and story elements, it cannot approach the level of character-driven nuance exemplified by Wiseau's creations. Some will claim that Manos has performances that eclipse The Room's, but Manos had considerably more pedestrian dialogue, not achieving the lofty, nearly poetic writing of Tommy Wissaue. Others will claim that Santa Claus and the Ice Cream Bunny is even more astounding than The Room, but that is a snuff film and if you're caught watching it you should go to prison.

There are timeless characters in here, so clearly drawn as to become neo-archetypes for the 21st century. From the paragon of humanity (Johnny) to the ultimate betrayal of all his friends and family to whatever Denny is, The Room offers not just a glimpse into the cacophony of creativity that is Wisaeu's mind, but a full-on nearly full-frontal view.

The set design is incredible with ground-breaking techniques used to simulate San Francisco (a scale model of the Golden Gate Bridge was built for some of the establishing shots) and this was the first film to be shot on 48 DPS and in hi-def 3-D. So take advantage of this Blu-Ray offer and make sure you use a 3D capable TV.

The blocking is one thing that never ceases to amaze me. Every scene was obviously story-boarded several times in advance and Coppola, Spielberg and Tarantino could learn a thing or two from what Whyso chooses to do with his characters in a scene (take for example the tuxedo scene where the characters each march to a predetermined position as if they were in a bad middle school play and then stand there woodenly reciting their dialogue, this is Wisaeau's brilliant take on contemporary culture transforming even the affluent of our society into nothing more than caricatures of humanity, standing stock-still to deliver their address to their peers).

I could go on and on, but I really must recommend this movie to everyone except for children and pregnant women. Children should not see it because of the rather graphic nature of this movie's reality. It is just too raw and too real for an undeveloped mind to process. Pregnant women should stay away because the sheer sexual shockwave of Tommy Wisaeu's lovemaking on screen might cause a miscarriage.

Like I said, your life will be different after you see this movie. You will never look at film-making (or even lovemaking) the same way again. Although Transformers 2 is considered its big-budget Hollywood spiritual sequel, do yourself a favor and check out the movie that began it all.

Put your expectations in your pocket, put doggy in his kennel and bring some spoons. And enjoy.

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