Friday, December 13, 2013

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (2012)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the OozeThis film opens with tremendous confidence and energy. The humor of the Turtles may be so 1990 but I still dig it. The opening scene in the shopping mall is way funny and a great way to introduce is to the sequel. At the time the style of the Turtles wasn't so stale, so the plot may seem a bit childish or dumb now.

I have no doubts that if this movie were made today it would not be subtitled 'The Secret of the Ooze'. One can hardly expect high art from a movie called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II but they could have subtitled it something a little less crass. Apparently taking place right after the first movie (where's Casey) it wastes no time bringing back the Shredder and the rest of the Foot Clan.

This time Shredder aims to steal the cannister of ooze that mutated our heroes so he can make his own monsters to avenge his defeat. The result is Tokka and Rahzar and it seems like a half-attempt at a live-action version of Rocksteady and Bebop. As you can imagine, this plot isn't very clever. But the movie never really lulls so long as our heroes are on screen.

Look out for a cameo by Vanilla Ice (looking alarmingly like Dolph Lundgren) at the end. It's so dated it may be difficult to watch but as long as your alone you won't have to cringe.

The DVD has wonderful motion menus as well as a great 1.85:1 anamorphic picture with Dolby 5.1 sound. Extras are thin but still it's a great buy.

It's nice to be able to get all four of these together in one package, however the video quality is horrible. I would swear that the source used for these movies are from a pretty bad VHS copy.

Buy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (2012) Now

I'd really like to give this movie 5 stars because I love and have loved the ninja turtles since they came out in the late 80's. The movie is well done, the costumes look better in the second movie then they do in both the first and the third movie, and the overall tone of the movie is upbeat.

However there are several glaring flaws that caused me to wonder if the editors were sleeping when this movie was on the cutting room floor.

Things like their bandanas kept getting caught up under the spot where the turtle heads went over the neck on the costume. Costume malfunction? Constantly. Also there are SEVERAL scenes where they would have weapons strapped to their backs, then they wouldn't have them, then they'd have them again. I mean come on, what kind of ninjas would go into battle without their weapons? And at the end...when Shredder dumps the ooze on himself and mutates into SuperShredder....why in the world did his armor and clothes mutate also? (besides the fact that someone thought it would look 'cool'?)

Overall, the scripts were done well, even Ernie Rayes did a good job as Keno, AND did his own fighting sequences. Casey isn't in this one, we can only assume he's goongalla gone for a while...maybe he went back up to that house in the first one?

Two of the turtles voices are the same, Leo and Donny. Raph has a different actor in each movie, and Donny....only because Corey Feldman was working out his cocaine issues. His voice actor was good still, and I rather liked it better then Corey's voice, though Corey's voice was much more distinctive. And Leonardo's voice actor is the same guy who voiced Bunji from the Bionic Six cartoon (anyone remember that one?)

And don't forget to watch out for cameos by three of the four turtle actors. In order...Mikey is the guy with the snooty wife that talks to April outside her apartment "You're that newslady..." Leonardo is the foot who says something like "the junkyard was our fallback spot", and Donatello is the guy in April's newroom who's saying there is a phone call from the guy who "says his name's Donny..."

But I ramble. As I said before...I'd love to give this movie a 5, it being my favorite of the three movies, even though I will always be a fan of the NT comics moreso and would like to see a fourth movie done in true martial arts style, dark and the comics. But... this movie was cute and very cartoony and great to watch with your kids. A good buy.

Read Best Reviews of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (2012) Here

A lot of the reviews here are rating this set low because of the image quality and the lack of bonus material. This is not the set for you if you think those things are important. There are other sets where you can get all these movies together for mure and i'm sure those are more your speed. This is a value set. you get four movies for $10, and when i opened the box i was suprized to see four normal disks instead of two double-sided disks. if you want to get these movies to give to your kids who don't care about transfer quality or audio commentaries then get this set. If you are an adult who grew up with TMNT then by all means get the better more expensive set. Personally, i just want the movies and i am very happy with my purchase.

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I'm from Colombia, and i was looking forward to buy the 3 movies all at once; when i heard about this option i thought ii would be great. however image quality is poor like a vhs image.

Ah, and the 4 movies comes in 2 disks, if you want to see for instance the second movie, you shall turn de disk backwards

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