Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Suck (2010)

SuckOkay, so maybe it's not quite the classic that "Shaun" is, but this is a really, really fun horror comedy. I rent all the video store horror movies and it is rare that one comes along that's as good as "Suck." Well-shot, well-acted, great story, "Suck" feels like it's taunting critics with its title, but then it turns out to be a really solid film with what I thought would be just your typical blink-and-you'll-miss-them cameos until it turns out that Alice Cooper, Iggy Pop, Henry Rollins (who is HILARIOUS) and Alex Lifeson are all just characters in the movie. Who knew Lifeson was so funny?

The best thing about "Suck" is that while it's a good vampire comedy, it's also a play on indie band cautionary tale movies that has a few salient and pointed things to say about fame but is never overbearing or preachy.

I would really recommend this movie to horror fans. It's really entertaining and a lot of fun and you can really feel the makers' love of both horror and rock-n-roll.

a couple of posters have made comparison to rocky horror. thought this movie was better. alice cooper is on-screen for more than just a cameo and adds something to the mix. also a good performance by malcolm mcdowell as the vampire hunter. this is one of those movies that people have barely heard about now but will gain momentum as time passes. it's on my halloween shelf to watch yearly at this point.

Buy Suck (2010) Now

Sorry. I couldn't think of a non-cheesy title for the review.

So Suck is pretty under-the-radar at this point. It might end up being one of those movies that the trendy dudes talk about knowing about BEFORE it was popular though. For a low-budget movie it looks really great and has a great cast and fantastic rock legends for cameos and small roles. McDowell is great as "Eddie VanHelsing." As are Alice Cooper, Iggy Pop and Henry Rollins to name just a few of the rockers in the movie. But the primary cast is also really good. The star of the movie is also the writer/director and he does a very good job playing the "straight man" as it were. The humor is pretty spot on and flows naturally. The only thing keeping the movie from being really great is the pacing and the conclusion. The pacing is sort of all over the place and doesn't build to a worthwhile climax. And the end of the movie is just a little underwhelming. Almost like the writer/director/star knew he had to come up with something after the climax, but ran out of steam before he got there. And even though it is a comedy, I would have liked to have seen some moral repercussions for the main characters.

But it's still a very enjoyable movie, and if you're a rock aficionado you'll love pointing out cameos from veteran rockers since just about every minor and bit role is filled by a rock star. Suck should be enjoyed by groups of friends, or better yet, bandmates.

Read Best Reviews of Suck (2010) Here

I enjoyed this movie but don't consider it to be a 5/5 level experience. Positives: True music aficionados will undoubtedly enjoy all the cameos; the production values are surprisingly high and the acting is generally quite good; it features the girl from Hot Tub Time Machine who had a memorable hot tub crying scene; its witty good dialogue with enough humor sprinkled in throughout; some very creative and artistic scenes (camera work, use of lighting, use of limited sfx, etc.). On the negative side, I found the story to be a bit slow and lacking engaging elements. While it was certainly fun, its just not that memorable; the story proceeds without any particular punch or substantial conflict. Again, please understand that I enjoyed this film, but its important to understand that its may not necessarily qualify as a 5/5 on everyone's scale. Definitely recommended as a rental, but be duly advised on a purchase decision.

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4 Stars = Classic

I've been running into some great Vampire films lately out there underneath the bats radar, & 2009 Canadian film, "Suck," is no exception. Clever, cutting edge Vampire comedy, with a drop of musical in it, about a struggling nowhere rock band, who turns into Vampires & finds success. Yes, this plot line has been used before, but never quite like this, as hilarious black comedy abounds, with imaginative twists on rock n' roll life on the road & Vampires!

You got to love a film that features surprisingly great, funny, witty appearances by, Alice Cooper, Iggy Pop, & Henry Rollins. A surprising, I'd never know it was Alex Lifeson of Rush, as a gung-ho US boarder patrol officer, LOL! Moby, as Buffalo, NY's, biggest rock star ego is a hoot as "Beef," the lead singer for a band who fans throw raw meat at while performing! How about Malcolm McDowell as EVH, that is, Eddy Van Helsing. Funny stuff! Then there is Dimitri Coats, as the Vampire who starts this all, who looks like Johnny Depp's "Mad Hatter" character on steroids, turned Vampire, which makes for a pretty convincing bloodsucker!

Wink's & nod's abound in this film to rock culture & Vampire lore. You have to watch intently to catch them all, & "Hugo" the roadie for the band as a Renfield type character about steals the show!

This film does not take it's self seriously, & you shouldn't either, otherwise the whole point will be missed, that point is fun! You have to stick with it, as it gets funnier as it progresses, & Director, Rob Stefaniuk is one to watch!

For lovers of Vampires with a wicked since of humor, you'll suck this one up!

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