Friday, December 27, 2013

Outpost: Black Sun BD Combo

Outpost: Black Sun BD ComboI'll start by admitting that the plot to the entirety of the "Outpost" series so far is a bit silly but I can't help but admit that the series has some really fantastic original stuff in it. Both cool and gory this series is pretty badass in a multitude of bloody ways. Both Outpost and Outpost Black Sun have been scary, gory and yes even a bit silly from time to time. I mean lets face it, this is the closest thing we are ever going to get to a "quality" nazi zombie film right?

Outpost which was released in '08 was surprisingly a scary film. There were some true moments of terror and fear in the film. Such as the dead body sneaking up behind the solider, the torture scenes and the atmospheric nazi ghosts and settings. It really did scare the shit out of me from time to time. It was an independent horror film that really stood on its own and had some action and horror all mixed up into one package. I mean I enjoyed it alot!

And then here comes Outpost Black Sun. The sequel to Outpost which I was pretty pumped for since I heard it was going into production. And yes it delivered! The budget was greater, the acting was a greater step up from the first. There was a much larger multitude of gore, action and plot introduced which I thought was a great way to give the audience something even more than what we had received the first time. Outpost Black Sun had many more layers than Outpost and to that I have to give credit for. This film had some great scary moments too. I felt the film left an impact. And I had loads of fun with it!

If its one thing this series so far has illustrated it is that its shown that it can take its self seriously but also have fun with the idea of bringing the 4th Reich back from the dead. Some of it is laughable, some of it is scary, some of it is gore filled and violent and even some of it is action-packed. But overall I have give the series a triple thumbs up for being cool, original and fun all in its own right!

It's 1945. A German scientist, by the name of Klausener, is working on a new technology that has the power to create a massive army of Zombie Nazi. Present Day, Two investigators team up with a Special Forces Unit to venture deep inside a war that's raging between the military and that massive army of Nazi Zombie Stormtroopers. Their mission? to fight their way behind enemy lines, locate the technology at the source of this growing threat and prevent the inevitable rise of the 4th Reich.

Despite the fact that the plot sounds an awful lot like The Asylum's "Nazis at the Center of the Earth", I decided to give Outpost: Black sun a chance and I'm glad I did. While it might not be as entertaining as "Nazis at the Center of the Earth"(watch that movie & you'll figure out what I'm saying), it certainly is engrossing and intense. More like a war movie than a Zombie Nazi movie. I really liked it and aim on hunting down the first movie.

One of the better zombie movies out there. I recommend it!

Buy Outpost: Black Sun BD Combo Now

Let me start out by saying how much i loved the first one.. I found out about the original Outpost whilst on a hunting trip up north with family and friends. A friend had brought his collection of foreign movies and among them was a little gem called "Outpost". Outpost had everything a good independent horror film could have-especially for its incredibly small budget. A good script, good sets, phenomenal acting, and good effects.

Flash forward a few years, and the sequel has arrived. Excited, I rip open the box I received from amazon, put it in the DVD player, and let it rip. Now, I won't go into detail about the movie for fear of spoilers, but I will say this: you really need to watch it to decide for yourself whether its a good sequel to the first. I will say that it's like "Aliens to Alien", whereas the sequel is more of survival-action than of horror. The two main problems that I only had with the movie weren't of concern with the script or story, those aspects I think they got right with. The problems I had with were the atmosphere and the "zombies" themselves. Outpost had a really gritty, Gothic look to it that made you wonder what was around the corner, and the sequel, really, quite doesn't. The other main issue were the "zombies". Although the atmosphere tied in with this a bit, the nazis weren't supernatural ghosts, but more of an invincible army that screamed as if they were traditional zombies.

All in all, I think it's really up to you, the viewer, to decide. I personally didn't regret watching it, and after watching it twice, it has sunk in better for me. If you are a fan of the original Outpost or even if you're just a fan of nazi/zombie movies, give this a shot. You might find it enjoyable.

3/5 Stars

Read Best Reviews of Outpost: Black Sun BD Combo Here

A great sequel to the original Outpost. Well scripted and acted, you will enjoy the trip back to our favorite bunker.

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I really wanted to like this movie...but whoerever caster the Helena or wathever

her name is ...really messed up. So we have this skinny little clean girl that

is investigating the Nazis and .....why bother....i really did'nt care for her

acting as it messed up the movie....she did get a bit better near the end when

finally her face got dirty..but it was too late...

Looks like the filmaker wanter a female hero to continue the series...bad move

and to add more insults....they left the end of the movie opened for another

chapter.....that ticked me off....cant they just create good movies with quality

ending instead of looking for the next mini series.

good for a it ...only pay when the movie is worth it...not this one.

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