Saturday, December 28, 2013

Frankenhooker (Blu-ray) (1990)

FrankenhookerFrankenhooker, it just sounds like a good time, doesn't it? I've been waiting for this dvd for a long time now. I saw this film way back when it first came out. Most folks who also saw it back then might remember the cool vhs box that said, "Wanna Date?" when you pressed it. That was a great little gimmick, wasn't it? That kind of thing was never done much, but I do remember the box for the movie The Dead Pit(which sucked by the way, or at least it couldn't live up to it's cool cover) which had the puffed out 3-D zombie on the cover who's eyes would flash green when you squeezed the box. If anyone can remember any more of those cool vhs boxes, let me know. Anyway, I was confident that Frankenhooker would hold up after all these years and it still does. Frankenhooker is the kind of film that Drive-in theaters were made for. As the title suggests, this isn't a movie taking itself seriously. It was directed by Frank Henenlotter, the B movie crusader who brought us Basket case and Brain Damage. If you've seen either of those films and thought they were dumb, you might as well stay away from Frankenhooker coz it's in the same vein. Frankenhooker herself doesn't show up til about an hour into the film, but that's all fine and dandy coz there's enough bare breasts, exploding hookers(and guinea pigs), musclebound pimps, huge crack rocks and head drilling to keep you entertained. Plus the zany, mumbling performance by James Lorinz as the mad doctor really carries the movie along. He's got some pretty damn funny lines, especially in the scene where he's inspecting the hookers. Frankenhooker herself is an amusing parody of Elsa Lanchester's Bride Of Frankenstein performance. For the mostpart her dialogue consists only of lines used by the hookers who's body parts have all gone into constructing her. It doesn't really make sense that she would do this(or that men would explode when touching her), but who the hell is watching this for scientific accuracy? Definitely worth viewing again if you haven't seen it in a while. Also definitely worth viewing if you want a good time. Hell, my wife even liked this movie! Though I must say the price tag on this one's a bit high considering what's on the disc and all(a couple of interviews and a commentary. Nothing THAT special), but I guess it all boils down to how much you want it. It might be worth it if they'd have made the dvd case talk.

A Minor Classic for Cult fans.

Synopsis: After the tragic death of fiancée Elizabeth who died due to a freak lawnmower accident her fiancée Jeffery Franken dreams up a too bring her back to life. He decides to give her new body by taking the best body parts from various prostitutes. After he reassembles Elizabeth he gets more then he bargained for when she takes on the persona of the prostitutes who body parts now make up her body and she goes on a rampage through the streets of New York looking for John's who are looking for a date.

Frankenhooker is like a cross between Mary Shelly's Frankenstein and the film Weird Science. Who hasn't dreamed of or wouldn't want to put together a perfect woman. Unlike these other films that explore a similar idea the plot for Frankenhooker sees Jeffrey Franken who wants to bring his dead girlfriend because he misses her and not to advance science. It is also amusing how he wants to give her the perfect body when while she was alive she battled a weight problem.

One of the films strongest assets is its special effects which while at times not perfect they still get the job done. The most memorable scene is when a group of prostitutes start smoking the super crack Jeffery Franken made and then they all start to explode. The most colorful and charismatic character in the film is a pimp named Zorro who brands his ladies with a Z that he burns into their arms. Patty Mullen (Doom Asylum) is also really good especially once she takes on the persona of Frankenhooker. She also gets some of the more memorable lines in the film. James Lorinz (The Sweet Life) is wonderful as the prototype mad scientist Jeffrey Franken and his enthusiasm for his work is infectious.

Part of Frankenhooker's charm is that the film never takes itself seriously. Fans of director Frank Henenlotter who go into the film expecting the gore and violence to be on the same level as his previous films Basket Case and Brain Damage might feel under whelmed since this film relies more on comedy on less on these two things. Overall Frankenhooker is a biting satire that cleverly pays homage to the Frankenstein legacy.

The BluRay:

Frankenhooker comes on a 50 GB dual layer BluRay. The film is presented in a 1080 progressive anamorphic widescreen. For this release Synapse Films have created a brand new 2K high definition transfer from original vault elements. Colors and flesh tones look accurate, black and contrast levels look consistently good and details look sharp throughout. There are no problems with compression and DNR is never an issue.

This release comes with two audio options, a DTS-HD MA 5.1 Surround mix in English and a DTS-HD MA Stereo mix in English. Both audio mixes sound great, with the differences between the two being minimal. Dialog always comes through clearly and everything sounds balanced and the more ambient aspects of the soundtrack are well represented.

When compared to the Unearthed Films DVD release, the audio / video presentation for this new release from Synapse Films is a substantial upgrade.

Frankenhooker was originally released on DVD in 2006 by Unearthed Films and all of the extras pertaining to the film have been carried over for this release. Extras include a theatrical trailer for the film (1 minute 33 seconds anamorphic widescreen), three interviews, the first interview with actress Patty Mullen (8 minutes 53 seconds 4:3 full frame), the second interview with actress Jennifer Delora (19 minutes 32 seconds anamorphic widescreen) and the third interview with special effects advisor Gabe Bartalos (21 minutes 4:3 full frame) and a image gallery titled `Jennifer Delora's Frankenhooker photo scrapbook' and a audio commentary with director Frank Henenlotter and Gabe Bartalos. The interviews with Patty Mullen and Jennifer Delora, both ladies are candid as they recall in great detail working with director Frank Henenlotter and their experiences making Frankenhooker, while the interview with Gabe Bartalos covers the make-up effects and this segment is filled with a lot of cool behind the scenes footage. Topics covered in the audio commentary track with Frank Henenlotter and Gabe Bartalos include technical aspect of making the film like the special effects, casting and other behind the scenes stories. Also included with this release is reversible cover art. Overall Synapse Films gives Frankenhooker its best audio / video presentation to date.

Written by: Michael Den Boer with Thanks to Michael.

Buy Frankenhooker (Blu-ray) (1990) Now

I experienced the joy of getting this HD release a bit early. Don May and Synapse Films have delivered the goods yet again.

The picture quality is of the highest class with a very filmic look. It's Blu-rays like this that make me wish I had the space (and the money) for a proper home theater room with projector. There's a very fine layer of grain present that looks natural but unobtrusive, the remainder of the image very detailed and representative of its film roots. There are some emulsion scratches here and there, but nothing that will take away one's enjoyment. A little more scratch cleanup would have been appreciated in this case, but it's not a problem.

Most of the extras from the Unearthed Films DVD have been carried over, save for a short five-minute photo gallery and some trailers for other films. The exciting trailer for "Frankenhooker" is thankfully in HD; I wish more companies would follow Synapse's example and offer HD trailers of the films, particularly when it comes to these cult classics.

The film itself, if you haven't seen it, is a riot--very quirky humor with a bit of a twisted side. I can't imagine anybody not laughing at the exploding hookers scene, or the female body part monsters toward the end (including what special effects artist Gabe Bartalos named "the Titty Twister"--you'd have to see it to get it). The special effects in these scenes are well-made and with high comical effect. No gore here, just hokey fun. It's difficult to really call this a horror film; whereas Henenlotter's other films--the "Basket Case" series, "Brain Damage", and "Bad Biology"--all exhibit rather horrific subject matter and scenes fused with the humor, "Frankenhooker" is straight-up comedy.

The performances all around are entertaining with James Lorinz (a.k.a. "the Doorman from 'Street Trash' ") and Patty Mullen (vivacious Penthouse Pet) leading the show exceptionally well. You'll adore Lorinz' mad scientist depravity, drilling holes into his head to help him think, and Mullen's jittery head movements, face spasms, and snippy dialog.

I suck at writing film reviews, but there it is! Thought I'd talk about the film in addition to the video quality for once.

This is a highly recommended Blu-ray Disc. If you're a fan of the film, ditch the DVD and pick this up; and if you've never seen it before and can laugh at the stranger things in life, buy it and show it to all your friends. Then congratulate Don May for a job well done and pick up every one of Synapse's other Blu-ray Discs (and spam him--lovingly, of course--with requests for "Street Trash" and the remainder of the Coffin Joe trilogy to come out soon on the format).

Read Best Reviews of Frankenhooker (Blu-ray) (1990) Here

The copy I rented had a quote on the back credited to Bill Murray that read: "If you see one movie this year, see Frankenhooker." It turns out that the statement was most likely made with only mild sarcasm. Frankenhooker is damned funny. I thought it might be cute, but I had no idea it would be this good. This is what good, low-budget schlock is all about. It's smart, it's funny, and most of all, it's FUN.

I almost gave it 5 stars but I try to be extremely selective with that rating. If you're like me and have thought about checking out Frankenhooker before but then thought again, think thrice and rent the damn thing. You might decide you want to own it.

Want Frankenhooker (Blu-ray) (1990) Discount?

...wasn't this supposed to be UNRATED? The only version of this available on DVD on Region 1 is R-rated ... Granted, from what I understand, the difference is just a matter of a little more nudity. But still, aren't DVDs supposed to be more definitive than this? Not to mention the disappointing lack of any real extras on this disc. Oh well. There's supposedly an unrated PAL DVD out there, which is nice if you happen to have a PAL-compatible player. Maybe someday a DVD company that actually knows what it's doing will release this in its full uncut glory, with some extras to talk about.

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