Monday, December 2, 2013

21 Jump Street (+ UltraViolet Digital Copy) (2012)

21 Jump Street I've never been a fan of Channing Tatum for an assorted number of reasons. My principle reason for my disliking Channing Tatum is his lack of acting talent. His deficiencies as an actor were made apparent in every genre of film. Ever since he broke onto the scene with "Step Up",he has delivered his signature one-note performance in every movie in which he has been cast. And it seemed as if he would never get any better. I was ready to give up on him until I read the reviews for "21 Jump Street". Not only was the movie supposed to be well done, but Mr. One Note Channing Tatum was supposed to have turned in one of his best performances as well. Out of a morbid sense of curiosity, I had to see the movie for myself; and after nearly two hours of continuous guffawing, I left the theatre with a new sense of hope. Channing Tatum may have found his niche as a movie actor:he can be a funny man. Channing Tatum is......funny.

I remember watching 21 Jump Street as a youngster in the 1980's. I loved it when it was on network television. The premise: a bunch of young looking 20 something detectives pose as high school students as they attempt to curb the criminal activity that is perpetrated by high school students. This show became a career launching pad for many of the principle characters, including the venerable and legendary Johnny Depp. However, the show has become pretty dated, and I doubt that I could watch it with the same enthusiasm now that I'm in my thirties. And when I heard that they were remaking this television show for the big screen, I nearly gagged. But after seeing the movie remake with Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill, I have to say that I am so happy that I went against my instincts and saw this film. It is the funniest movie that I have seen in a long time. I actually laughed out loud while watching this movie, and it has been a long time since I have laughed out loud during any film.

The plot of the movie is not difficult to follow. Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill are enemies in high school; with Channing Tatum being the popular high school jock(Jenko), while Jonah Hill is the socially awkward and geeky Eminem look-a-like(Schmidt). A few years after they graduate from high school, they enroll in the police academy. While at the academy, they discover that Schmidt is able to master the academic part of the training and Jenko is able to master the physical aspect of the police training. Jenko and Schmidt soon realize that if they are to make it past their respective exams, they are going to have to help one another. Their decision to cooperate with each other leads to a special friendship, and after graduating from the academy they are able to secure assignments in the same police unit.

Jenko and Schmidt prove to be inept as police officers in the bike unit, but they are given a second chance as undercover police officers. Their mission: infiltrate a drug operation in a high school that is run by a smarmy high school senior played by David Franco(James Franco's brother). Here the roles of Jenk and Schmidt are reversed. It is Jenko who is the social outcast while Schmidt is the cool insider. Turns out that in the year 2012 it is okay to be openly gay, carry your backpack using both straps, openly campaign for the preservation of the environment, and do well in school-which are all of the traits that Jenko used to hate about Schmidt. While they are trying to infiltrate the drug operation, Schmidt's popularity causes a rift in their friendship; and as their relationship collapses, so does their work as undercover officers. Eventually their antagonistic supervisor(played by Ice Cube!!!) has to fire them, and all hope seems to be lost for the two former friends. It does not take long for Jenko and Schmidt to become friends again; and with their friendship repaired they are able to prove their worth as officers through their special form of vigilantism.

As I've said before, Channing Tatum is really funny in this film. Jonah Hill and Ice Cube also deliver some really good liners as well. Although a remake, the film is original in its execution of the conventional screenplay. I highly recommend this film. And I have to say that if you choose to see this movie, you will be greeted with a really nice surprise near the end.

MOVIE REVIEW #27: " 21 Jump Street "

Talk about a pleasant surprise. I honestly wasn't expecting much from this film, but I can see why the reviews have been generally positive. Directors Phil Lord (Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs) and Chris Miller (Again Cloudy...) to a old TV show popular with teens and gave it a modern twist..... story by it's Executive Producer and Star Jonah Hill (Moneyball, Knocked Up) and Michael Bacall (Scott Pilgram Vs. The World) and its screenplay by Bacall it basically tell of stud and a nerd and everything that comes with each working against each other to eventually being best friends.

Not taking itself too seriously it shows two police academy graduates being assigned a special undercover operation involving a high school. Jonah is partnered with Channing Tatum (Dear John, G.I. Joe, The Dilema) and they eventually realized they complement each other with their own personal special abilities.

In the process they go through hilarious scenes involving "accidental" use of drugs, some wonderful high school tuxedos of the eighties and a running joke involving a series of questionable bikers that have one of the biggest TWISTS at the end of the film. (Spoilers!)

Rob Riggle (The Hangover, The Other Guys) gives an over-the-top performance as a High School coach with `issues' and a phony front to students Dave France (Superbad, Fight Night) and Brie Larson (13 Going On 30, Scott Pilgram Vs. The World) who believe he is what he is.

Meanwhile Channing and Jonah are guided by a over-zealous Police Captain played by Ice Cube (Fridays, First Sunday, Barber Shop) who thinks that this is a mission only they can handle because of the youthful looks but will fail because even together they are not so smart.

The film has lots of comedy, action, adventure, close-calls and some very clever dialogue.....not to mention that `Spoiler' I mentioned you wanna know? Then read on. If not STOP HERE!

Two original series regulars make an appearance in this reinvention of an 80's TV series (that by the way, makes fun of itself by commenting that all sargents do now is try and reboot old things from the 80's) the real' 21 Jump Street' stars of the ORIGINAL series Johnny Depp (21 Jump Street, Pirates of the Caribbean 1, 2 and 3), Richard Grieco (21 Jump Street ,Point Doom ) and Peter DeLouise (Seaquest, 21 Jump Street) have an amazingly funny came...that borders on `black comedy' because of what happens to them. I'll say no more.

21 Jump Street is a funny film with a big heart. I enjoyed this very much and I think if you want legitimate comedy with a fantastic premise...this is your movie. Yes it's another rehash but it was fresh!

Buy 21 Jump Street (+ UltraViolet Digital Copy) (2012) Now

"21 Jump Street" is only loosely based on the original television show that starred mega star Johnny Depp. The only real reason for comparison is the premise of police officers given orders to return to high school and pose as teenagers. They are instructed to infiltrate and bring down a synthetic drug manufacturing and distribution ring. Jonah Hill (Moneyball) plays Schmidt, a former high school nerd and current police officer newbie with skills of the brain, but no physical skills. Channing Tatum (The Vow) plays Jenko, who is just the opposite. Together, they are a perfect fit and a disaster waiting to happen.

"21 Jump Street" is a lot of fun and always entertaining. The movie introduces you to the characters and their personalities. You know them and you relate to them. The story is even fairly intriguing, which isn't always the case in movies like these. As Schmidt finds himself getting over all the things that plagued him in high school, you find yourself rooting for him.

There are constant jokes and laughs throughout the movie. Although, I did notice that many of the best laughs were spoiled by previously released promotional materials. Thankfully there are plenty of laughs to go around. The movie never lets up and is always interesting, funny and strangely endearing. It is also hilarious watching the two cops return to high school and finding the ways of the past to be just that. Jenko blames the phenomenon simply on the television show, "Glee".

Sure the movie is offensive at times, but the chemistry between Tatum and Hill is authentic and fun to watch. You get invested in their characters personalities early on and you are with them to the end.

Read Best Reviews of 21 Jump Street (+ UltraViolet Digital Copy) (2012) Here

This movie is the funniest movie i have seen in a while. It really relates the characters to the high school days. It has great humor and some action. I don't understand why people dislike the movie. It's different than the 80's show, but it's a new spin that makes it very interesting. You must buy this movie! It is hilarious and has a great storyline.

Want 21 Jump Street (+ UltraViolet Digital Copy) (2012) Discount?

Be real. When you first heard that Jonah Hill was planning to remake 1980s era, Stephen Cannell produced cop series, 21 Jump Street, you probably scoffed and wrote it off immediately. You wouldn't be alone, and the reaction isn't without justification. Helping to launch the career of Johnny Depp and being the highlight for others like Holly Robinson and Richard Grieco, the show was ridiculous on its face, centered on a special crime unit of youthful looking adults infiltrating colleges and high schools. Frankly, the show was more cool than good, and neither by the final season. Fortunately, Jonah Hill and writer Michael Bacall knew there was no reason to revere the source material, deciding to go for something akin to Superbad meets Police Academy. It was a gamble, but a gamble that paid off as 21 Jump Street isn't just hilarious, it's a modern day comedy classic.

Achieving the heights of hilarity that 21 Jump Street does couldn't have been accomplished by simply bringing the same old tired idea and plopping it onto the big screen. Too many other attempted remakes have made that mistake, thinking adding a few modern wrinkles will suffice. High school is nothing like it was twenty years ago. The social dynamics are different, the students are different, and the idea of who should be popular has experienced quite a shift. Setting up the change beautifully, we are first introduced to Morton Schmidt(Hill) and Greg Jenko(Channing Tatum) in high school, where Morton is an nerd doing his best Eminem impression, while Greg is the prototypical popular jock stud.

Fast forward a few years and both are enrolling in the police training program, and both are terrible for reasons the other can compensate for. Greg becomes the brawn, and Morton the brains. After proving they don't have what it takes to handle the rough 'n tumble beat as bike cops, they are unceremoniously dumped into a rehashed program to use young looking cops as undercover agents in high schools. Wearing a sense of self awareness on its sleeve, the film takes a few jabs at itself for being a warmed over rehash as well, up to and including the use of Ice Cube as the token angry, African-American police captain. Cube, who has become an expert at playing off his old N.W.A. persona, is in rare form here, snarling and sneering at every opportunity. If there's a scene stealer, it's him.

When it comes to comedy, it's the little details that matter the most are often the funniest. Greg is hyped for an opportunity to go back to high school and be the popular guy again, while Morton is justifiably terrified of reliving those traumatic years. What they discover upon arrival is that the entire culture is different. Greg's bullying antics make him a loner, while Morton's brains and gentle nature earn him cred with the cool kids, which he uses to try and infiltrate their drug ring. In a lot of ways, 21 Jump Street has smarter insights into the ways teens think than some documentaries dedicated to the subject. You know from the start that Greg is going to get drunk off his new found popularity, and while it plays out like something out of Can't Buy Me Love, it works.

Insightful thought it may be, there's plenty of room for gross out gags, penis jokes, and toilet humor. Hill is old hat at this type of thing by now, although it's unfair to say he's playing the same role here. His character is a little less self confident than usual, and not at all the miscreant he played in Superbad. Tatum, a better actor than many want to give him credit for, shows an affinity for physical comedy we haven't seen from him before. It's hilarious to watch his blank, clearly confused face as the world he thought he knew is flipped upside down. Even more so, he's a ball to watch leaping over cars and beating up rowdy teenagers. The jokes at his expense, since he clearly has the body of a thirty year old man and towers over everybody, are some the film's best. Tatum seems more than willing to roll with the punches and cut loose. For the most part, the supporting cast shines as well. Bridesmaids co-star Ellie Kemper is equal parts sweet and filthy as a teacher with a Mary Kay Leternou style obsession with Tatum. Dave Franco doesn't have much to do, but Brie Larson gives a winning performance as Molly, the girl who falls for Hill's charms.

With so much attention focused on Hill, Tatum, and Bacall, it's easy to forget that the glue holding this madcap adventure together are directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller. Their only gig up to this point was the animated Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and you can see they brought some of the comic madness of that film into 21 Jump Street. The action sequences, of which there are plenty, are fast paced and splashed with a little bit of Looney Tunes wackiness.

You don't have to have been a fan of the show to appreciate this 21 Jump Street, but if you were then the film will feel even more special. Cameos are sprinkled throughout, including one especially brilliant appearance special for 'Jump Street' die-hards. There's practically nothing this film gets wrong. Even the closing credits rock. If there's one thing that they can do to screw this up it's making us wait too long for a sequel.

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