Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009)

Underworld: Rise of the LycansThis movie is the realized back story for the movie "Underworld". There is nothing revelational about this movie to the storyline of the franchise except for Lucian being the source of the modern day Lycans (ability to transform back into human form). This movie is basically about his development from childhood into the leader of the Lycans and also the love story between him and Sonia (Victor's daughter). The tie-ins of this movie to the other two were very well written. While viewing "Rise of the Lycans" is not necessary in order to make sense of the other two movies in the franchise, it definitely enriches them and basically adds more seasoning.

The action and battle sequences were exciting and very well done. But, while I enjoyed the movie, it lacks the plot twists and suspense of the original "Underworld". The acting is good, although I wish Victor would have had some better dialogue. Rhona Mitra was SUPERB as Sonia. Her resemblence to Kate Beckensale makes the viewer realize why Victor took Selene under his wing (instead of killing her along with her family). Selene is absent from this movie except for the final clip which happens to be the opening scene to "Underworld" (a good transition). IMHO, this movie ranks 2nd in the franchise. While "Underworld Evolution" was enoyable in its own right, the creatures of this franchise look more comfortable (and believable) in midieval times than in the modern day. If you own the other two movies on DVD/ Blu-ray, you'll definitely want to add this to your Underworld library.

In 2003, the action-horror film "Underworld" starring Kate Beckinsdale as the vampire Selena came out to theaters. Known for its stylish, Goth presentation and dark, brooding environment, the film would spotlight on the war between the vampires aka "Death Dealers" and the human/werewolf hybrids known as "Lycans". Directed by Len Wiseman, the film would spawn a sequel in 2006 "Underworld: Evolution".

But the creators of the film wanted to explain how the feud between the Death Dealers and the Lycans started. Although the first film briefly shown a little bit of that history, due to the rapid and shrinking budget of the first film, the creators were not able to effectively do what they wanted. And thus the third film, "Underworld: Rise of the Lycans", a prequel to the first two films, was created and released in theaters on January 2009.

Director Len Wiseman who was responsible for the first two films had come off directing the fourth "Die Hard" film "Live Free or Die Hard" and needing the time to rest, decided to contribute as a writer and producer for the "Underworld" prequel. Writing the screenplay for "Underworld: Rise of the Lycans" was Danny McBride (who played Mason in the first film), Dirk Blackman (who written "Outlander") and Howard McCain (who wrote and directed "Outlander").

The producers decided to tap into one of their own crew to direct "Rise of the Lycans" and thus Patrick Tatopoulos, known for his special effects and creature design for the previous "Underworld" films but also for blockbusters such as "Independence Day", "Godzilla", "I Am Legend", "Silent Hill" and "10,000 BC" (to name a few) was selected to direct the latest film.

The film debuted at #1 in the box office in Jan. 2009 and has grossed nearly $90 million worldwide.


"Underworld: Rise of the Lycans" is featured in 1080p High Definition with an aspect ratio of 2:40:1. It's important to point out that "Underworld: Rise of the Lycans" is a film that is featured in primarily blues and blacks. The film showcases the darkness of that area and if there are any other colors that are utilized, those are reds and the golden and bronze colors. It is what Tatopoulos wanted and I think that the emphasis on the darker colors brings out the brooding feeling of the land, the castle, the forest, etc.

Picture quality was well done. I did not see any artifacts, scratches, dust but I did see grain. Especially in one scene that featured Sonja laying on bed, which was brief but grain/low light noise was noticeable. But other than that, I just felt that the film utilized blacks effectively. Red typically are colors that are seen during the most violent or bloodiest of scenes but the color does stand out due to everything being so blue and black.

As for audio quality, "Underworld: Rise of the Lycans" is presented in English and French Dolby TrueHD 5.1 and also in Spanish and Portuguese 5.1.

I enjoyed how the action sequences utilizes each channel in my home theater setup. For one, when hearing the Lycans and the wolves as they run, to when they howl, one thing that audiophiles will notice is the effective use of low frequency bass coming from the subwoofer. That caught my attention immediately and when my subwoofer is utilized in such a manner, it makes me happy!

But the sounds of spears flying and hitting its victim, hearing the various action sequences constant and fluid and the noise of metal upon metal, slicing and clanging, those are noises that sound crystal clear as it comes out from your front channel speakers.

Dialogue is easily understood and so does the growls of the werewolves. There's nothing to fault about the audio, audio was well done!

As for subtitles, subtitles provided are in English, English SDH, French, Spanish and Portuguese.


"Underworld: Rise of the Lycans" includes a second disc (digital copy) while the first disc includes special features that are in High Definition for video and for audio, presented in Dolby Surround & Stereo. Spanish and Portuguese subtitles are also included. Special features included are:

* Filmmaker Commentary Commentary features Director Patrick Tatopoulos, three producers and the visual effects supervisor. I actually found the commentary quite informative and also entertaining. The guys talk about the choices they had with this film and how they were on a really strict schedule because of talent schedules, they needed to make sure that certain shots were done in 1-2 period. The guys also talked about how they wanted to do more but they had to stay strictly around the budget they had. But one of the most important tidbits was the footage from the first "Underworld" film which utilized a blonde Sonja and then of course, with this film having a dark haired Sonja. A large majority of the decisions made were done due to lack of money in the budget and I would think that if they were to recut the first "Underworld", they can now utilize footage from this this prequel for it. A very informative commentary that "Underworld" fans will no doubt enjoy!

* Cinechat A two minute intro to Cinechat and of course, if you have BD-Live, you can chat with a friend or other people while watching the film.

* Behind the Castle Walls: Picture-in-Picture While watching the film, you can get a picture-in-picture screen featuring actual shooting of the footage and also interviews with the Director, cast and crew.

* Lycanthropes Around the World Interactive Map This is a map featuring Lycanthrope sightings in North America, Europe and Asia. Personally, I don't know how much of this is factual but I did bring up one about two children who were raised by wolves and when I checked on Google to do a search for the names. The names came up for Geocities and Lycos sites dedicated to werewolves but no Wikipedia or news sites. But an interesting, dark and kind of macabre stories of people who believe they were wolves and some that killed and resorted to cannibalism.

* Underworld: Rise of the Lycans: From Script to Screen (9:13) Interviews with the producers and the Director in regards to how the script was written in 4 weeks and pretty much these guys who worked on the previous two films knew what they wanted for this prequel. But most importantly, when the previous Director Len Wiseman was unable to direct due to his involvement with the fourth "Die Hard" film "Live Free or Die Harder", he became the writer and producer while they tapped Patrick Tatopoulos to direct. Patrick is well-known for his work in special and creature design and effects for many blockbuster films and because this film utilizes plenty of effects, creatures and knew that this film would emphasize that, how the producers felt that he was perfect to direct this film.

* The Origin of the the Feud (19:58) This is the primary featurette in regards to "Underworld: Rise of the Lycans" with interviews with the cast and crew. The cast talk about their characters and what they wanted to bring to their own character and more.

* Recreating the Dark Ages (13:01) Interviews with the Director and Production Designer in creating the look and feel of the set, especially the castle and also the werewolves. How their intention of utilizing blacks and blues but also the reds and bronze/gold.

* Music Video: "Deathclub" By William Control Fans of the band Aiden, will know lead-vocalist wiL Francis's side project aka William Control and their music video for "Deathclub" is included on the special features.

* PS3 Wallpaper

One thing that I enjoy about the "Underworld" films is the sense of its dark, goth style in conjunction with its brooding storyline of the vampires and the werewolves feuding against each other. "Underworld: Rise of the Lycans" is the dark "Romeo & Juliet" storyline of two lovers from two sides that despite and hate each other.

If there is one thing that people are familiar about the "Underworld" films, there is not much time for thorough character development. These characters may have a brief time of happiness but immediately they are trying to survive or somehow ripped away from any happiness that they seek. By no means is "Underworld: Rise of the Lycans" a happy everlasting storyline. It's a tragic story about Lucian and Sonja and what intensified the feud between the vampires (Death Dealers) and the Lycans (werewolves/human hybrids).

Lucian's story of being used by Viktor against humans and against his own kind is established but much is not said about Sonja, all the writers want you to know is that aside from being Viktor's daughter, she's madly in love with Lucian. And that is all you should know.

But I enjoyed this film because it kept things simple. No convoluted or ridiculous storyline that would go astray or become incomprehensible. The storyline features characters that are quite interesting. The Lycan Lucian and his lover, the vampire Sonja and Viktor, the father who will try to deny his daughter or the Lycan baby he raised to become a man any form of pleasure.

Michael Sheen ("Frost/Nixon", "Blood Diamond", "Underworld: Evolution", etc.) did a great job as a Lycan who will not let any side tell him that being in love with a vampire is wrong. It will be interesting as the actor will be part of another popular vampire film "The Twilight Saga: New Moon". Sheen plays that passionate but tortured person effectively, especially as his character has undergone so much, but is strong because of his love for Sonja.

Rhona Mitra ("The Practice", "Boston Legal", "Nip/Tuck") as Sonja was good, I felt that she could have been used a bit more in the film. We know that she is a strong vampire but it was more interesting to see her as a compassionate vampire. It would have been nice to get a little back story of how her relationship with Lucian had started but nevertheless, the focus was not so much on their evolving relationship. The film quickly establishes her love for Lucian and like Juliet, her father would deny her any happiness.

Which leads me to Bill Nighy ("Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest", "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy", "Valkyrie", etc.) as Viktor. Nighy does a magnificent job of playing the cold, elder vampire and as he was great in the first two "Underworld" films, you do see that compassion that he had felt for his daughter and to see how he changes after he discovers the relationship.

The storyline was well-planned and executed, first time Director Patrick Tatopoulos just had to take that screenplay and make the overall setting believable. And because of his well-documented experience on special effects and creature designs, he was able to accomplish that gritty, gloomy world of vampires and werewolves, to make sure that the castle of the vampires looked effectively real and the final cut worked for me.

"Underworld" are films that have never been appreciated by the majority of the film critics but one thing that is consistent is that the intended audience who have enjoyed these films since the beginning have been passionate about it and continue to support it. For me, I have always enjoyed films about vampires and werewolves and I actually dig the overall presentation and characters of the three films.

With that being said, if you enjoyed the first two films, "Underworld: Rise of the Lycans" is a prequel that is just worth watching and worth owning on Blu-ray.

Buy Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009) Now

Why can't they all just get along? The Vampires and Werewolves "at each others throats" for so many generations instead of letting bygones be bygones and teaming up to feed on us mere mortals...I silly, right?

Well I guess it's a good thing for us though, no? Because without the war there would be no action-packed Underworld series. There's suspense, tons of action and a great storyline from the start of this prequel right through Evolution.

The main writers of the franchise, Len Wiseman (who also directed the first two) and Danny McBride are intact for Rise of the Lycans, and that's a key ingredient to a successful prequel or sequel. The director's chair is taken over by FX vet Pat Totoupolis. The fact that this was his first "real" directorial try made me a bit skeptical going into Rise of the Lycans. But let me tell you, Totoupolis really pulled it off.

I was also skeptical of Rhona Mitra taking Kate Benkensale's place as the leading lady. But as the movie progresses and concludes it becomes clear that Mitra was perfect for the role.

The series documents a war that has been raging between the Vampires and Lycans for years all because one of the Vampire leaders didn't want his Vampire daughter gettin' busy with a Wolfman. Rise of the Lycans kicks it all off, and even leaves room for a second prequel to Underworld and Evolution.

All in all the whole series is a very well done story that pays to watch from the beginning. Yes, they all have stand-alone potential. But if you haven't already, you'll have more fun if you rent or purchase both Underworld and Underworld Evolution too.

Definitely worth the purchase of putting the whole Underworld Trilogy (Underworld / Underworld: Evolution / Underworld: Rise of the Lycans) into your collection.

Read Best Reviews of Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009) Here


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I've read some critics' reviews of this prequel to the Underworld franchise that the story is redundant, yet I felt the story had enough substance in it even though much of the mythology of the feud between vampires and lycans had been touched upon in the previous Underworld movies.

In "Rise of the Lycans", the time period is possibly sometime in the Middle Ages, and set in some European country, in the wilds [with an intimidating vampire stronghold set against the backdrop of mountains and forests]. Viktor [a perpetually scowling Bill Nighy] reigns as vampire commander-in-chief over his coven, with his beloved daughter Sonja [Rhona Mitra] as a fiercely independent and strong-willed vampire who also happens to be in love with lycan Lucian [Michael Sheen, lately seen in Frost/Nixon]. The vampire-lycan relationship remains secret because it is forbidden, and for much of the movie, viewers are repeatedly made aware of this social stratification, i.e. vampires rule over everything [providing humans safety from the werewolves], hold lycans as slaves [Lucian is the first lycan, a human who is able to change into a werewolf and back into human form again], and the werewolves [who cannot assume human form] are the social outcasts or pariahs.

The love story of Sonja and Lucian is credibly portrayed [well, excepting one particularly wacky mountaintop sex scene] and Rhona Mitra plays an impressive Sonja for the most part, no small feat considering she's filling in the shoes of Kate Beckinsale [I know, they both portray different vampires, but one can't help compare them]. Rhona Mitra is gorgeous and fiery, but does get a bit passive towards the end, which kind of disappointed me.

Michael Sheen plays the angry lycan Lucian with competence and verve, and more than holds his own against vampire boss Viktor [Bill Nighy]. Their stand-offs are part of the high points of this instalment.

The weapons used in this prequel lack the sophistication of the previus Underworld movies but given the time frame, giant crossbows, and hands-on combat are inevitable and I must say, did not really disappoint.

The movie aside, the extras on this DVD are pretty impressive:

Filmmakers' Commentary

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans From Script to Screen

The Origin of the Feud which includes interviews with Michael Sheen, Bill Nighy and Rhona Mitra about their respective roles in the film.

Re-creating the Dark Ages The Look of Underworld: Rise of the Lycans

Music Video: "Deathclub [Wes Borland/Reinholder Remix]" by William Control Featuring Matt Skiba

Previews [The Taking og Pelham 123, The International, Blood: The Last Vampire, 2012, Fixed Up!, Waltz with Bashir, The Informers, The Sky Crawlers, Quarantine, Resident Evil: Degeneration, What Goes Up, The Art of War III: Retribution, The Shield: Seasons 1-7, The Da Vinci Code:Extended Cut, The Devil's Tomb, The Grudge 3, and Messengers 2: The Scarecrow]

The audio options come in English, French, Spanish and Thai with subtitle options as well.

For what it's worth, I thought "Rise of Lycans" added more substance to the plot compared to the other two Underworld movies, which were bigger on action than actual story, and the acting in "Rise of Lycans" was credible and above average. I'd rank this as my second favorite Underworld movie after the first, and I look forward to seeing how they create a new story arc in the next instalment, if any.

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