Thursday, November 7, 2013

Saw VI (2009)

Saw VII still remember seeing the first Saw, and the shock and gossip about the hacksaw scene that followed. I was pumped for number 2 and actually enjoyed it quite a bit, I thought were climbing a hill of movie goodness here. Saw III followed and was interesting to say the least, I was happy it improved over on the 1st and 2nd and kept me interested in 4. Needless to say 4 and 5 plummeted the series like a skydive gone wrong...I was officially done with Saw after seeing 5.

Last week I fell to the curiosity of Saw 6 and decided to see it that weekend. I went into the theater with my 6 dollar soda, and 5 dollar skittles, sat through the 4 or so teenagers next to me giggling and talking through the entire 91 minute movie...then came the end credits.

I can honestly say after all was said and done my friends and I looked at each other with ear to ear grins. I was very happy with this 6th installment, and didn't feel so bad about the 20+ dollars I had spent to see this movie. The opening scene is brutal and has you sitting back in your seat thinking OUCH! The movie throws in some real world situations that most people can relate to or at least see the truth in.

In my mind a lot of things were answered and blanks filled in from the last couple movies, which I felt helped number 6 a lot. And the new director didn't clam up and make this one borderline PG-13, the gore is very well done and makes even me, a horror fanatic cringe. I'm not gonna discuss the plot, or twists, because I think you should feel how I did when they play out on screen.

I will say when it comes to Saw 6, forgive and forget the last 2 and see this one! If your a Saw fan your gonna love this new installment, if you were a Saw fan this will re-ignite your Saw fascination, and at least get your heart pumping and mind racing as to what the next installment will include! I can honestly say I'm looking forward to adding this to my Blu Ray collection and think it will shine next to the abomination that was Saw 4 & 5.

Jigsaw's 6th puzzle piece was awesome and one of the best in the Saw franchise! It was a lot better than the previous film. There are a bunch of new and terrifying traps and twists. They tie up a lot of loose ends like what was in Jill's box, what Amanda's letter from Hoffman was about, and much more. Tobin Bell does another amazing job as Jigsaw who's legacy continues long after his death. Hoffman sets up a new game for William Easton, an executive at a health insurance company. He decides who to cover based strictly on probabilities of health or illness, which turned down Jigsaw when he had cancer. William must make impossible decisions such as who should live and die in the Carousel Trap, and who is more worthy of living. The game comes full circle! I highly recommend SAW VI!!!

Buy Saw VI (2009) Now

Seeing the "Saw" films has become admittedly a sick tradition of mine. The films are consistently clever, but often ultimately disappointing. "Saw 6" was however one of the best in the series, as it maintains its integrity to the early entries while creating a convincing healthcare themed story that is both twisted and relevant. Don't expect the increase in quality to mean a decrease in gore as this has its fair share of squint-n-squirm moments, but hey you go to a "Saw" movie, you cannot be angry when the blood starts to run. If you like any of the other ones even if you've been disappointed in the franchise lately, give this one a try. You won't be let down.

Read Best Reviews of Saw VI (2009) Here

I got into the Saw series the year Saw IV was coming out. I don't know what had made me wish to watch the first installment, but I did. And after finishing it I was truly amazed, I was hooked from Saw I. Saw II was one of my favorites because it had alot more interation. Saw III was great, but the first few times, I thought it was a bit slower than what I wanted, which I'm now fine with it's pace.

Saw IV wasn't all what the series needed when it had been released. After all the Saw fans had to deal with hearing people wish they had stopped at III, and also doubting where the creators could possibly go with the story now that John Kramer had passed. was pretty slick making the story take place during the time Saw III was playing, but it didn't do what the series needed it to do.

Saw V was a slight improvement, it slowed down alot and allowed you to better understand all that was taking place. But it still didn't have enough redemption to make a full recovery from Saw IV. But nonetheless, I was determined to keep watching the series until the end.

....Saw VI....Of all the films that have been in this series, in my opinion, this by far comes closest to beating the amazement that Saw I gave to it's veiwers than what II, III, IV, & V could have ever done. Opening with one of the most brutal traps in the whole series, this film kicked of to an amazing start. *SPOILER AHEAD* Another thing that made this film well was how it pulled it's victims not from the underbelly of society [prostitutes, arsonists, people having affairs, those wishing the deaths of others, etc.], but from an Insurance Firm/Agency. *END OF SPOILER* It was a very smooth move on the people who helped script the movie to go with such a choice, because although we can think of plenty of kinds of people that would be perfect Jigsaw Victims. We don't necessarily think to place those sort of people at the top of our lists.

Overall Saw VI was a MAJOR improvement for the "2nd Trilogy" of the Saw series, although it left us with some questions, it answered so many that the fans needed/wanted to know the answers to. If you haven't watched any of the Saw films, you need to ATLEAST give the series a chance and watch Saw I. It is truly more than just mindless slasher film.

Want Saw VI (2009) Discount?

Ok, so by now if you're reading a review on SAW 6 you have to like the franchise. If not you seriously need to get a life because either you're just one of the people who hate these films but have never seen them, or your just bored and reading random movie reviews. If you are a fan of at least some of the films this is the best one joke. When I saw this I was thinking, ok, it'll hopefully be a little bit better than 5 but I wasn't going to ask for much. Even Back to the Future and Godfather went down the tubes during their 3rd sequel, try to wrap ur head around a Back to the Future pt. 6! Ya. Aside from the overly nausiating first trap (I'm desensitized from the other films but this "pound of flesh" trap got to me), the movie excells in every way from the other films. It had a real plot, motivated characters and..gasp!...good acting. IF YOU ARE A need to watch SAW 6, it's that good.

Now...I was once a hater...I thought before I saw the first movie that anyone who liked it must be a freak. I thought that Harry Potter fans were all idiots for liking some dumb wizard flick. I also thought that Twilight fans were just as insane....It's very very easy to refuse to see a movie and still talk about it with distain. So I watched them, as a hater should force themselves to do before they make idiotic comments. Now, after watching every SAW i find myself thinking that it's probably the smartest horror franchise in history. Clues, comments, and commentary all have the fan guessing what will happen next. It's not a slasher film and by the 6th movie I actually feel sorry and root for the guy that we all hated in SAW and SAW 2. I also went from loathing Harry Potter to actually finding the films entertaining and now own all of them. I'm never going to read the books cuz they're wayyyy too long and I have no intention on delving deaper into the psyche of the wizards of Hogwarts that the movies dont touch on, but they are just fun to watch. Now as for sucks...its a buncha blank starring and "oh he loves me, he loves me not"...the action is a cheap wireworks display and im really glad there wont be 8 of these films....but I still saw them, so its my actual opinion, not me going on a banter. If you hate these movies for either A)the gore, B)the acting in a few movies, C) horror isnt your thing, than this wont change your mind. But if you hate saw just to hate it you have no business commenting on these types of websites where people are looking for honest answers to whether or not they should buy the movie. Giving this film 1 star and saying "How much more do I have to take of this!!!!", is not helpful to could have stopped after SAW 2 if you didnt like it, so really the idiot isnt the person who wants to purchase the film, its you for making urself watch something you dont like.

In summary, don't listen to the people who gave this movie 1 or 2 stars. This movie easily beats 5, 4, and 3 and is far more fast-paced and entertaining than 1 and 2. If you like SAW and you waited till dvd to watch this cuz you werent sure if u'd be wasting 10 bucks in theaters I promise you wont be wasting 15-20 bucks buying this, or waiting till Blockbuster/Hollywood Video, or any other store has this pre-viewed for $7.50.

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