Saturday, October 5, 2013

UFC 100 Making History: Lesnar vs. Mir (2009)

UFC 100 Making History: Lesnar vs. Mir The new distributors of UFC dvds are not as good as the previous distributors. Too much content has been edited out. Brocks post fight antics, Dan's post fight interview as well as replays of his BRUTAL KO of Bisping...avoid DVD if possible.

UFC 100


This was the historic 100th UFC event that was supposed to be the greatest card in history, did they accomplish that? I don't think they did but it was a great night of fights that also held the greatest knock out in history in my opinion. It would see a debut of a highly respected fighter in the first televised fight, a legend going against an ultimate fighter on the under card, a former welterweight contender coming back after his last fight, a battle of TUF coaches, a welterweight title fight, and an undisputed heavyweight champion crowned. The DVD its self is a mixed bag since it is edited but for the most part it is good. Also this is not the 100th UFC event, it is actually the 133rd event because of events that were listed as .5 after another event. These events included the Ultimate Ultimates and such. Also on a side note this DVD is heavily edited like Dan Henderson's post fight interview, as well as Brock Lesnar's.


1.YOSHIHIRO AKIYAMA VS ALAN BELCHER-this is absolutely a wonderful fight and highly entertaining as these two battle it out over 15 minutes. Belcher is a well known UFC fighter and Yoshihiro is making his debut after pilling up win after win in K-1 Hero's, with only one loss on his record. The first round was insane as both just slug it out both going for the finish. We see take downs, knock downs, and submission attempts in this round making it very hard to score. The second round is just as exciting as the first with both going all out trying to end the other. The only thing is Akiyama got the take down and controlled him on the ground for a while. Another close call round with Belcher landing some nice leg kicks, but I see Akiyama taking it. The third and final round is just as insane as the last two turning into more of a boxing match with a few leg kicks thrown in for good measure. Both slug it out with I feel Belcher landing more often but only by a little, Akiyama knocks Belcher down and scores a take down. After three rounds of excellent action Akiyama takes a well earned victory, I think he won as well but if it would have been given to Belcher I would not have been upset. This won fight of the night deservingly earning each fighter 100,000 dollars.5/5

2.JON FITCH VS PAULO THIAGO-on the actual fight night this fight happened after the main event because they did not know if the pay per view time would run out. But here they put it as the second fight, ok I guess but that is not how it really happened. Any way this fight was another good one with the first round being more of a grappling match. Both go for some submissions trying to end the other early, Paulo sinks in a tight guillotine choke early on but Fitch escapes. After a some what close first round the second turns into another grappling match but with Fitch coming out on top. He gets two take downs as well as taking Paulo's back and controlling position. The third round looks just like the second with Fitch not only taking the round but also the fight.4/5

3.DAN HENDERSON VS MICHAEL BISPING-now more than any other fight this was the one I was looking forward to most. I have never been a fan of Michael Bisping especially after his win [really loosing] over Matt Hamill, but I realize that was the judges. But after watching these two coach opposite each other on the 9th season of the Ultimate Fighter called US vs UK. After watching how he really is on that show I knew he was going to get crushed by one of my favorite fighters ever, Team US coach the legendary Dan Henderson. The first round is great with Dan just unloading on Bisping and rocking him early on and dominating in the clinch with some great knees. You can tell as soon as Dan started stalking him and landed on him Bisping said to him self "what have I gotten myself into". Dan takes the round but Bisping does better than I expected, but he was tired at the end of the round. The second round very much looks like the first with Bisping getting a little more into it but he keeps circling to Hendo's power hand. Towards the end of the round Henderson delivers one of the greatest and most devastating knock outs of all time. After Henderson just lays him flat with a monstrous right hand that separates Bisping from his mouthpiece he flies threw the air with a beautiful flying fist/forearm/elbow. Absolutely the greatest KO ever which earned Dan the KO of the night award of 100,000 dollars.5/5

4.GEORGES ST-PIERRE VS THIAGO ALVES-another good fight as the champ [Welterweight] and the number one contender go after it. GSP takes the first round after securing some take downs and some combo's, but Alves is still in the fight looking to take the belt. The second round is all GSP as he takes Alves down and dominates on the ground. Also on a side note notice his corner does not rub on him ala Greasegate. In the third round Alves manages to keep it standing for a while until GSP takes him down. From there GSP dominates once again. In the fourth round GSP dominates on the ground again until Alves makes his way to the top position, from there it is standing, another good round. The final round is more of the same with some stand up but GSP dominating on the ground. A good fight that I wished would have gone the other way but GSP took this one.4/5

5.FRANK MIR VS BROCK LESNAR-this fight was a rematch between these two and was for the undisputed heavyweight championship, both had the belt at this point. In their first fight Mir ended Lesner in the first round by way of knee bar submission. I was pulling for Mir so much in this fight and was looking forward to seeing Brock tap again. The fight starts out much like I thought it would with big Brock taking Mir down and grounding and pounding. At one point he had Mir's head trapped and went to work on it, Mir of course stayed very calm until the round came to an end. The second round proved what Brock's biggest weakness is, his chin. He takes Mir down but lets him up, from there Mir dominates him standing up and rocks him hard [Brock even admitted this after the fight]. He makes a mistake by throwing a flying knee and lands on his back, Brock knows he is hurt and has to end it quick. So he starts throwing bombs while laying on him, even hitting Mir on the back of the head. The ref does not see it so it does not matter and the fight is stopped, Brock Lesnar is the heavyweight champ.4/5

After the fight Brock shows why he is an undeserving champion as far as respect goes, he goes right to Mir and talks trash to him. In this sport after a fight you show respect to your opponent whether you won or lost, Brock has lost all respect from me. On the mic afterwards Brock taunts the crowd, disses the sponsor of the UFC that night, and is over all just disrespectful. Frank on the other hand even in defeat gives all credit to Lesnar even after the trash talk showing the professional that he is. Now with that said I have no respect for Lesnar at all and will never be pulling for him, but with that he accomplished his goal. All that WWE style trash talk has made him a character, one that people including myself will pay money to see loose. So his goal is accomplished in that love or hate him he will draw big money on any card he fights for the UFC.


1.MATT GRICE VS SHANNON GUGERTY-the first fight of the night did not last to long as it does not make it out of the 1st round. Both come out to win this but Gugerty sinks in a tight guillotine and forces Grice to go limp. Grice did not tap but he did not win at the same time, good quick fight.5/5

2.CB DOLLAWAY VS TOM LAWLOR-this fight is between two TUF alumni one from season 7 and the other from 8. This one ends the exact same way as the last one but ends much quicker, very fast guillotine win for Lawlor. Also for those who do not know Lawlor had one of the best entrances ever along with Seth "The Jab" Petruzelli, it involves a dog leash. Also Tom Lawlor got the submission of the night bonus of 100,00 dollars. 5/5

3.DONG HYUN KIM VS TJ GRANT-great first round of grappling for Kim as he controls the round landing some nice shots from the guard. Another great round follows with a little more stand up this time out but it goes back into the grappling. Kim lands more huge elbows from the guard and even gets a tight guillotine. Grant survives the round but looses the round easily and even gets a point taken away. The third round is really good as well with Grant putting up more of a fight this time out. Still the Judo expert Kim controls the round and takes the unanimous victory.4.5/5

4.JON JONES VS JAKE O' BRIEN-excellent first round as both fighters come out swinging in this stand up battle. Both were throwing some great hands as well as Jones landing some nice inside leg kicks, good first round. The second round is great as well with some nice stand up but Jones lands a spinning back elbow and then chokes Jake out. A nice guillotine/darce choke, excellent submission.5/5

5.MAC DANZIG VS JIM MILLER-this one turns bloody pretty fast when Miller takes Danzig down and cuts him open with a well placed elbow. By the end of the first round Danzig is bloodied and behind on the score card. The second round is a little more competitive with Danzig delivering a little more offense, even potentially stealing the round at the end. The third round proves to be the most exciting as both pull out all stops going back and forth, very exciting finish. Miller takes the victory after going to the judges, another great fight.4.5/5

6.MARK COLEMAN VS STEPHAN BONNAR-this was a fight I was really looking forward to, and really was pulling for Bonnar to beat Coleman. Now as a guy that has followed the UFC since the very first one normally I would be pulling for the legend. But I have a dislike for Coleman due to a disgusting display he showcased in Pride FC after a freak accident in a fight against Mauricio "Shogun" Rua. The first round has Coleman shooting immediately and taking Bonnar down, controlling him for a while. But Bonnar goes for submissions putting him in danger, then works his way on top and even cuts him with some elbows. The second round is excellent for both combatants with some back and forth ground and pound, subs, and some great shots. The third round is pretty much Coleman grounding and pounding his way to victory has awarded by the judges.4.5/5

This was a great event but not the best ever over all, but it did have the greatest knock out in history. The special features include one of the best behind the scenes the UFC has put out with some funny moments between Rampage and Dan Henderson. And also the excellent countdown show for UFC 100.

Buy UFC 100 Making History: Lesnar vs. Mir (2009) Now

So I just got UFC100 and the prelims are on the 2nd disc again along with the Countdown show, bonus behind the scenes, and sadly no weigh-ins. All the pre fight montages and post fight Rogan interviews are included as well, though the post fight antics with Brock are slightly edited with him flicking the crowd off and him saying he only drinks Coors Light instead of Bud Light are taken out but other than that its all there. This DVD has great fights on both cards and is a must have for all fans of UFC/MMA.

Read Best Reviews of UFC 100 Making History: Lesnar vs. Mir (2009) Here

My reason for the low rating is not because of the event. The fights on the UFC 100 card were amazing and memorable! The DVD however does an amazing job of taking away some of the most memorable moments. If your a fan of the sport as I am, you probably saw it on PPV or live and know what I am talking about. If not, I will explain. Part of the excitement of a fight is the moments leading up to it between the trash talking,fighters montage,interviews and replays of the knockouts if they occur. The moronic editors decided those moments needed to be edited out! I am specifically referring to moments of the Mir and Lesner fight and his childish yet funny antics that make him such the fighter we all love to hate. I am also referring to the unforgettable and beautiful well deserved knock out of that cry baby who calls himself a fighter, Michael Bisbing executed by Dan Henderson. Lets just say for those who did not see it, revenge never felt sweeter! One of the main reasons I purchased this was for that moment so I can watch in slow motion. If these things do not matter to you then the DVD is straight forward and covers the rest of event. However, for those of you who appreciate the drama, stay away, say your prayers and wait for a directors cut or unedited version to grace us with its presence!

Want UFC 100 Making History: Lesnar vs. Mir (2009) Discount?

(update) I just got the blu-ray version and its a big improvement over the regular ufc 100 dvd.(end update)

With ufc 100 It's evident that some effort was made by zuffa to make ufc 100 memorable. For such a benchmark show it could have been a bit better with more stars and title matches, but for what it "is" its pretty darn good.

The main card was packed with their better athletes, the 3 main events all had some serious heat going in.

The under card could be a main card(for england or germany) in itself. It had a good variety of striking techniques Kim vs Grant Coleman vs Bonnar and Jones vs O'brien are good examples of superior grappling(the last 2 should have been on the main card).

There's a lot of good finishes, but several of the fights went to a decision which happens a lot with evenly matched opponents. As a result some of the fights while good are fairly forgettable(Fitch).

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