Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Seven Pounds (2008)

Seven PoundsYou spend most of this two-hour film wondering "what's the story

regarding the lead character?"

Will Smith, as a low-key "Ben Thomas" will keep you guessing. The last

20-25 minutes is when you find out, and it's a shocker....but you knew

something dramatic was going to be revealed. Until then, Smith, plays

it mysterious, almost stalking people. You know he has a good reason

for doing it, but it's never really explained, once again, to keep us

guessing until the end.

All of it, including a on again/off again but touching romance with

Rosario Dawkins ("Emily Posa") might make some viewers frustrated or

wanting to quit this film.....but don't because the final long segment

puts all the pieces of this puzzle together.

This is a two-hour film and not the typical action-packed macho Will

Smith film. In fact, the most shocking aspect might be seeing the

drawn, sad face of Smith throughout this story. It almost doesn't even

look like him in a number of shots. He looks like he's lost weight and

is sick. Smith does a great job portraying a man carrying around a lot

of sadness.

Like a good movie will often do, this film will leave you thinking long

after the ending credits.

I grew up watching Will Smith on the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, so he's a familiar face that I enjoy seeing. I truly think he's at his best in the drama category. His has such a soothing quality to him that can speak volumes in a couple words or a look. No one else could have played an IRS agent that doesn't immediately get a door slammed in their face.

For once, the plot was not spoiled before I could watch this movie on DVD. Usually you can't help but hear all about it before you see it. So I went into this knowing nothing, and while it's not completely surprising how it unfolds, it works in an amazing way.

For some, they will have a very large, elephant in the room problem with a film that concerns suicide(don't worry, not spoiling for you...this is the opening scene). This is a movie that develops like a symphony, slowly building before you. It will break your heart, but let you see that some people do have the best of intentions. They're willing to sacrifice more then you'd think.

Others have complained its "slow" or "boring". I believe 'seven pounds' is for those who like subtlety and things to think about. They don't give you all the information to figure out the story immediately.

I watched slumdog millionaire right before this, and honestly, thought this was stunningly better and I'm really shocked it wasn't nominated for an oscar. This would have been my personal choice for best film of the year.

Also, as I will always mention finally, some good special features!! I love behind the scenes stuff, or the writers talking about how the story came to them. There is all that and more.

Buy Seven Pounds (2008) Now

Seven Pounds is an outstanding and very UNDER RATED movie. Those who didn't like this movie probably have a limited understanding of what it means to show compassion towards other people. From the special features commentary, that came with the DVD, the movie's concept was mildly based on an actual event. Seven Pounds has to be watched, not from a critical eye as to whether this movie achieved this or that, but, from the point of view of someone who is telling their story and you are the viewer. If you ignore the few negative reviews, and enjoy the movie for the compassionate theme it's portraying, you will have a better appreciation for life that transcends the daily problems we sometimes face. The chemistry between Will Smith and Rosario Dawson was great. The movie flowed well; and, the accompanying music enhanced the essence of the feelings being conveyed. If you haven't seen this movie yet, don't let the trailer (for this movie) mislead you; the movie is not as suspenseful as it is made out to be; Seven Pounds is more about Love and Compassion. I hope you enjoy the movie!!!

Read Best Reviews of Seven Pounds (2008) Here

If you live in the safety of a 6 sided box, preferring to view the world only as you want it be, leave this one on the shelf. Many of the poor reviews are by morally constrained people who refuse to accept that humanity exists beyond their own perceptions. 7 pounds pokes into dark corners that people normally would not willingly consider looking at. Will Smith displayed diversity in a mature roll delivering a strong performance. There are a few typical Hollywood inaccuracies but what story doesn't have them; 90% of viewers wouldn't recognize them anyway.

I gave this movie 5 stars because it was delivered well and challenged me mentally and emotionally.

Want Seven Pounds (2008) Discount?

This movie holds your attention from the opening to the very end. Will Smith is not only a very talented singer-rapper, but he is a top-notch actor. He is able to become each character that he plays, and plays them with a vengence. An unusual movie, with an ending you won't forget.

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