Friday, October 18, 2013

P.S. I Love You (2008)

P.S. I Love YouMarketing P.S. I LOVE YOU was a hit/miss situation. The general trailer and the billboards seem to set the audience up for a sappy tearjerker. But happily what happens in this film is not the expected 'widowed person communicating with the dead love out of failure to get on with life' tale, but instead a look into the importance of friendship, family, and adjusting to the incomparable loss. Credit the original novel by Cecelia Ahern as adapted for the screen by Steven Rogers writer/director Richard LaGravenese for making what so easily have been a sappy, maudlin, whining tale into a touching one of human emotions with a sense of reality mixed with a mildly implausible situation, and a series of character studies that emphasize the importance of support in the time of grief.

Holly (Hilary Swank) and Gerry (Gerard Butler) Kennedy are a married couple with goals and frustrations and a huge dollop of passionate love, surrounded by friends and family. The tragedy happens just as the movie starts: Gerry has died of a brain tumor leaving the copeless Holly alone with her memories and self-inflicted regrets. But Gerry, knowing he was a terminal patient, devised his own plan to help Holly through that first year of grief: he left letters in various forms and places, advising Holly how to learn about his family and how to get on with life. Holly's mother (Kathy Bates) owns a bar and has supported her little family since Holly's father deserted his family years ago. In the bar is another injured soul named Daniel (Harry Connick Jr.) who fancies Holly but realizes she is far from ready to think about dating. Holly's friends Denise (Lisa Kudrow) and Sharon (Gina Gershon) accompany Holly to Gerry's pre-planned trip to his home in Ireland to meet the in-laws Holly never knew. While in Ireland Holly reminisces on the magic of first meeting Gerry, meets Gerry's parents as well as Gerry's best friend William (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and through it all manages to appreciate the gift of PS I Love You letters and reminders Gerry has left for her. And she ultimately finds closure to her loss.

The cast is strong and makes these at times strained characters into lovable people: Hilary Swank has made a successful entrance into the feminine lead role and is balanced to perfection by Butler, Morgan, Connick, Bates, Kudrow and Gershon. They make the implausible plausible and deliver a love story that goes beyond the level of superficial to join the ranks of warm and tender memorable slices of life. It is surprisingly good! Grady Harp, May 08

PS I Love You is a bitersweet love story. It is one of those films which you watch with a tear in your eyes and a wisp of a smile on your face.

Holly Kennedy (Hilary Swank0 has lost her husband (300's Gerald Butler). As she is in mourning over his loss, she recieves letters from her dead husband. From these letters, she starts to break out of her shell of widowhood.

With the help of her Girlfriends (Gina Gersion and Lisa Kudrow) and her mom (Kathy Bates), Holly starts to live again.

It is one of those nice romantic film to share with those you love. It is a throwback to the older 1950's type films where words and images are more important than car chases and curse words.

The Cast blends together so well you could believe this story is true. Swank's Holly is so on the money, you feel her pain and joy

This is not just another chick flix, it is a well done romantic comedy. It will tug on your heart strings..if it does, check with your doctor to make sure you have a working heart.

I only wish there was a director or actor commentary, which there isnt. I would have enjoyed hearing someone insights on how they made this film..but it is not needed with a film this good

Bennet Pomerantz AUDIOWORLD

Buy P.S. I Love You (2008) Now

I saw this movie twice while playing at the theaters and could not wait to purchase it on DVD. My best friend and I laughed and cried and really loved Gerard Butler in this part as well of the rest of the great casts' and funny and touching performances. Another friend saw it too and told the story about overhearing a 20ish male sitting behind her complaining to his girlfriend before the movie started about it being a "chick flick" which my friend overheard and commented back "yeah I guess it probably is a chick flick" At the end of the movie though, the 20ish male leaned forward and said to my friend "That was a great chick flick."

Read Best Reviews of P.S. I Love You (2008) Here

My wife held a gun on me and forced me to watch this romantic comedy. I briefly debated to myself which would hurt more, the movie or the bullet. But within five minutes I was hooked.

This is a beautiful film. It's touching and memorable. What's her name is great as the female lead and that Spartan King dude does a brilliant job of playing a dead guy. This movie has the power to remind men how nice it is to be in love with someone you actually like.

Okay, a lot of guys will notice that this movie is missing the standard quota of murders, explosions, rapes and decapitations. But don't dismiss it fellas, there is still a fine story here.

I highly recommend "PS, I love you." Men, pass on the blood, cars and guns for once and rent this film tonight to watch with your girlfriend or wife. The evening will go well, trust me.

--Guy P. Harrison, author of

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Want P.S. I Love You (2008) Discount?

"I hope

life treats you kind

And I hope

you have all you've dreamed of

And I wish you joy

and happiness

But above all this

I wish you love

And I...

Will always love you"

(Whitney Houston)

Gerry (Gerard Butler) and Holly (Hilary Swank) are married, without children, and are very much in love. Swept off her feet at a tender age by the handsome Irishman, Holly isn't exactly sure what she wants from life, and this leads to petty squabbles and extremely hot making up afterwards.

Before they really get started, the Fates snip Gerry's thread, and Holly is left with a snazzy urn and an empty apartment, which she proceeds to fill with her blue funk.

Her thirtieth birthday brings a big surprise, as it seems that for once, Gerry has made a plan. Gerry's gift goes on giving, and gradually Holly comes to terms with her life, while we, the audience, get to look on with unbridled glee.

Butler is as easy on the eyes as always, and Swank pulls off a difficult role with apparent ease. Lisa Kudrow is a perfect friend, and Kathy Bates proves unsinkable. Other good performances are logged by Gina Gershon and Harry Connick Jnr.

Short Attention Span Summary (SASS):

1. Sometimes even death can't end an undying love

A chick flick, but an extremely watchable one, especially for fans of Gerard Butler.

Amanda Richards, July 6, 2008

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