But for those of us who may have been born after the original release of AH and raised on films like the American Pie trilogy get a new version of Animal House for the new generation with Van Wilder.
Van (Ryan Reynolds) is the virtual definition of a slacker in the college world, having spent seven years attending Coolidge College. He is pretty much the life of the party and he revels in it greatly. It's only until his dad (Matheson) finds out that Van is still in school and places a halt to Van's tuition payment that he realizes that it's time to get his head in the game and find a way to graduate and pay tuition.
A story printed by the school's star reporter Gwen (Tara Reid) causes Van to become a party planner and raise the money for his tuition, along with the help of his closest friend (Teck Holmes of "Real World" fame) and his personal assistant (Kal Penn). When a relationship develops between Van and Gwen, Gwen's pretentious boyfriend Richard tries to put a wedge between them. When Van learns of this, he gets a little revenge in one of the most ingenious and disgusting ways ever devised (trust me, this has the humping a pie thing beaten hands down, no pun intended...)
Van Wilder is pretty hilarious in spots and somewhat disgusting in others, particularly the classic payback Van pulls on Richard and later on when Gwen also gets a little revenge on Richard when she learns a little something that Richard did behind Gwen's back. Also, Penn and Holmes have some gut-busting moments in support and is it nice to see Matheson deciding to continue his association with National Lampoon by bridging the gap between Animal House and Van Wilder.
A word of advice, though: if you have a weak stomach, this is not the movie for you. But if have that type of sense of humor that thinks that letting one rip loudly in public causes you to double over with laughter, then definitely check out Van Wilder.I'll begin with a confession: I was reluctant to watch this film. It was snobbish on my part. A recent interview with Tara Reid in MAXIM portrayed the actress as a shallow ditz, and I doubted that the voluntary suspension of disbelief would succeed in allowing me to see her as serious college student Gwen Pearson. This was the crux of my objection to NATIONAL LAMPOON'S VAN WILDER. My husband cleverly defeated my opposition with the "Yes, but she's a really hot chick" argument, and we bought the DVD. To my surprise, Reid pulls off the act, dropping words like "pander" and phrases like "benevolent agenda" as if they had belonged in her personal vocabulary bank all along.
The writing goes far beyond clever. It's down right poetic, with lines dance on the ear like a butterfly on a buttercup. Take, for example, "That's no bong! That's for my shlong!" Watch out Shakespeare.
Best of all, the movie answers the age-old question: What was Ferris Bueller like in college? Van Wilder (Ryan Reynonds) fits the mold rather closely. He's a philanthropist who knows how to have a good time. He's funny, good looking, and popular with just about everyone. Brilliant ideas like topless tutors and the naked mile run are a-dime-a-dozen with this guy. Most importantly, he gets away with everything. I'm glad I didn't get away with turning my nose up at this delightfully amusing film. So even if you're skeptical, give it a try, and don't neglect to consider that Tara Reid's a really hot chick.
Buy National Lampoon's Van Wilder (Unrated) (2007) Now
This movie is spectacular if crude humor is your thing. Ryan Reynolds must have studied Chevy Chase's character from the National Lampoon's Vacation movies for hours on end. His joke delivery and expressions fit Chase perfectly. If your not into drug and sex jokes, you may not like it. If you are, you'll laugh for an hour and half.Read Best Reviews of National Lampoon's Van Wilder (Unrated) (2007) Here
This was avery funny movie that I enjoyed thoroughly from start to finish.Some of my favorite moments in this film included the eclair-stuffing scene involving the dog and the Phi Delta Kappa Fraternity,the hockey showdown,and when Gwen mixed up the "bloating formula".Want National Lampoon's Van Wilder (Unrated) (2007) Discount?
I know you have heard about the dog scene, and probably will see the movie or avoid it because of that, but forget about it, that was one scene in the movie. The movie in a whole is hillarious and has characters that you either hate or love.This has to be one of the best college movie in years and the best National Lampoons has done in a long time. They created an interesting and very charasmatic character called Van Wilder. A man who has been in college for most of a decade achieving legendary status, but no degree. He handles school like a politician, active in most facets, sports, art, social events, and renowned for his parties. But for some reason is afraid to graduate.
His character is what really drived the movie. He is funny without being mean, intruguing without being far fetched, and interesting to watch. The humor is all over the place, puns, word plays, situational, crude, as well as deadpan. But most importantly it creates a character that you not only laugh at and with, but actually care about. I wish he had gone to the colleges I have been to.
so as stated before, forget about the dog scene, and just watch the movie, you won't regret it.
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