Sunday, October 13, 2013

Mr. Nobody

Mr. Nobody...and I don't understand why. This film is gorgeously made, edited, thought out, the acting is solid, the meaning one's own... I don't know why it hasn't been shown in more countries? It will either become a cult classic or so many people will begin to talk about it that it will be shown in film history classes the world over and then it will receive the merit that it deserves. Seriously, if you want almost two-hours of the most imaginative, seamlessly interwoven, surreal narrative, this is the film to see. It's magical realism meets science fiction meets love story meets Maya Deren. Rent it, it will be worth your view.

And please, spread the word. This a gift too precious to be so unknown.

The idea of multiple universes and how each choice we make can lead to an entirely different life is something that has been brought up a number of times in the realm of science fiction. It has even made its way into movies and television, most notably seen recently in JJ Abrams' Fringe TV series Fringe: The Complete First Season(highly recommended, btw).

This movie doesn't start out simple and lead up to something complex. It plunges you right into the thick of it at the onset. A very peculiar looking doctor with a bizarre "head tattoo" interviews the elderly subject, a man who we then discover is the focus of this movie, in various incarnations. And so, we "begin" our journey into this life of his... there are moments from childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, in a somewhat general progression, but there's also some jumping back and forth. It's a bit confusing at first...

Just try to remember that you can't watch this movie and try to "understand" it all in a conventional way. You simply have to let it flow before you... just take it as it comes. It's the kind of thing where you'll have a sense of what this movie is really about towards the end of it. But "end" is kind of a misnomer here. Your traditional story has a concrete beginning and ending... this has neither. It's more of an experience than a traditional story.

I can't really say too much more about it... however, the key message that is delivered is phenomenal. At least, I found it to be. It's that although you will face tough choices in life, and be very indecisive about what choice or path to take, don't get caught up in that. Make a choice. And even if you begin to feel that the choice you made was the wrong one, think again. There is no wrong choice. Just different ones. AND... we cannot know how the other choices would turn out anyway. The most important thing is to make the most of the choices you HAVE made. Live life to the fullest. Do not lug around regret... for it has no benefit and is usually misguided.

This movie appears to go in and out of stock. As of this update, it's back in stock at a very good price. I highly recommend getting it while you can. :-)

Buy Mr. Nobody Now

Absolutely breathtaking, not so much the special effects, which display every penny spent on this film, but the incredibly involving and emotional life stories of Nemo. It's a long film, so take care of any distractions and settle in, it demands close attention and involvement. I can understand, to some extent, why it wasn't a commercial success in this country, no monsters or super heroes, but the lack of critical recognition is astounding, and speaks volumes about the vacuous nature of our film industry, top to bottom. Don't miss it.

Read Best Reviews of Mr. Nobody Here

It is a mystery to me why this film has not received much attention, because it's one of the best films I have ever seen. It's a beautifully produced, intelligent film about how the choices we make, or don't make, shape our lives.

The soundtrack is perfect and injects some humor to an otherwise serious film. Jared Leto is truly excellent as the main character.

This is film making of the highest quality. If you want something deeper than the usual Hollywood fare, watch this.

Want Mr. Nobody Discount?

I'd give the theatrical version a 5 star rating.

If you loved the theatrical (or you-tube) version, this one might leave you a little unsettled. The first version I saw had me seeking out the dvd immediately.

Jared Leto gives a powerful performance; and Rhys, before his amazing performance in Anonymous, shows the promise within him. One of the extras is a tour & performance piece by Rhys.

One of the deleted scenes is one I'd have put in! I just don't understand the need for Nemo peeing his pants so often & having it shoved in our faces. It somehow changes the tone of the film.

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