Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Mission Impossible III (2-Disc Collector's Edition) (2006)

Mission Impossible IIII heard nothing but good things about this movie, so I rented it the first day it was available recently.....and I wasn't disappointed. Oh, it does have a bit too much action and a few politically-correct annoyances but neither are much and overall the movie is a lot of fun to watch.

The action scenes are not only interesting; they're spectacular at times. Overall, the photography is slick. It's a good visual movie. Not only the cinematography, but the director did a nice job with many of these shots. The version doesn't have all the gimmicks the first Misssion Impossible film, but it certainly has the best action scenes. The action is improbable as Cruise's "Ethan Hunt" would have to be Superman to perform the stunts and acrobatics he does here. (I would never claim this movie is credible, or even "intelligent" just escapist fun.)

Just put your brains on hold, and go along for the wild ride.

Not very often do the studios come up with a 3rd installment of a film that surpasses it's predecessors. I felt that this was one of those rare cases. I was one of the minority who was not blown away by the first MI. I was even more dissappointed by the second MI. The second one was nothing but a "Cruise love-in". God forbid that they shot a single second of footage that didn't include Tom.

With these memories, I avoided this 3rd MI film. Well, today I had the day off and it was on Pay channels. I sat down and was prepared to be underwhelmed. I was pleasantly surprised. The film again relies heavily on Cruise. But, this time the story is greatly improved by the presence of Lawrence Fishburne and Philip Seymour Hoffman. Back again is the tremendous Ving Rhames. All these characters make for a compelling story. There is also the presence of the nifty gadgets and urgency we expect from MI films.

Overall I found the entire film to be much more enjoyable than the previous MI's and would recommend it to anyone.

Buy Mission Impossible III (2-Disc Collector's Edition) (2006) Now

The reason for the success of MI I and MI II, for this viewer, was the sophisticated, scientific devices and plans used to manipulate evil by good. It was always a pleasure to watch the superior minds win. But somehow MI III seems far more interested in pyrotechniques and mass explosions and derring-do than for smart ideas and for that reason it seems less successful but then that may be the result of watching it on the home television instead of the vast spaces of a theatrical screen.

The story is negligibly the same as usual: impossible villain is superceded finally by Ethan Hunt. The role still fits Tom Cruise well, if a bit repetitious, but the strong point of this third installment is the supporting cast. We have the pleasure of Philip Seymour Hoffman's acting gifts as the arch villain, and the added pleasure of fine actors like Billy Crudup, Ving Rhames, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Laurence Fishburne and the beauty of Michelle Monaghan, Keri Russell, and Maggie Q. And when they are not all covered by fire and broken glass and whirling helicopters and collapsing bridges etc they do make us notice them.

Not a movie for those who prefer intelligent scripts, but for an evening's diversion it is entertaining, Grady Harp, October 06

Read Best Reviews of Mission Impossible III (2-Disc Collector's Edition) (2006) Here

I won't review the movie since it's not all that helpful. Instead, I will comment on the blu-ray version which is superb overall. The picture quality and sound are both very impressive. Playing it on my PS3, the color is very clear and contrast on my LCD TV is nearly flawless. There were a couple scenes where I noticed very slight pixelation but it was very brief. Audio is handled extremely well with good separation between dialog and low-frequency bass for the "boom" effect. All in all, I was quite impressed with this blu-ray version and I would rank it in the top 5 BD movies I own. Highly recommended!

Want Mission Impossible III (2-Disc Collector's Edition) (2006) Discount?

"Mission Impossible III" is a definitive summer popcorn movie. It's got amazing special effects, outlandish stunts, handsome heroes and gorgeous heroines, and a plot that is as thin as tissue paper. All in all, a perfect afternoon's escape from the summer heat.

If you are looking for a complex plot out of a Le Carre novel, you'll be disappointed in this movie, but then you knew that, didn't you? Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) tries to save the planet and his wife (Michelle Monaghan, from "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang," a much wittier film) from the evil Owen Davian (Phillip Seymour Hoffman, cashing in on his best actor Oscar from "Truman"). Davian is some kind of evil gun runner who sells weapons of mass destruction to Bad Guys, and he and Hunt are fighting over the Rabbit's Foot, an undescribed weapon with unimaginable destructive power that also conveniently fits into a small briefcase. Alfred Hitchcock would call this the "MacGuffin."

This "plot" is an excuse to string together some incredibly clever and outlandish "ops" for the Mission Impossible Team. From an early scene where Hunt and his team rescue a captured MI member to a kidnapping in the Vatican to some highwire escapades in Shanghai, Hunt and his gang offer visual thrills galore.

Leave your disbelief at the door, don't try to figure out the physics or the logic, and just have a good time watching attractive people do unimaginably spectacular things. (And try to forget that Tom Cruise is, you know, insane.)

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