Buy Hollywood Homicide / Hudson Hawk (Double Feature) (1991) Now
This is a good Blu-Ray Transfer I loved Hollywood Homicide very funny film that gets so much hate from people it's sad. This is not a terrible film I've seen a lot worse. This was just a fun film that both Harrison Ford & Josh Hartnet enjoyed doing. As for Hudson Hawk that was a very bad Bruce Willis film I mean damn. Get this simply for Hollywood Homicide.Read Best Reviews of Hollywood Homicide / Hudson Hawk (Double Feature) (1991) Here
this arrived 5/4/2013. i could hardly contain my self.after tea i settled down.which to watch first.i settled for hollywood homicide...harrison ford it's been a long time but after a slowish start with them both developing their persona's the movie started to take off.going at a fair clip of knot's chasing bad cops.gangsters. killers.until the madcap chase at the end,i was quiet breathlessbut really enjoyed the journey well worth a visit. NOW FOR SOMETHING ELSE hudson hawk bruce willis this is black comedy at is best ably assisted by a hoard of stars danny aiello.andie macdowell (beautiful)richard e grant.sandra bernhard james coburn and a appearance by caruso.from the moment bruce steps in front of the camera its his movie to the end.with help from all of the above
they played it to the hilt. absolutely non stop.there was swearing (a lot) but the film was so outlandish it didn't matter (no little ones)
a good double but im glad i saved bruce for the second choice if you haven't seen it where you been 5 stars
Want Hollywood Homicide / Hudson Hawk (Double Feature) (1991) Discount?
This is a blu-ray two-fer of action/comedies from the folks at Mill Creek.I really enjoyed both Hudson Hawk and Hollywood Homicide, but I enjoyed Hudson Hawk with Brice Willis more.
But Hollywood Homicide with Harrison Ford was fun as well.
The PQ and AQ are great with this release, both are in thier correct aspect ratios.
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