Thursday, September 12, 2013

Yes Man (2008)

Yes ManCarl Allen (Jim Carrey) is a lonely guy. Carl is a loan officer who is real low on life and down in the dumps because of a break up. One day Carl heeds the advice of an old friend and goes to a self-help seminar. The motto "Yes is the new no!" If the movie's title is any indicator, you know what happens for the rest of the film. He says yes to anything and everything, even an extremely generous granny.

Not very often a comedy comes out with a message worth listening to. "Yes Man" provides just that and exposes the audience to the powers of positive thinking. The movie itself is a montage of Carl saying yes to everything; Carl says yes to learning to speak Korean, Carl says yes to costume party invites from his boss, Carl says yes to flying lessons, and yes to a bar fight, which was one of the funniest scenes of Carl's acceptance journey. Eventually, Carl's yes-ery leads to a new love interest named Allison (Zooey Deschanel) and a promotion at work. And despite all the positive outcomes, Carl learns that saying yes doesn't always necessarily take you in the right direction.

"Yes Man" is a lot of fun to watch. Carrey is on top of his game and is still as funny as always. To answer any questions: Yes the movie is funny. Yes it's worth going to see. And yes you'll enjoy it.

This review is simply about the product purchased directly from Amazon and not about the movie itself.

The product title that I am reviewing is: "Yes Man (Two-Disc Special Edition)" and the current image of the DVD cover states that this is a "Two-Disc Digital Copy Special Edition". This however, is incorrect. This product only contains one disc and no longer features the second disc, containing a digital copy. According to the back cover image, the second disc was only available through "April 06, 2010". Personally, I don't really care about having the digital copy, but I thought future Amazon customers should be aware.

Buy Yes Man (2008) Now

This movie is based on the real life experience of a British comic named Danny Wallace who spent a year saying "yes" to everything for better or for worse...or for stranger. In the film, Jim Carrey plays an emotionally closed down man who has fallen into the habit of saying no to everything, until he's convinced by a cheesy self-help guru to make a "covenant" with life to say yes to everything.

One might expect the movie to be something really zany given Jim Carrey's typical brand of humor (which I felt smothered the humor in a similar film he was in years back called "Liar, Liar), but for the most part I thought it was a little more serious than the point where when it did veer into craziness, that seemed a bit out of place and contrived. I finished watching this thinking that it might have been interesting if the story had played it completely straight and shown both the good and the bad resulting from living one's life as a "yes man." That's because I discovered about five years ago when I watched Carrey give the best performance of his career in "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" he can do "serious" leavened with a touch of humor as well as if not better than his manic shtick.

The best scenes in the movie are those with Carrey and his co-star, Zooey Deschanel. She plays a much more likable character here than the enigmatic Summer Finn in the more recent "500 Days of Summer." Despite the fact that Jim Carrey is about 15 years older than her, I could believe them as a couple and more to the point I liked them as a couple.

So my verdict on "Yes Man" is a guarded "maybe."

Read Best Reviews of Yes Man (2008) Here

So you've read the other reviews know about the plot yes? No pun intended! To give you my take I felt this movie was brilliant and totally unexpected no overacting on Jim Carrey's part no crazy antics (well other than the Ducati scene!) just a good hearted movie with great music. Zooey Deschanel how can you not fall in love with this girl? Get the soundtrack with her singing Yes Man the title track to the movie very cool. Zooey is going to be a major Hollywood star and what's cool about that is she is so grounded can't wait to see her next film!

Want Yes Man (2008) Discount?

Wonderful movie, my boyfriend and I laughed all the way through it. Its got a lot for everyone (save maybe not the kiddies till they are older) but I loved it. Normally, Jim Carey's over the top humor is a bit too much for me, but it fit this movie really well. You need to go over the top when you've been stifling yourself your whole life. and Zooey Dechanel was spot on when she said "We know it as kids, but we forget" Zooey and Jim have great chemistry in this movie =) I would rank this as one of my favorites, along with Stranger Than Fiction. A must see for anyone whos tired of life slipping by them.

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