Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Legend of Zorro (2005)

The Legend of ZorroThis movie gets high marks from me in the "PG" category. It can not truly be compared to 1998's Mask of Zorro, even though the characters are reprising their roles, because the original was a significantly darker "PG-13." Don't go with expectations that it will match the original.

When we revisit Don Alejandro de la Vega (aka Zorro, played by Antonio Banderas) and his charming wife Elena (played by Catherine Zeta-Jones), ten years have passed since the original movie, and their son is a major player in their lives (he is masterfully and comically played by the young Adrian Alonso). As married life as gone on, Elena has continually urged Alejandro to give up his secret life as Zorro, but he keeps feeling the tug of his people. The two quarrel and separate, leading to separate lives amongst some major political upheaval and the arrival of a strange Frenchman who seems to have his own plans for the homeland. There are a few stretches in the plot, but nothing too outrageous for an action/comedy, and there is plenty of witty banter and sight gags to make up for it. (Of course, any history buff will find the plot laughable, but it's for entertainment, okay?) Elena gets to do some excellent fighting and espionage-types scenes in this plot, really coming in to her own.

As my review title states, this is a family movie. The darkest moments are Alejandro's sad drunken sloven days. Again and again, the values of family, fighting fair, not shooting anyone in the back, doing well in school, etc. are reinforced, but not in a preachy way. The young son of Zorro is quite a troublemaker in school, and he learns a lot about "doing the right thing" throughout the movie, much to the comic delight of the audience. See this with a younger audience and know that you are getting some good action/adventure, packed with comedy and romance, without anything vulgar. If you like darker entertainment, avoid this sequel.

I have no faith in sequels. All I have to do is think about "The Lost World", "Back to the Future 2", and "The Temple of Doom" to reassure me that I can spend my time and money more wisely. However, when the special edition of the original movie comes packed with a FREE ticket... can you really go wrong?

The ''Legend of Zorro'' retains a lot of the energy, humor, and style from the first movie and that is more than enough to actually carry the film. I was worried going in to this that without Anthony Hopkins, the movie wouldn't have an anchor. I'm glad to report that Hopkins, while he is missed, is not an essential part of this new Zorro Universe and that is key.

The villians and story are "just good enough" to make sure this boat stays afloat while Banderas and Zeta-Jones do all the rowing. I'm sorry, but if you give this movie 1 star and are so bitter about it, you really must have a heavy heart... it's a fun-popcorn-movie!!

I did have my share of misgivings I hope can be righted in the next film.

Firstly, the balance of the cast is so good at general hand to hand combat [ie; children, women, peasants] that it does seem to undercut the heroic acts of Zorro. While viewing this one starts to get the idea that if ANY of the people in this film were wearing the mask, they too could be Zorro!!

Secondly, while I had a great time with the action scenes featuring Zorro, there were actually too few of them and again, the ones that were here were laced with other people kicking-butt.

Lastly, the writers seemed to try a bit too hard with the family dynamic. While on the one hand I can see them broadening the characters but on the other, it came off stiff and sometimes hollow.

Still, I cannot say this was a dissappointment. Zorro is a fantastic character and the Banderas-Jones one/two punch hopefully can live on through at least a few more movies... that is as long as they retain the direction of Martin Campbell and the reworked scores of James Horner.

Buy The Legend of Zorro (2005) Now

While it's not better than original. I found it to be a great sequel. What I enjoyed most that it wasn't predictable. It has a lot of suspense as well as drama. The movie starts with Elena and Alejandro divorcing as well his troubled relationship with his son Joaquin. Will it work out! Buy the DVD. Also the Special Features are great as well especially the behind the scenes footage.

Read Best Reviews of The Legend of Zorro (2005) Here

I am of the belief that any movie starring Antonio Banderas with a sword is proabbly going to be better than most movies that don't star Antonio Banderas with a sword (or a guitar case full of guns for that matter). It is with this notion in mind that "The Legend of Zorro" is a fun film. The action is very well choreographed and very enjoyable. Zorro's stunts are breathtaking and far superior to the stunts and swordplay in the very enjoyable "Mask of Zorro" film. I would even go so far as to say that the majority of the plot in "Legend of Zorro" is also superior to the storyline that takes place in Antonio's first turn as the masked, Zorro.

The sole reason for this film's 3 star rating is Catherine Zeta-Jones. Actually, that isn't even her fault. Catherine's character, Elena, is absolutely repulsive in this movie. She is whiney, she is rude, she is darn-near unbelievably difficult to tolerate. For lack of a better word, she is absolutely a gigantic b****. In spite of Elena's best attempts to make this movie no fun at all, Antonio's performance as Zorro and as a father are way fun and very enjoyable.

Buy this movie only if you are a total completist (as I am) and feel the need to own it simply because you own the first. Otherwise, this movie is probably not worth much more than a one-night rental, and it's honestly all Elena's fault.

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I saw this film in Imax the weekend it first came out, and I have to say, it is as every bit as entertaining as the first film: THE MASK OF ZORRO. I do believe everyone from the original, including the director, came back for this second installment. Thankfully.

The film has all the elements of the previous Zorro film which made it successful, swashbuckling action, humor, romance and family. The only thing lacking is the tragedies that was in MASK OF ZORRO.

This time around, Alejandro dela Vega and Elena are having marital problems. Elena wishes that her husband retire from his swashbuckling ways and give more time to their son, Joaquin. As usual, forces beyond their control leave Alejandro no choice but to continue as the masked one. Even Elena fell into the trap of fate when she is forced to go undercover for the (SPOILER ALERT)u.s. secret service to investigate a french nobleman who has been wooed by her beaty in the past. She is forced to divorce Alejandro to protect him.

The people of California is also holding elections to become a state of the United States which a cult plans on stopping. The movie is like a period James Bond flick/family film. Young Joaquin has no idea that his father is in fact Zorro which is why he had grown more and more distant towards his sire.

The action is terrific! The sword fights are amazing and well-choreographed, and the script itself is not flawless but quite fitting to the movie. The train scene is the highlight of the film and builds up to its climax. I give this 3 1/2 stars or a weak 4 stars because I think the original movie is a strong 4 stars. In THE MASK OF ZORRO, the stakes were more personal.

To sum things up, it is a very enjoyable movie that's worth a second look. It is very entertaining, I only wish it came out sooner as a follow up sequel. I think this is the only reason it didn't do as good as the MASK OF ZORRO in the box-office. The first one was a box-office smash, I believed it came up short because it was too late. There are only a few franchises that can go over 4 years for a follow up sequel and still be a blockbuster: naming a feW FRANCHISES: ALIEN, TERMINATOR, and they're all sci-fi flicks.

All in all, THE LEGEND OF ZORRO is solid entertainment. I'm adding this one to my huge collection.

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